Distance: 10

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It was a thursday that week now, and Kurt was happily changing his daughter into her pyjama's and get her ready for her bedtime. Kurt was expecting Blaine to come over to come watch movies and have some wine with him in an hour so he was mentally preparing his mind to not wander into the gutter.

He sighed as he laid his daughter in her bed placing a sother in her mouth and pulling a blanket over her tiny body as she fell asleep.

Kurt smiled kissing her forehead, he turned the light out and shut the door closed. He breathed heavily making his way to the living room cleaning up all the toys and putting the dishes into the sink.

He smiled at the white wine he pulled out of the cupboard. He hadn't seen Blaine in a while and was excited to catch up with him.

He sat himself down on the couch calling up his best friend, Quinn. He still had a half hour until he arrived and he didn't want to be anxious while waiting, although he felt like he was missing something today, but he couldn't remember.

"Hey, Kurt." Quinn responded once she answered. Kurt grinned, he had missed her.

"Hey, how was your day, anything exciting?" Kurt replied as he fiddled with a lose thread on his pants.

"Great. Puck is coming to visit me this weekend so I'm super excited for that." Quinn said. "What about you?" He knew she was grinning by the enthusiasm in her voice.

"I'm doing great." Kurt chuckled. "Blaine is coming over in 10 minutes."

"Kurt!!" Quinn scolded.

"I know, I know.... we're just catching up, okay?"

"Fine. But just be careful and aware."

Kurt sighed. "Your no fun." Kurt whined.

"Yeah well, somebody has to be realistic in this friendship, and surprisingly it's me." Quinn joked laughing afterwards. Kurt rolled his eyes suddenly getting nervous when he hears the knock on his door.

"That must be Blaine, I have to go. I'll talk to you later." Kurt said smiling. "Bye!"

"Bye." Quinn called right before he hung up. He stood up walking towards the door trying not to seem eagar. Finally giving up he yanked the door open and tugged Blaine into a hug.

"I missed you so much." Kurt breathed out into his neck squeezing him tighter. Blaine chuckled hugging him back just as tight.

"I missed you too Kurt." Blaine murmured into his neck lightly caressing his neighbor's cheek as he pulled away. "But I am so ready for wine and popcorn."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Wow, so that's all our friendship is worth now? Is it?" Kurt questioned with a teasing tone in his voice. Blaine rolled his eyes.

"You know very well that I like more than that." Blaine quipped back smirking at him. Kurt felt a faint blush come over his cheeks.

"You go sit on the couch, i'll be right back with the wine and popcorn." Kurt responded choosing to ignore Blaine's comment. "Pick out a movie for us too watch." Blaine nodded heading into living room to find a movie.

By the time Kurt arrived with popcorn and wine the movie was paused and Blaine was playing on his phone texting someone. "Wine and popcorn for you sir, just the way you like it." Kurt announced handing him his food and drink, Blaine smiled taking a sip of wine before setting it down and pressing play on the movie.

Kurt sat himself down beside Blaine and smiled as he turned toward the tv. Half way through the movie Blaine put his hand into the popcorn bag at the same time Kurt was putting his inside it, their hands brushed together, causing Blaine to quickly look up making eye contact with Kurt.

They stared at each other automatically leaning into each other's personal space until their lips locked together. Blaine unconciously put a hand too Kurt's cheek drawing him in closer to his body, while Kurt let out a shudder his stomach swimming with butterflies.

The door to the apartment clicked open and shut closed, but Kurt nor Blaine heard it as footsteps came closer to the living room, the sounds of kissing and lip-locking echoed throughout the house, as they stayed in their own worlds eye's closed.

The sound of a gasp, then a shout came all at once as Blaine and Kurt pulled away from each other to stare at the culprit, Kurt's eyes widened. "Micheal!!" Kurt said standing up quickly, Blaine stood up behind him his eyes narrowing in on the man in front of him.

"Who the hell is he?" The so called Micheal asked, frowning. Blaine scratched his neck.

"Well who the hell are you?" Blaine responded crossing his arms trying make himself look more tougher than he felt.

Micheal smirked holding a hand out. "Micheal Hummel, Kurt's husband, and father of Ariel." Micheal growled.

Blaine's eyes widened as he turned to a suddenly nervous and scared looking Kurt. "What? You have a fucking husband Kurt!" Blaine screeched out gasping. Kurt frowned looking down at his hands in sadden.

"I can explain-" Kurt began, but the sound of a door slamming shut told Kurt he wasn't able to explain. He turned to Micheal, frowning when he wasn't there. "Micheal!!" Kurt shouted rushing towards Ariel's room where screaming and crying could be heard. Micheal came rushing out holding a crying Ariel. "Where are you going with my baby?"

"She shouldn't be around a cheating whore like her father. I'm taking her back to my hotel tonight." Micheal glared. "Have fun with your fuck toy, you slut." Micheal raised a hand slapping it across Kurt's cheek before leaving the apartment abrutely. Kurt let the tears pour down his cheeks as he looked at the door. He slumped to the ground in a mess on the floor crying into his hands.

He started out with everything, and now he had nothing.

He picked his phone up gingerly typing in the phone number he memorized by heart. She answered on the first ring. "Quinn? I need you."



Boom! Boom! And Boom!!! Wow, that was a fcking intense chapter!! 😂 and I had so much fun writing it.
comment, vote, view, share, message me, follow me... I don't care :)) have a good day, or night!!

- Alysha

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