Distance: 8

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Christmas. Blaine wasn't entirely excited about Christmas, and some may gasp, because you get presents and gifts and a big feast but not Blaine. He didn't like Christmas because it brought people like his family all in one spot together. His parents we're coming down and he was not impressed with it. He sighed rolling his eyes as he reread the text from his Mother over and over.

To Blaine

Hey sweetheart, your father and I are coming up to New York 3 days before our original due date to fly in. I hope your friend is gone and you have room for us. We will be arriving on December 20th.

- Mom

Blaine groaned setting his phone back down. Fuck. That was just great. His parents had decided that Christmas would be celebrated in New York instead of Westerville like all holiday's. He wasn't sure what possed them too do so, was beyond him? But he just went with it because there was no room to argue with them. Baine was just happy that Santana had left to Ohio to visit family for the month.

To Mom

Thanks for letting me know. There is always room here for you, i'll see you then.

- Blaine

Blaine rested his phone face down and got himself to go take a shower and visit his neighbor Kurt which had been his ideal plan all along anyways, he wondered what he was doing for Christmas? Maybe he was going to visit his family. Suddenly Blaine really wanted to know everything about him.

He dried himself off after his twenty minute shower and got himself dressed in some jeans and a hoodie forgoing a shirt underneath. His curls sprawled across his forehead. He knocked on the door standing their awkwardly. Kurt yanked the door open carrying a wide awake Ariel staring at Blaine. She grinned holding her arms out for Blaine.

"Oh so she's happy to see you, but won't even eat for me?" Kurt growled more annoyed than he should be. "Great."

"I can feed her for you? If you want to take a shower and have some coffee." Blaine asked with a smirk at him. Kurt sighed, raising his eyebrows.

"Really? Are you serious?" Kurt asked suddenly excited. Kurt hugged his neighbor tight before scurrying into the bathroom, shutting the door closed behind him. Blaine smiled at Ariel tickling her stomach lightly. Blaine could hear the shower turning on and before he knew it the house phone was ringing and Blaine was standing their debating whether he should be answering it or not. In the end he did answer it nervously pressing talk.

"Hello?" Blaine said hesitantly into the phone.

"Umm hello? Is Kurt there?" The voice responded. "Who am I speaking too?"

"You're speaking to Blaine Anderson. Kurt's neighbor." Blaine bit his lip, why the hell did you tell him that. "And Kurt is in the shower. Who am I speaking to?"

"Oh.... well than." The man coughed awkwardly. "Just tell him to call me back." And then he hung up, Blaine confused set the phone back down. How the hell can he tell Kurt he phoned when he didn't tell Blaine his name? He sighed rolling his eyes effectively as he turned to look at Ariel.

"Oh you are so lucky you are a baby." Blaine chuckled sitting down on the couch. He had to remind himself to ask Kurt what he was doing for Christmas. He turned his body to the bathroom door upon hearing it open. Kurt smiled walking towards Ariel and Blaine.

"Who called?" Kurt asked picking up the house phone.

"Oh some guy wanting to talk to you, he didn't tell me his name though." Blaine responded shrugging his shoulders as he looked at him. Kurt nodded looking at the caller I.D he stayed silent as he set it back down. "What are you doing for Christmas?"

"Umm.... I'm going back to Ohio to see my parents for a few days since I took off a week of work to see them. What about you?"

"My parents are coming to New York actually, they've never been to my house before."


"Really." Blaine answered. "They usually aren't very responsive to me or more so into my life here in New York."

"Oh." Kurt frowned. "I'm sorry, that must suck."

"It's alright."

"Did your brother head home?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, he had to go back to California." Blaine smiled handing Ariel over. "I have to make a few more grocery shopping trips I'll see you tomorrow and if not, have a good Christmas." Then he was gone and out the door closing it behind him.

Kurt stared after it, he got up setting Ariel in her crib. He needed to redial that number. The voice picked up on the other side. "Hey, you called back."

"Yeah, well Blaine said you had called, well actually this number had." Kurt smiled at his daughter peering through the crib at her.

The man chuckled gruffily. "Yeah of course I did. It's almost Christmas." Kurt rolled his eyes, as if that was the only excuse he could come up with?

"Are you coming to Ohio to visit?" Kurt asked frowning.

"No. I have to work remember?" The man replied as if it was obvious to him.

"Oh well Ariel misses you. I guess we'll see you in the New Year than?" Kurt responded.

"Yeah, I have to go. Tell Ariel I say hi." Then the line went dead. Kurt sighed, he supposed he should get Ariel's things packed for Ohio.

● ● ●

The next few days Blaine was bored out of his mind. With Ariel and Kurt gone to Ohio, and Santana and her girlfriend, Brittany visiting their own families Blaine was alone in New York for the rest of the week until his parents arrived that night no doubt with shit and presents in there suitcases despite Blaine being older and not a kid anymore they had still insisted it.

Blaine hadn't picked his parents up because once again they insisted on getting a cab over which Blaine didn't disagree on. He rolled his eyes when he heard the knock on his door at quarter to three. "Coming!!" Blaine called walking over to the door from the kitchen. He pulled the door open smiling as best as he could at his parents. "Hey, Mom! Dad!"

"Blaine." Lisa Anderson smiled pulling her youngest son into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you. You look so grown up."

His dad, Richard Anderson nodded in greeting. "Blaine." He held his hand out.

"Dad." Blaine responded shaking the offered hand. "Why don't you guys get set up into the guest bedroom while I get some coffee for us and tea for mom?" His parents agreed easily walking into the room their son directed them into. Blaine sighed softly walking into the kitchen.



Vote, Comment, View, or Share? Honestly anything. I love hearing from you guys :)) and I hope you guys had a good day! School is going pretty good.

- Alysha

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