It's Complicated 3

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Angie, Katie and Mark had left late lastnight after lots of pizza, coke and gossiping. Lukily, Tommy hadn't come home too long after they arrived, and when he did, Katie couldn't take her oogling eyes off of him. Too bad she's my age - sixteen - and he's twenty.

I learnt a lot about Katie - her age, about her family, her friends - but the one thing I'd been meaning to ask, I'd forgot to. I guess next time I see her I'll have to ask what school she attends. I so hope it's Georgia High. Actually, while we're on the subject of schools.

"Tommy?" I asked as we all sat at he table eating lunch. "Mmm?" He asked with a mouthful of food. "When are we starting school?" I asked curiously and Daniel nodded his head in agreement. He finished eating his mouthful before he answered. "It's up to you two. I enrolled you already, and they gave you two weeks. But remember that when one goes, the other goes." Danny and I both nodded our heads.

It went back to silence as we finished our food. I was deciding whether or not to go to the beach. Well, actually, I was trying to decide whether or not I should ask Daniel. I bit my lip in concentration. Surely he wouldn't reject me?

"What's wrong Meiky? Why're you biting your lip? You're bleeding now, look!" Daniel's concerned voice broke through my thoughts. I looked up to see he had moved to the kitchen sink and was wetting a small piece of handtowel. He came over to me and sat down at the chair beside me where Tommy had previously been siting. Where'd he go?

"You need to stop going off to no-man's land. It's sort of freaky, Meiky. Freaky Meiky. Huh, that rimes!" He grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile. "Indeed it does." I said in a small voice. He leaned in, and instead of it being for the reason I so wished it was, he wiped my bottom lip. "Ew." I whined as he showed me the blood. I absoloutly hate blood. It makes me feel sick. "Sorry, Meik."

"I want you to take me to the beach." I said suddenly, the words not even crossing my mind. His eyebrows came up at the random request before he laughed; a beautiful sound that is. "Sure girlie," He muffled my hair. "We can go to the beach." He stood up and I followed. "Especially since you didn't get to yesterday. Go get ready." He smiled at me and I grinned back before I was off and up the stairs.

I chose my swimwear carefully. I mean, I did want to impress Danny, but I couldn't go to extremes. I'd probably freak him out. And I guess that worked in two ways, because if I tried to impress him too much, I'd most likely get unwanted attention. So I went with one of my bikini sets. It was just a simple, baby blue coloured, average bikini. I decided I'd wear a singlet and shorts over the top until I actually swam... If I swam. It'd depend on whether or not Daniel did.

"Meiky?" Daniel knocked on my door just after I'd finished putting my sandals on. I jumped up and put my beach towel and the sun screen in my beach bag as I said, "Come in." He knows he doesn't have to knock. "You know you don't have to knock." I voiced my thoughts. He nodded his head as he smiled crookedly. "Are you ready?" He asked and I thought for a second. "I am... As soon as I find my sunglasses." He rolled his eyes and asked, "Do you want help finding them?" I shook my head 'No,' and he shrugged. "Alright, I'll wait downstairs."

I checked everywhere for my sunglasses, but I couldn't find them. "Did you check the bag you used for your carry on luggage? The last time I saw them was when you had them on the plane." Tommy told me after I asked him. I nodded in thanks. Indeed, there they were. Amongst the almost empty lollie bags and the chewy wrappers. I grabbed them and yanked them on, almost stabbing myself in the eye in the process.

"Tommy! We're taking your car!" I yelled to him from halfway down the stairs. "No, I need it! I'm going job hunting! Take Dan's car?" He suggested. I groaned. "But I like YOUR car." I whined up to Tommy, who was somewhere upstairs, and Daniel shrugged. "Nah, we can just walk. The beach isn't that far." Danny said as he led the way outside. I sighed. "Bye Thomas." I called and shut the door. He hates being called Thomas.

