Distance: 21

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After that day of Angie going crazy on Ariel and Kurt she disappeared. Kurt had called the cops and explained the scenario, and they had gotten back to Kurt with the fact that they didn't know where or when she went, and it terrified Kurt only a little bit. In the coming months of April Santana moved out of the apartment, and in with Brittany in New Jersey. While Quinn moved away to California, effectively leaving Blaine and Kurt alone to hang out whenever and wherever.

Kurt smiled softly at his boyfriend of three months. They we're just hanging out at Blaine's apartment, with it being so open and spacious with the amount of stuff Blaine allowed her to take with her, but he didn't really have a use for most of it anyways. "How does it feel to be able to walk around naked?" Kurt smirked watching Ariel waddled wobbily around, she had figured out that her feet could actually do something besides trying to eat them.

Ever since she learned that she had been practicing walking around grasping onto doors and tables to lead her way. Kurt turned to Blaine leaning into him, pulling his boyfriend into a deep kiss, filled with the slip a tongue. But what pulled them apart was the words tumbling out of Ariel's mouth.

"Daddy!! Bubba!!" Ariel shrieked angrily, Kurt and Blaine both stared at each other before turning to her with wide grins. She clapped happily as she all but stumbled her way over to the couple.

"Did she just say her first words?" Kurt asked eyes wide and excited. "Oh my god!! I'm so proud of you sweetheart." He scooped his daughter up into his arms, Blaine grinned.

"She had her first steps Kurt!" Blaine said excitedly, and proud of her.

The next day Blaine and Kurt went to the adoption centre. Before they went in Blaine turned to Kurt smiling lovingly at his boyfriend. "I love you so much Kurt." Kurt bit his lip. "And I love Ariel so much too."

"I love you too." Kurt whispered hugging Blaine tightly pressing a kiss into his neck. "So, so much." Blaine grinned kissing his cheek and grabbing onto his free hand.

"Let's go inside, sha'll we?" Blaine offered wiggling his eyebrows causing the little girl and man to laugh, Kurt rolling his eyes. Blaine walked straight up to the counter. "Blaine Anderson, we are here for adoption papers for me to sign?"

"Ahh, yes. Follow us Mr Anderson, and Mr Hummel." The worker smiled, leading them through the back and into a separate more private room. "Sit right here." She sat down across from the couple and Ariel, who was looking around in confusion. "You need to sign this." She pointed. "And this."

Blaine nodded signing his signature on the paper, she flipped several papers over explaining exactly what it was and how this would work. "Alright done." Blaine announced handing her the papers and pens back. The same proccess happened with Kurt, and once both of them were finished, the women smiled beckoning them to follow her into a different room.

"I just need to add Blaine's name, and signature on her birth certificate and passport." The women exclaimed, Kurt nodded in response both of them doing what they were told. And once that was finished, Kurt pursed his lips together ready for her to say the news. "Congratulations to you both. You now are offically Ariel's other adoptive father."

Blaine gasped excitedly, turning to face Kurt, pulling him into a kiss and tight hug. "We're parents." Kurt nodded in confirmation chuckling at the shocked look. "Let's go celebrate back at home."

When Blaine headed back to his own apartment, he headed out to the fire escape breathing in the air and just New York in general surrounding his senses and everything happily. Calm and relaxation helped him feel like thin air, he opened his eyes not even realizing he had closed them, to see Kurt step out of his own apartment window.

"Hey...." Blaine said quietly.

"Hi. " Kurt smiled back looking up at his eyes.

Blaine smiled looking back out at the city lights and buildings all lit up.

"Blaine, can I ask you something?"

"Of course. What's up?" Blaine questioned, quirking an eyebrow at him.

Kurt shrugged. "It's nothing bad, I promise." He began to fidget, causing Blaine to notice with a questioning look in his eyes, choosing not to interuppt though. "Willyoumoveinwithme." Kurt said it quickly, afraid of what might happen. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What did you say?" Blaine responded frowning.

"Will you move in with me?"

Blaine gaped at his boyfriend. His eyes widening in shock. "Wow- umm I don't know what to say-" Blaine uttered.

"How about yes?"

This caused Blaine to chuckle nodding. "Okay. Yes I will move in with you Kurt Hummel."



Get ready!! Because my next book is being published very soon. BROKENLY TRAGIC IS PUBLISHED!! And the last chapter of this book is the next one.

- Alysha

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