It's Complicated 5

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The next morning I woke up early and dressed straight away. It took me all of half an hour to ready myself completely, and by then I looked decent enough. My black leggings went well with my white singlet and jean jacket. I guess the gladiators dressed it up a little.

"Are you ready?" Danny asked me as he casually entered my room. He was - like always - breathtakingly beautiful. My eyes traveled his body and I blushed when I looked back up at his face. "You look nice." I whispered. I grabbed my book bag and led the way. Today we took his car and we were there in no time. I went to get out of the car when Daniel grabbed my wrist. "You look nice too." He smiled before he got out.

The day seemed to drag by sluggishly, but apart from that it was an okay day. "Kaitie, would you like a lift?" Daniel asked her as we walked out of the building. I swallowed the jealousy that came up from nowhere and looked at Kaitie. Shrugging, she followed us to the car.

"So how was your day Meiky?" I gave a small smile. "It was okay. Yours?" He shrugged, leaving it at that. We were home in no time. "I'll go put my bag away and I'll come over." I smiled at Kaitie and she nodded, grinning as she ran up her porch. I shook my head. How can she always be so full of energy?

Danny led us up to the house and I passed him as he pulled the door open for me. "Tommy?" I called. "Kitchen." I sighed and made my way to the kitchen. "Did you find a job?" He had had no luck yesterday and had been planning to try again today. "Yeah, actually I did. Wal-Mart is hiring." He grinned sheepishly at me and I laughed.

I made my way upstairs and to my room. Finding something that would keep me cool, I pulled on a pair of shorts before lying down. "Hey Meiky, Tommy said we've been invited next door for a barbeque." I smiled at Daniel and he came and sat on my bed.

He just watched me as I continued to lye on my bed. It was the most comfortable silence I'd ever had, and being with him just like this makes me so happy. "You know you're my favorite, right?" He asked me randomly and I felt my cheeks redden slightly. I hate how he can make me blush so easily, such an inconvenience.

"Yes." I smiled, repositioning myself and lying on my back. "You tell me a lot." He laughed. "I just like reminding you is all." I nodded my head. "Well I'm not sure who my favorite is." He jokingly scowled. "It better be me."

I shrugged, pretending to think and laughed as he jumped on me. "Who's your favorite?" He asked me again. His smirk firmly set in place as he started tickling me. Screaming through my laughter, I begged him to stop. "I'll stop... When you tell me who your favorite is." He raised his right eyebrow and I hesitated. "Tommy."

"Wrong answer." He continued tickling me as I tried to push him off. "Dan! Anna! Hurry up, let's go!" Tommy saved the day as Daniel pulled away. "You're lucky... For now." With that said he was off of me and gone. I grabbed my bag before I followed in his direction.

"Come on in." Angie greeted at the door, and I smiled at her. "Anna! Anna! Anna!" Marky yelled excitedly as I walked out the back. "Hey bud, I guess we get to continue our sausage eating contest today." He grinned before running off to their pool.

"Are you going to swim?" Kaitie asked me and I shook my head. "Yes you are!" She rolled her eyes. "I don't have a swimsuit, anyway." Bad excuse. "I do!" I dressed in one of her plain bikinis. At least it's my favorite colour, purple.

"Don't you think this is a little," I hesitated for the right word. "Revealing?" She laughed. "No! Definitely not! And besides, that will blow his mind away!" I laughed with her for only a second before I realized what she said. I frowned. "What? Blow whose mind away?" I felt my heart beat speed up and I felt my cheeks getting ready to burn.

"Daniel, of course." She smiled smugly and I felt my face redden. "What?" I almost yelled. "Why would I want to impress him? He's my brother!" I whisper-yelled and she laughed. Grabbing my hand and pulling me back downstairs, she started speed-talking.

"I know that you like him, actually you may even love him! But now is not the time. Don't worry, I won't say anything, and I'll try not to hint. Just get out there!" She explained before she pushed me through the back door. I felt like being sick. How could she possible know? I'm not that obvious, am I? And if she can pick it up, then surely he can? I started panicking.

"Everything alright Anna?" Angie asked me and I forced a smile. "Of course." She nodded as she smiled before turning back to the barbeque. I walked over to the pool where the three boys were all mucking about.

"Anna, are you coming in?" Marky called out to me and I nodded my head. Both my brothers' heads turned around to look at me, but before I could see Daniel's expression Kaitie had screamed in my ear and pulled me in with her.

The water was thankfully not too cold, but that would have only been the least of my problems if it had, the bigger being that I can't swim. And Kaitie had brought me into the deep end. But before I could even begin to panic, I was being dragged back up.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked me and I nodded my head as I kept my eyes on his. "You scared me for a second there." I was panting as he pulled me out of the pool, breaking what in my head was a moment. He tossed me a towel and I wrapped it around me as I headed for the chairs. What a catastrophe. Remind me to never try and impress him again.

Dinner rolled around soon enough, and as we all sat around a picnic table Kaitie nudged me from the side. "You both totally had a moment in the pool back there! It lasted for almost two whole minutes!" She whispered excitedly. But of course she was exaggerating. That moment was only for me, I'd been the one staring into his eyes, not he into mine. And two minutes? It barely lasted two seconds! Nonetheless, her words made me blush.

"So how do you like the school?" Angie addressed both Daniel and I. He shrugged and I hesitated. "It's... Alright. I have Danny, which makes it better then it really is." I paused and then looked at Kaitie and smiled. "And now Kaitie, too." She grinned and then we lapsed back into silence.

It makes me wonder where Kaitie and Marky's dad is. Maybe he's with my parents, or maybe they just don't talk to him. Whichever one, Angie really is an awesome lady. I've been her next door neighbor for not even a week and she already treats me like a daughter. I already consider her the mother figure I never had.

"I win!" Mark announced after his fifth sausage to my third. I patted my stomach. "Oh well, next time when you come to our house, I'll own you." We said our goodbyes and as I hugged Kaitie I told her I'd give her her bikini tomorrow, nice and clean.

"Mind if I sleep with you tonight?" Daniel was sprawled out on my bed as I entered from my bathroom. I felt excited immediately at his request and nodded. "Of course you can." I hoped under the covers and he joined me.

"You know I still owe you a tickle..." He trailed off as he ran one of his fingers over my stomach threateningly. Immediately I moved away from him and he chuckled. "No, not right now Meiky." He reassured me. "Tomorrow maybe." I hesitantly moved back into his arms.

"Hey Daniel, why'd you lie to that girl yesterday?" He shrugged against me. "I don't like her. And I don't really want her or her friends near us." I nodded my head and we stayed quiet. I don't mind that he lied to her. I was happy for what happened that day and I'd do it again in a heart beat.

"Oh and Meiky?" "Yes?" "I'm sorry if I upset you with what I done. I didn't think you would mind. I hope you didn't mind?" He whispered, making it sound more like a question. I gasped. "No way! It's fine! I loved it, really." I realized my mistake instantly as he froze. "I mean, I love annoying girls like her. Did you see her face?" I lied and he went back to normal, obviously buying my cover up.

"Yeah I did! I love it too." I sighed. "Night, Danny." I lean in to him. "Goodnight Meiky."

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