It's Complicated 1

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"I don't understand why we have to move!" I start on him again as we continue packing boxes.

"Anna," Tommy warns me, but I continue.

"I mean, I have friends here," I stop what I'm doing and frown. "And we have uncle Barry, Aunty Liz and all our cousins here!"

Tommy sighs. "Look-"

I interrupt him. "I just don't get you sometimes, Tommy."

Tommy's hair sticks up, matted in sweat from packing all day long. His brown eyes glare at me with annoyance.

Two nights ago Tommy had told my brother and I that he'd decided we were to move from New York to California. Away from our family and all our friends, and away from our childhood memories that we spent here with my parents.

He pauses taping up the box and instead scolds me. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm just ready for a change." He moves on with his boxes. "And well... I just think it will be good for us."

Finishing, he stands up. I do the same.

"And besides," He continues while running a hand through his hair. "You've been to Cali before, and you loved it."

Sure, I did go to California and I did love it. Now thinking about it, I remember telling mom once that I'd enjoy living there in the heat, instead of rotting in New York weather. But that was when my family was still a family, not with just us three. I'd have no one to talk to. Of course there's Danny, who I can always rely on, but it's not the same. He can never fill the place as my mom.

"Whatever then," I mutter, knowing he'll win no matter what. Him being my legal guardian means he gets the last say. "But I hope you know I'm not happy about this." I storm out of the lounge and down the hallway. Thomas always gets me in a bad mood.

I groan in frustration when I see an empty bedroom. "Tommy!"

Just because I don't get along with Tommy as much as I do with Danny, it doesn't mean he doesn't care. He's here in a heartbeat when I need him.

"What is it?" He asks, his breathing slightly faster than normal.

"Well," I coat my words with sarcasm. "In case you can't see for yourself, I have no bed to sleep in."

"I guess you can sleep with-"

"Nah," We both turn to see Danny.

Daniel's beautiful, he really is. His black hair is always messy, in a way that suits him completely. He can't help it when it runs into his eyes. His bright green eyes are always lit up, even when he's sad. His high cheekbones complement his face further, along with with his straight nose. And don't even get me started on his lips. His perfect, ful-

"She can sleep in my bed," Danny's voice interrupts my thoughts. "You kick."

Tommy shrugs. "Fine by me. She snores anyway. I was going to pack your bed up tonight too, but Aunty Liz and Uncle Barry will do it in time for the moves tomorrow."

"I do not snore," I call out to him as he walks away. "Such a liar, he is."

When I look back at Danny my heart starts beating faster.

"I know," He grins. "I'm a lifesaver. No need to mention it."

I simply nod.

"Common, let's sleep." He turns, motioning for me to follow him. "We have to be up at five in the morning."

"Wait," I tell him before sighing and making my way back to Tommy.

He gives me an impatient look. "What now?"

"What do you suggest I sleep in?"

He sighs. "Go find something in my pile. I haven't packed yet."

I choose a big band tee, the only thing that doesn't feature a naked girl. I throw on a pair of his boxers.

"Tommy!" I call again when I realize I have nowhere to put my top.

"What now?"

"I need you to pack away my top," I tell him as I yet again enter the lounge, where he's still taping up boxes.

"Sure," He agrees. "But did you remember to leave out clothes for tomorrow?" He asks sarcastically.

"Yes." I roll my eyes.

"Anameika!" Daniel calls from his room. "Are you coming to bed?"

After giving Tommy a goodnight hug I make my way to Danny's room. "Yes."

When Danny sees what I'm wearing he frowns. "Where are your pajamas?"

"Tommy packed them away."

He laughs. "He's an idiot."

"Yeah," I agree as I turn the light off and jump into his bed.

It's silent for a moment before Daniel asks me in a quiet voice, "Are you mad at me?"

"What?" I gasp. "No way! Why would I be mad?"

He hesitates. "I'm not sure, you just seem so distant towards me."

"I'm sorry," I tell him honestly. "I'm not meaning to be distant, I'm just upset. I don't want to have to move, and leave everything behind."

He sighs. "I understand, it's okay." He pulls me closer to him. "Come here Meiky."

I wrap my arms around him and nestle my head in his neck. The comfort only my twin can give me.

"You know you're my favorite, right?"

I nod, my smile big. "You tell me all the time, of course I know."

He chuckles. "Good."

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