It's Complicated.

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I don't know when I realized what was happening to me. Maybe I began to notice something was up when I started getting all nervous around him, and butterflys started visiting me every time he was near. Or when I couldn't sleep at night, because all I would be thinking about was him; wondering which girl was in his room on that particular night, and then when I was suddenly wishing I was them.

I also don't know why I love him so much. Maybe it's how sweet he is to me, or him telling me that he favors me out of my older brother and I. Or how he's so over-protective that sometimes it's annoying - even if it is beyond cute. Or how he always puts me before others; even his mates. Maybe it's just because he was there for me at a rough time; through both mom and dad's deaths.

But there's another side of him, a side that infuriates me. Of course, I'm never sure whether or not it's because he's using girls, or just because of my jealousy. Either reason, his ways are wrong and I don't like it. He can also be agitating and annoying, and he's very dominant; everything has to go his way, or none at all. He also thinks he's always right. But everyone has pros and cons, right?

My name is Anameika, and I'm in love with my twin brother.

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