Distance: 12

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"I think we should come visit you." Burt stated over the phone. It made Kurt roll his eyes, his dad. Always the worrier and protective. "I'm worrying about you, with being by yourself."

"I have Quinn." Kurt responded, he knew it was a pathetic response to his father, and by the way his father let out a gruff noise told him, that Burt thought so too.

"Yes, but you just lost Ariel, and Micheal in one go." Burt said shuffling noises could be heard in the background along with Carole's voice. "What happened between you too anyways?"

"I cheated on Micheal." Kurt answered his voice smaller than usual. He was embarrassed for himself and his dad admitting it to him.

"With who?" Burt asked.

"His name is Blaine Anderson." Kurt sighed. "He lives across the hall from me."

"Oh Kurt...." Burt replied. "Carole and I are coming up this week to stay with you for a while, and that's final." Burt chuckled. "I have to go now, i'll talk to you later about our times of arriving, okay?"

Kurt agreed easily, as they both hung up on each other.

Carole and Burt arrive two days later the day of Kurt's court hearing for custody, he would have to finally see Micheal who he hadn't seen in a week. He thought about Blaine every night before he fell asleep. The way he had kissed his lips and Kurt's face in his hands so sure of himself. Kurt knew he had definitely screwed up with his marriage and neighbor, that he was beginning to really like.

He walked inside the court house, his parents followed behind him, as Kurt sat down with his lawyer by his side. His eyes had wandered around the court house rows of seats, seeing if he recognized anybody, he saw Quinn, Santana and Blaine. But he didn't react, he couldn't afford that right now. He stared ahead at the judge who just sat down.

"Order." The judge said banging the gavel against the desk. "This is about custody of a 11 month old girl named Ariel Hummel, between adults Kurt Hummel and Micheal Hummel-Linkin. We will be deciding who we think is the most fit parent out of the two."

"Kurt Hummel. You live by yourself correct?" The lawyer of Micheal asked, Kurt squirmed in the podium. Kurt nodded.


"Aside from Ariel living with you full time." The lawyer continued on. "What is it that made Micheal decide he wanted full custody?"

Kurt took a deep breath. "I kissed another man beside's him." Kurt said.

"And why would you do that?" The lawyer responded.

"I feel like i'm not in love with my husband anymore." Kurt tried to ignore the murmurs throughout the room.

"And why's that?"

"He's not around anymore. And I never see him ever." Kurt sighed.

The lawyer nodded a little bit. "Is this man you kissed, here today?"

"Objection." Kurt's lawyer said, the judge granted it letting Kurt's lawyer take over questioning of Micheal. "You work away, correct?"

"Yes, Chicago." Micheal replied.

"And you don't pay for anything? Like expenses, bills, or recreational things for Ariel?" The lawyer questioned.


"Why are you fighting for custody when you seem to have no interest in being an actual father?" The lawyer asked.

"Objection." Micheal's lawyer called, the judge nodded granting the objection.

"The jury will discuss alongside me, and the verdict of custody will be justified in two weeks." The judge announced. "Case dismissed for now."

• • •

Kurt sat down across his parents, and Quinn. He still wasn't allowed to see Ariel, and he knew Micheal didn't have her, that she was switched to the police unless allowed to be visited. "Kurt?" Burt said bringing Kurt back from his thoughts racing.

"Yes dad?" Kurt asked frowning slightly into his cup of coffee infront of him, he had brought to his lips.

"Was this Blaine guy their?" Burt asked, seriously.

Kurt nodded looking down at his hands. "Yes he was sitting with Quinn and his roommate Santana." Kurt responded running a hand through his hair.

"And this guy, how long have you been seeing him or flirted with him?"

"When I moved here, and met his crazy spanish roommate, and she told me I was stunning." Kurt sighed. "Right from the start, I met him on my fire escape." He blushed, he really shouldn't remember that moment. "Ariel loves him."

Burt chuckled. "Mhm, I'm sure she does. How old is he, where's he from?" Burt narrowed his eyes, he had to make sure this guy wasn't an idiot.

"He's 23 years old, and he's from Ohio." Kurt replied. "His family life is kind of complicated."

"How so?"

"Well, he just doesn't really get along with them, and I've only met his older brother...." Kurt smiled. "But I know he has an older sister too."

"Oh really? How come you know so much about him?" Burt raised his eyebrows.

"I've known him for three months." Kurt frowned, as if it was an explaination.

"Do you love him?" Burt asked.

Kurt opened his mouth to protest but ended up closing his mouth. The realization suddenly coming to him in one thought. Holy shit, He thought, I'm falling in love with Blaine Anderson.



Hello!! How are you guys doing, I'm literally writing up so many chapters now, I'm on a role, make sure you comment, vote, view, share, follow, or anyting that may help me :))

- Alysha

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