Distance: 9

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Kurt didn't seen Blaine until three weeks later when they saw each other in the hallway while passing by each other going in opposite directions. Kurt walked into his apartment pushing his baby stroller infront of him as he closed the door behind him.

He answered his ringing phone. "Hey.. finally you answered the phone." Kurt said.

"I'm so sorry Kurt. I want to call sooner but it was impossible with wor holding me over. But I'm flying in on thursday."

"Oh really?" Kurt said his eyebrows raising as he sat down on the couch propping Ariel up on the couch as she ate some goldfish and watched her favorite cartoons.

"Yes. They gave me a week off from work so I thought I would visit you and Arei in New York."

"Oh great. I'll clean the house and make your favorite meal. What time do you get in?"

"3 am."

"Holy shit. Couldn't you have gotten more reasonable flight?"

"No, Kurt. It was almost impossible to get a flight in the first place just be happy about that."

"Oh yeah because I just thrilled that you work all the time and never can call me except once a week, your not even interested in listening to Ariel babble to you on the phone." Kurt said raising his voice slightly.

"Yeah well. I'm sorry I can't just drop everything to come visit you and her. But I have responsiblites here in Los Angeles that I can't keep visiting you. I make a lot of money here."

"Doesn't make a difference." Kurt snarled. "Maybe don't even bother visiting if your just going to fucking waste my time." And then he hung up doing the famous move the man on the other end usually did. He turned to Ariel frowning slightly. "I love you so much baby girl." Kurt pulled her close to his chest as he kissed her forehead.

Ariel giggled grasping his shirt as she babbled on about random things, while Kurt attempted to listen to his daughter. He loved her a lot.

● ● ●

"Santana?" Blaine sighed annoyed walking into the kitchen. He stopped abrutely, he had come from the grocery store and was suddenly nervous with his roommate sitting in front of her computer looking expectantly at Blaine. "What do you want?"

"I'm going to help you find a new job and get you an interview." Santana answered simply. Blaine rolled his eyes. He could very well do this himself but Santana, being Santana wasn't going to let this go.

"Alright. What have you found so far." Blaine asked sitting down beside her at the counter. She grinned excitedly turning towards him.

"Perfect. Alright so I found a school called St Jose middle school located in Midtown Manhatten." Santana stated glancing at Blaine. "I also found some schools in the upper west side, long island, and bushwick. Do any of those neighborhoods interest you?"

Blaine shrugged. "Bushwick is the closest option for us." Santana nodded grinning.

"I knew you werre going to say that." Santana answered. "Which is why I told you about it. The school is called 'Wickef school of the arts.' It's for middle school and high school."

"And what position are they looking for?" Blaine asked.

"Play director and music director." Santana answered, crossing her arms. "Did you want to apply?"

Blaine nodded grinning. "Yeah sure, can you send me the application please? I'd like to get it started right away."

Santana responded with an of course as she fiercly began typing on her computer and pressing a few buttons. "I'll send you it tonight." He smiled at his best friend standing up from his seat by the counter.

"Is Brittany coming over?" Blaine asked with a smirk and a grin. He knew the answer already but liked to ask anyways.

"Of course, you idiot. She'll be over at 8 tonight and I am expecting you to go to the-"

"Fire escape." Blaine finished off. "Yeah I know, don't you worry." Santana rolled his eyes closing up her laptop.

"I'm heading to work now, I'll be home by 6 tonight." And then she disappeared into her bedroom.

Blaine sighed running a hand over his face. He decided he better start on his resume for this school, he would have to take a 45 minute bus ride to work if he got the job, which Blaine wasn't enitrely too excited for but at least he would get paid.

In the room across the hallway Kurt was talking with Quinn. She had arrived at his house in a record of 10 minutes. Kurt was heading out for groceries and Quinn had agreed to babysit for him while he went. Since he hadn't wanted to drag all the baby things he had to bring with him, so this was much easier for Kurt.

He had been only fifteen in middle school when his and Quinn met, he had been pushed into the lockers and Quinn being the new girl had helped him back out giving him his books back, they had been friends ever since. Kurt sighed as he walked inside the grocery store, grabbing a cart and beginning to fill it up with things that had been listed on his shopping list he made that morning.

Quinn loved Ariel and Kurt liked her own brother and neice. And she admired Kurt and everything he had been through. Kurt was deserving of everything that happened to him and she knew he was proud of himself and Ariel.

● ● ●

Blaine sat out on the fire escape, it was January meaning it was fucking freezing and Blaine wasn't sure why he was sitting out here, except for the fact that his roommate was currently having sex loudly and Blaine didn't want to hear two women going at it together. He tugged his winter jacket over his body some more and tugged his hat down to cover up his ears.

He blew his breath out grinning when he noticed the hot breath escaping him and into the cold sky, breathing it in and out like a little kid. "Having fun?" Kurt questioned with a smirk, as he climbed onto the fire escape.

Blaine shrugged chuckling. "Yeah I suppose." He responded before raising an eyebrow. "What exactly are you doing out?"

"You mean, what's my excuse?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah basically."

"Well, I needed some alone time and quietness and this was the only place I could find. What about you?" Kurt asked.

"My roommate is having loud sex with her girlfriend." Blaine answered strictly.

Kurt laughed out loud rolling his eyes, as he shook it. "You are hilarious." Kurt gasped out. "But anyways, thank you for telling me all about your friend's sex."

Blaine nodded. "Your welcome." He grinned. "I like your jeans." He winked.

Blaine mentally slapped his forehead. God why the fuck was he flirting with a man who had a child. "I'm-"

"Thank you, Blaine. I like your hat." Kurt smirked, flirting back. Blaine raised both his eyebrows.

"Thank you, I got it from walmart." Blaine said sheepishly and embarassed. Kurt chuckled.

"I'm so taking you on a shopping trip." Kurt shook his head. His neighbor was insane, he was pretty sure.



I'm hoping to post one a week. But i'm not sure. :)) i'm super happy about this story.... your meeting the mystery guy tomorrow 😏

- Alysha

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