Announcement! Saiki Has A Girlfriend?

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Saiki's POV:

"I...I...Huh?" I had to process what she said. Sure, I wanted her to be my girlfriend, but I've never really adjusted to such a normal thing. She's asking me. What do I say? Get a hold on yourself Kusuo Saiki, this isn't you.

"Kusu?" Juliet waved her hand in front of my face. I blinked. "Are you alright?"


"Alright, cause you kind of blanked out after I asked..."

"Sorry, what was the question?"

"You silly, I asked, do you want me to be your girlfriend?"

"Ok, be cool Saiki. Oh no, I'm becoming one of those guys. Juliet what are you doing to me?" I thought. My expression never changed from its basic, emotionless, state. "...Yes."

"Then, there we go. We are now boyfriend and girlfriend." She smiled. "That wasn't so hard was it?"

"No." I looked forward and continued walking. A smile crossed my face. Juliet looped her arm through mine. She was smiling as well. It was peaceful. I felt my heart racing whenever she looked up at me. She makes me feel different, good, happy. I see why this is such a beloved thing.

"Kusu, what are you thinking about?" Juliet asked, looking up at me again. I pushed up my glasses.

"That I, being so different than others and not understanding what...normal humans find so important about dating and feelings...and emotions...finally understand why."


"It's amazing. I care for someone now. I see a more clear world. My mind isn't use to it, hell, it's a completely new experience than what I knew for so long...but I love it." I paused for a second. "Although, I feel like I'm no longer myself. Maybe that I feel like I have to be....more?"

"Why do you say that? If you want to be your monotone, emotionless looking self, go right ahead. That won't change anything." She brushed her fingers through my hair. "If we're going to be in a relationship, it's important to be comfortable and honest. I told you that I'm a pretty straight forward girl. Be yourself."

"...Very well...Let's get what my mom needs."


We walked around, talking and shopping. Of course I ended up carrying most of the bags. I didn't mind. Nothing was heavy and hearing Juliet talk was all I needed.

"So then my cousin Angelica moved here, and my parents decided that it was better if we did as well." She said. 

"Why is that?"

"Well, all that I know is when I was younger I got terribly sick. My mom and dad got angry and there was a lot of lawyers...that lasted years...we almost lost the diner. Then we decided, pack-up and start a new diner."

"Your parents never told you why?"

"Nope. They said it wasn't my problem, so I never hounded them for it." She brushed a piece of hair behind her ear. " I'd rather not remember if I was an issue to them. It pains me to think I could bring my parents anything but joy."

"You're...a saint...I swear." 

"I just believe in kindness. Justice. Beauty." she smiled. I kissed her cheek.

"You're a beautiful flower that this world doesn't deserve."

"You're so sweet." She blushed lightly. I sat the bags down and lifted her chin, leaning closer till our lips were less than an inch away from each other. 


Juliet and I jumped away from each other. Our faces were red. I was more irritated than embarrassed. Nendo came running up. Kaido was right beside him.

"Hey Saiki! Monteque!" Kaido called out. Juliet cleared her throat.

"Riki, Shun, how are you two today?"

"Great actually, what about you Jessica?"

"Nendo you idiot, her names is Juliet." Kaido explained. Nendo scratched the side of his head.

"Ohhh....My bad. Sorry Jamie."

"YOU'RE DOING THIS ON PURPOSE I SWEAR!" Kaido took a deep breath. "Anyway, we were on our way to the arcade and saw you guys, wanna come with?"


"Kusu, don't be so mean. Sorry, Shun, Kusu and I are doing some shopping for his mother. Perhaps tomorrow after school?"

"That sounds- wait...Kusu?"

"She calls me Kusu." I said. Juliet patted my shoulder. Kaido looked over us then gasped in shock.


"They're what?" asked Nendo, pulling his pinky finger from his ear.

"Dating! Juliet and Saiki are dating!"

"MY BEST BUDDY HAS A GIRLFRIEND?!" Shouted Nendo. People started to turn around. Juliet and I covered our ears. Nendo grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. "Holy crap! You're dating Jasmine?! When is the wedding?! Am I the best man?!"

"Her..." I grabbed him and pushed him off. "Her name is Juliet. She's my girlfriend not my fiancé, we just started dating. Calm down."

"Does that mean I'm not the best man?"

"Nendo." I glared at him. Juliet giggled.

"Kusu, relax. It's ok." She held my hand. I sighed.

"Right." I picked up the bags again.

"Nendo we need to go tell the others about Saiki and Juliet!" Kaido said. Nendo tilted his head.

"Whos Juliet?"

"You're hopeless. Let's go!" Kaido ran off down the street. Nendo waved goodbye as he followed.

"...Well...." Juliet muttered. I shook my head.

"I feel like we just became famous...I worked so hard to blend in and in a moments notice."

"Hey, It'll be alright." Juliet said. "As long as I'm with you, no one can find out about your habits."


"Heh...secrets...Now let's finish shopping."


The next hour was crazy. The whole "News Spreads Fast." is an understatement. I was never the most popular in school, but Juliet was popular her first day. Combine her popularity with the love my friends have for me, it was like we were celebrities. Girls from school were jealous of Juliet. Guys from school were suddenly mad at me. I became the Highschool public enemy number one. We were the center of attention, and it was all because I finally decided to get a girlfriend. Did I care? No. All I cared about was Juliet. As long as I was with her I was happy. Still, with all this new attention, in the back of my mind, the same sentence repeated. What did I get myself into?

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