005 school

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I walked up to the school. Hazel ran behind my legs. I moved her from behind me "don't be shy now you have been talking the whole way up here", I said smiling. A teacher walked up to me "do you need help" she said looking at Hazel. "Yes", I said moving Hazel infront of me. "I'm what teacher does she have", I asked. "Mrs. Danner", I said looking at my phone. "103 follow me", she said walking to 103. Hen we arrived a old lady with brown hair and glasses came out the room. "Hi", she said looking at me then at Hazel. "Hi uh this is Hazel she will be in our class", I smiled looking at Hazel. "Of course hi Hazel", she said getting on Hazel's level. Hazel his behind me. "Aww she's so sweet and quite I'm glad", she said standing back up. "Oh well Hazel follow me", she said showing a full smile. Hazel didn't move. "It's okay, mommy will be back soon", I said getting on her level and adjusting her backpack. "I don't wanna go", Hazel whispered. "It's okay you will make friends then you will want to go everyday", I said smiling. She shook her head. I laughed "okay enough playing go in there", I said smiling and putting her in the room. I waved and she just watched me leave.

Well Travion threw a fit. Because he didn't want me to leave. His room is 104 and so is Jayce... I wonder if that will work out. But when I got home Airi wasn't home yet and neither was Tray so I just sat in the front room watching TV. I was so bored so I decided to text them.

Me: When y'all comin back home?🤙🏽

Airi❤️: I just dropped off Hazel...

Me: did she throw a fit?

Airi❤️: naw😂

Me: well Travion did🤦🏾‍♂️😂smh

Airi❤️: he wanted his mommy 🙋🏽‍♀️😂❤️

Me: no, he didn't want me to leave🤪

Tray⭐️: Hey can y'all can talk off a group chat🤨😡

Me: okay bro🤷🏽‍♂️

Tray was acting like he was mad or woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Me: Tray bring some tacos back I'm hungry...

Tray: Alright now stop texting me👌🏾

I went to the kitchen someone knocked on the door. I opened it and it was.... Lai. I thought it was goin to be Airi. "What you want", I said standing by the door. "I was looking for Tray but I guess he ain't here", she said looking me up and down. "You lookin edible today"she said smiling. "Naw I'm a brother to you don't call me edible", I said shaking my head. "You was lookin for tray and he ain't here", I said shutting the door.  "What's taking Airi so long", I thought. I heard a knock on the door again. "Lai", I thought.

There was so much traffic and I was so happy I was going home. Then beside me I saw Tray. He honked the horn and smiled. I smiled back. "Wanna go eat", he said raising down his window. "Yea I'm hungry", I said. "Tacos", he shrugged. "Yea", I nodded. We went to the drive thru. "You think gilly want some", I asked. "Naw he already ate", Tray said looking away. "Okay", I said. I got 2 tacos and went to the house.

I heard the door rattling. In came Airi. "Airi", I said smiling. "Gilly", she said hugging me and putting her food down. Tray walked in too with some more food. "Thank y'all for picking me up some food", I said looking through the bag. Airi looked confused. "Oh bro I forgot", Tray said sarcastically. "I told y'all I was hungry", I said pointing at tray. "You ain't tell me nothin", Airi said putting her hands up. Tray laughed. "Gilly you can have some of my food", Airi said shrugging. "I only got two tacos tho", she shrugged again. "Naw it's okay I'll get some noodles", I said squinting my eyes at Tray. All we did was watch movies all day. It was so boring without the kids.

Time to get the kids. I walked out and got in the car Airi went with me. I drove to the car rider side. I showed a sign that read Travion and Hazel first and last name on it to the lady. She went in the around looking for them. And my song came on. "Girl wassup let me know cause I know you got yo phone", I sang. Then I saw Airi was on her phone looking at Instagram. I took it from her. "Ok the gram all day, you've been tweeting, snap-chatting", I said smiling and keeping her phone out of her reach. "Christopher Deandre Gills if you don't give me my phone", she said trying not to smile. "I just gotta ask you do you notice me", I said smiling and going in for a kiss. She smiled and grabbed my head and kissed me then grabbed her phone and kissed me more. Then the lady knocked on our window. She awkwardly smiled then Hazel and Travion got in the car. "How was y'all day", I said smiling. "Not good", pouted Hazel. "I wanted a pink bear and they gave me blue", she said looking out the window. "I had a good day cause they gave me popcorn because I knew my ABC's", Travion said taking off his huge backpack. Airi smiled. "So you're mad because of a color bear they gave you", Airi said looking behind her. "Not anymore because I'm going home and I don't have to go there again", she said smiling. Airi turned around and giggled. "You're going to have to go to school everyday", I said driving off. Hazel looked at me like I had two heads. "No no no I don't wanna go", as said crying. "You have so much more years to go", I said smiling. "It's okay baby", Airi said looking behind her. "Wanna go to the park", Airi said looking at Travion then Hazel. Hazel stopped crying immediately "I wanna go" she smiled.

Okay y'all finally a update now I gotta do some homework🤪😭

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