It's Complicated

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"Who do you think it is?" I ask Katie, my anger getting the best of me as I pull on a strand of my hair. "I mean, barely 48 hours and somebody already knows?"

"I don't know," She mutters thoughtfully.

"I've only attended that school twice. Twice, Katie!"

"I know, Anna," She sighs and throws herself back on the bed. Her dark hair cascades around her. "Just calm down."

"I've only given my number to you!"

"Do you think I had something to do with it?" She asks suddenly, her eyes piercing into mine.

"Of course not, Katie, I'm just saying!" I groan and fall beside her, looking at her starry roof. "The only people that know are you three."

"And..." She sits up, looking at me in horror. I follow in suit.


"And Amber..."

"No," I tell her immediately, falling back again. "It wouldn't have been Amber."

"How do you know?" Katie looks unconvinced.

"She was... I just mean that she took it so well, you know?"

She shakes her head dejectedly. "That can't stand for anything."

"Katie! Anna!" Angie calls from downstairs. "The boys are here, dinner!"

As we take our time descending the stairs Katie asks me if Danny knows about the text message.

"Nah," I sigh. "I'm too scared to tell him in case he backs off."

"Anna you have to tell him,"

"Tell who what?" Daniel's sudden appearance erupts a noise of surprise from both of us. His gaze moves from Kaitie to me, his eyebrow raising.

"Nothing," I mutter and quickly brush past him.

"She'll tell you later."

No I won't, I argue silently. I seat myself beside Tommy and take a slice of bread. I glare at him when he slaps my hand away.

"It's okay," Angie laughs. "We don't say grace."

"In that case," Tommy grabs three pieces of bread and quickly dips them in his bowl of spaghetti before shoving all of it in his mouth. A noise of disgust escapes before I can stop myself.

"Well I guess it's good then," Katie giggles.

"It is,"

"Anyway girls, and Danny, how's school?" Angie changes the subject and looks towards Katie and I.

"Um..." I trail off awkwardly.

"It's okay," Katie shrugs. "I mean both of them have settled in easily, and it helps that all of us share the majority of classes."

"Good," Ange grins before glancing between Danny and I. "Made any other friends?"

"Not really," I admit. "Katie's friends are really nice and we've been sticking with them the last couple of days,"

"Yeah they're decent kids, always happy and caring," Angie smiles and it's obvious that she's fond of her daughter's friends. "And not to mention they're a serious laugh when they're around,"

Dinner is over within another ten minutes and we all disperse after the dishes are done.

"Come down in twenty and we'll watch a movie!" Tommy calls to Katie and I as we race back upstairs towards her room. "And leave that door open! God knows what girls get up to these days..."

Katie bites her lip. "Your brother is so adorable,"

"Um," I unintentionally grimace. "Ew,"

"It isn't 'ew'!" She exclaims before a dreamy look crosses her face. "I mean the way he eats, and the way he gets so protective over you sometimes, and don't even get me started on his looks-"

"Okay, okay!" I quickly interrupt her and push her off of the bed and onto the floor. "That's honestly enough,"

"It would be okay if I was talking about Danny!" She scoffs. "Speaking of Danny, did you notice he was really quiet during dinner?"

"Mm," I agree. "I thought I was the only one to think so."

"Nah, something was bothering him."

"What am I going to do about this text message?" I cry in frustration after a couple of minutes of silence.

"I don't know," She admits. "I mean, I'm guessing it's not a familiar number?"

"No," I roll my eyes.

I watch in fascination as she manages to shove eight pretzels into her mouth. "Well have you called it?"

I'm such an idiot! Suddenly butterflies erupt in my tummy at the prospect of talking to the person. I never thought to ring the number!

"I'm guessing not?" Katie laughs wholeheartedly, and for the first time since I received the text message I smile slightly.

"Whoops," I pull out my phone and go to my call log, getting the number up. My finger hovers over it as I hesitate.

"Is your number on blocked?"


"Then do it!" Katie demands and pushes my finger down onto the number and presses the loudspeaker button.

The butterflies feel like they're having a drunken raged party in my stomach as the call continues to ring out. Finally, it went to the answering machine and a man's voice could be heard. 'Hi you've reached Steven, sorry I can't get to the phone right now but if you leave your name and your number and press the hash, I'll be sure to call you back. Bye.'

"Steven? Who's that?"

"Um," I shake my head in disbelief. "Tommy's friend..."

"Tommy's friend?!" Her face is outraged. "Tommy wouldn't have shitty friends!"

"Tommy's friend is a scientist, and he lives in a completely different state!" I explain in confusion. "Why and how the hell would he know or care for my 'secret'?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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