It's Complicated 12

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He turns his head slightly, showing me that I have his attention.

"What's the matter, Anna?" He sounds curious.

"Nothing," I shrug. "What are you doing?"

He laughs. "Sitting on the couch?"

I blush at my stupidity. "Right."

He shakes his head. "Silly little sister."

I ignore him. "Do you want to go for a swim?"

He thinks about it for a moment. "Sure. Where's Danny?" His voice is accusing. I'm taken aback for a moment.

"I-How am I suppose to know?"

"He's your brother." He shrugs.

I glare. "He's your brother, too."

"Yes, but he's your twin."

I frown. He always wins.

"I'll meet you in the pool. I need to change into bathers."

I nod and he leaps off the couch. I sigh, leaning my head back on the couch top.

Tommy seems to take his time. Three minutes, seven minutes, ten minutes, still no Tommy.

I close my eyes. It's been a long day.

Danny's P.O.V

I tare my eyes away from Meiky and head for the stairs. As I'm walking up, Tommy's walking down.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Tommy looks up from the floor and his attention turns to me. He grins. "Going for a swim with Anameika. And you?"

Despite the frown, I roll my eyes. I hate when he does things like this.

"Oh," I frown. "Well Meiky's fallen asleep on you." I lie.

He raises his eyebrows, smirking at me. "Really?"

I nod.

"Well then you won't mind me seeing so for myself."

He pushes past me and makes his way towards the lounge. I curse under my breath, following after him anyway.

"Oh. I thought you were lieing. Oh well," Tommy shrugs and turns to face me. "Want to swim instead?"

My eyes widen when I realize Meiky really did fall asleep. I'd been lieing. I didn't want them to swim alone.

"Yeah, alright."

I shake my head, trying to rid of my ridiculous jealousy.

While we head out the back I pull my shirt off. Thankfully I'm wearing my trunks.

Tommy dives in and I wait for him to resurface. When he does I jump in front of him. He hates when I bomb him.

He splashes me. "Idiot!"

I laugh, splashing him back.

"Have you found a job yet?"

He sighs. "Nah, man. I don't know where to go." He goes under the water for only a second. "I don't fancy being a waiter."

I shrug as I run my hands through my hair. "Maybe that'll have to do for now. Weren't you once interested in being a chef?"

"I still am," He mutters.

"Well maybe that's the next step up from waitering." I suggest. "Tell them what you want to do, and I'm sure when they see your work ethics, then they'll promote you.

He swims over to me and tousles my hair. "Good ideas, little brother."

I glare and he grins. 

"What are you doing tonight?" I ask. 

He looks at me curiously. "Nothing, I dont think. Why?"

I go under the water and fix my hair. When I come back up I float.

"Anameika and I are going out."

He laughs. "Where to?"

"None of your business." I laugh too. "I know you. You'll tell her, and it's suppose to be a surprise."

He pushes me under the water and I have no time to take a breath. He holds me under for a few seconds before letting me back up. I gasp for oxygen.

"Far out, Tommy! Do you want to kill me?"

He shrugs sheepishly and I sigh.

"I guess this means war."

Anameika's P.O.V

I wake up to Tommy and Danny screaming.

I groan while standing and stretching. From across the lounge room, the mirror shows me my messy bedhair. I sigh, running a hand through it.

I can't believe I fell asleep. I'd been planning to have a talk with Tommy, to try and find out his thoughts on different things. But I'll have to wait for another time now.

I slowly make my way out the back. I think it'd be a good idea to fix myself up. But I can't be bothered, and so I continue on.

Typical of my brothers to be drowning each other.

"Tommy, Danny." I sigh.

Danny's head whips around immediately. His eyes light up and he grins.

But Tommy takes this to his advantage. While Daniel's distracted he goes for the attack and pulls his legs, dragging him under the water.

My heart beat picks up as Tommy leans on his head, not letting him up.

"Tommy!" Tears fight their way to my eyes. "Let him up! He can't breathe!"

Tommy rolls his eyes but nonetheless let's Danny up. When he reaches the surface he gasps in a big take of air.

I quickly wipe my tears away with the back of my hand. I run to the side of the pool where Danny is.

"Are you okay?"

He looks up at me a gives me a lopsided grin. "Of course. I'm fine."

Tommy chuckles and my attention turns to him. I glare.

"You're an idiot. What if something had happened? What if I hadn't have told you to let him up?"

Daniel pulls himself out of the pool.

"He could have drowned! He would be dead!"

I don't realize I'm crying until Daniel's in front of me, wiping away the tears.

"Anameika. I'm alright. I'm here and I'm alive, and most importantly, in ready for tonight." He smiles.

I blush, again scrubbing at my face with my hand. "Okay."

"So if tonight you're both bonding on what you call a sibling night, then why wasn't I invited? I mean, I am a sibling too." Tommy questions, yet again accusing.

Daniel grins, and with a small smile aimed at me, says, "It's a twin thing."

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