Chapter 10

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Sam’s POV

I got another letter from Katherine.

Dear Samantha

I know you said not to contact you but I really want to have a special bond with you. Please can you reply to this letter. I want to get to know you as your true self. Samantha, I know that you want to so please reply.


I screwed the letter up and tossed it in the bin before walking upstairs and into the kitchen. Jake has his back to me but I can tell he is upset.

‘What happened to you?’ I ask.

‘Jamie dumped my via text message’ he said clearly annoyed.

‘I knew that was going to happen’ I said.

‘Sam. Jake is getting over heart break so be nice to him’ Summer said.

‘I’m sorry Summer but I can’t. I don’t do being nice unless I trust them which I don’t’ I smirked. Father walked in and sat down.

‘I need to go to Johnsonville Hospital’ I told him.

‘We have a perfectly fine hospital here. I thought you didn’t like to go anyway’ he said.

‘I need to go’ I said. As if on cue I coughed up blood. I had been doing it all night. I quickly washed my mouth out and laughed at Summer expression of disgust.

‘Why do you need to go to Johnsonville?” Father asked.

‘They won’t keep me for weeks’ I told him.

‘I’m sure they won’t here either’ he said firmly.

‘No they will because of my record but I know Dr Smith won’t’ I said.

‘Well you can either go here or not at all. And I’ll make a rule that you can’t play football until you go to hospital about your foot’ he added.

‘Do you want me here? Do you want the football team to make the playoffs?’ I asked.

‘Yes and yes’ he said.

‘Then you won’t mind if I don’t follow that rule’ I smiled walking out as I was going to meet Luci at the park. Father said something but I didn’t listen.

Luci was there when I got there sitting next to the fountain.

‘Jamie dumped him’ I told her and she shook her head clearly not surprised.

‘He knew that it wasn’t serious but now he is heartbroken’ I added mystified. We walked towards the pool. Being a cheerleader she had to be fit as Jessica says that they have to look good so that the boys fall for them which I find amusing.

After getting changed the first person we run into is Jamie. She is wearing a pink bikini. I was surprised she was at the pool as she seems like the type of person that would like to get her hair wet. It is dyed blonde and her tan is fake so she is worried that it might fade out.

‘What are you doing here? I thought you would be getting over heartbreak. Wait you didn’t care about him’ I teased her.

‘You know the next guy I’m going after is Michael’ she told me.

‘That’s nice. You will get to learn what it is like to not get what you want’ I told her.

‘Michael will definitely prefer me over you’ she said.

‘Believe what you want’ I told her walking away.

‘You might want to warn Michael about Jamie” Luci said as we put our stuff down. I grabbed my phone and sent a text warning him. Father hasn’t noticed that I stole my phone back. He had it on the table with his keys so I took it.

I dove into the pool closely followed by Luci. We spent an hour there mucking around and having races. Luci was in good shape, not because of what Jessica said but just because she likes to be fit.

I noticed that Jamie never got in the pool. She spent the time in the spa and she seemed to be looking at me. Luci and I decided to go get ice creams before walking home. We sat down at the park again and I saw Katherine.

‘Can we go? Katherine is here’ I asked. I had told her about my problem with her. We quickly walked away.

‘Samantha’ Katherine called. We didn’t turn around instead we ran around the corner and towards my house. Katherine would be wearing heels so she wouldn’t catch us. We burst through the doors of my house just as we heard Katherine call out again.

‘What are you two doing?’ Jake asked.

‘Running from crazy woman’ I said glancing at Luci and we both started laughing.

‘Sorry, I have to go’ Luci said and she left leaving me alone in the room with Jake. He glanced at me and I walked away.

Sunday was uneventful. Luci was babysitting her younger sister so she couldn’t come around. Father was at work and I avoided Summer. I went swimming in our pool and that was about it.


Sorry short chapter but it is a filler

The Wise One

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