"You really love pissing him off." Daniel told me as he took my hand, dragging me down the drive way in a quick pace. I copied him and swung my beach bag over my shoulder, shrugging as I did so. "Oh well. I don't like it when he tells me 'No'. Who does he think he is?" I scoffed and he laughed. "He thinks he's your guardian. Which, he is." He replied sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.

We fell into silence as we continued our walk down the somewhat busy street. It took everything inside of me to not get over excited as I realized that Daniel still held my hand as we walked. I couldn't wipe the goofy grin from my face, even though I knew that it didn't mean - again - what I wanted it to. But I still enjoyed it, so sue me.

We arrived at the beach after about seven minutes, and we continued walking along it, trying to find a nice spot. Finally we came across a somewhat deserted area and Daniel and I dropped our entwined hands, setting up our beach towels. "You know how to pick good days, Meiky." He grinned at me before looking up at the sun and I smiled. "I know."

We lyed on the beach for over half an hour, just sunbaking. Of course, that's not all I was doing; my eyes couldn't help but to roam Daniel's tanned abs the whole time. Suddenly Daniel repositioned himself and turned on his side, gazing at me as he did so. I blushed a little when I realized he would have just caught me checking him out.

"Well, I'm going to go into the water." I told him before things became even the slightest bit weird. I stood up and stretched before I made my way down to the water. Thankfully, we'd found an area that wasn't too crowded; an old couple here and there, a small family making sand castles and an occasional person walking along by themselves.

I sighed as I stepped into the cold water, watching as it kept hitting my feet roughly. I loved the ocean. Mom and dad always use to bring me and my brothers to the ocean, and I remember we use to play water games where Daniel and I would always team up together and become unstoppable. I smiled at the memory. I looked down at the water and sighed. Oh how much I missed my parents.

Suddenly I was being tackled, and freezing water was all over me. I stuggled for air before I was quickly brought back up to the surface. I rounded on the cause and gave them an angry face, though it turned into a smile when I noticed it was Danny. I rolled my eyes at him and he grinned.

"You're so immature!" I told him as I shook my head, my blonde hair flying everywhere. "You love it!" He grinned as he came over to me, pulling me out more. "No, I don't want to go too far!" I whined. "I might drown!" I said seriously and he rolled his eyes. "You know I'd save you." I smiled hugely at him, most likely looking like a freak. "I know." I whispered before I let him bring me out further into the waves.

We swam for a while before getting out and deciding on lunch. We walked a little further down the main road and before long we'd found a little takeaway restaraunt. We sat down and almost immediately an elderly woman came over. Guessing from the pad, apron and friendly smile, she was our waitress. "Hey there guys." She greeted and I smiled at her. "What can I get the two of you?" I looked at Daniel and he bit his lip. "What's good? We're sort of new here." He grinned sheepishly and she chuckled.

"I thought so, I've never seen your faces before and usually I'm famiar with all customers." She grinned before continuing. "Anyway, I'd suggest the ceaser salad if you're looking for something healthy, or the extremely cheesy hotdog if you're not fusssed. They're really popular with the teens." We agreed on the hotdog and ordered two pepsies. Within a minute she was off, and in another, our drinks were here.

"Do you like it here so far?" Daniel asked me, making conversation. I was sat across him in the booth and I was looking out the window, onto the beach intently. "Um," I said as I shrugged. "I don't really mind all that much I guess. It's just my friends I'll miss." At least I didn't have any particular best friend, that would be harder. "But I'm happy to be any where in the world so long as you're there." I told him, smiling at him. "And Tommy, of course." I said, trying hard not to blush at my slip up. He smiled at me. "Same goes."

We ate in silence, and as he watched his food, I watched him, just thinking. What happens if my affection for my twin brother never leaves? I'd been hoping that it was just temporary, and that some handsome, sweet guy would come and sweep me off my feet, and I'd fall head over heels in love with him. But that can't happen. I'm already in love. And I know it's not going anywhere.

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