Distance: 20

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Rachel and Finn knocked on the door to Kurt's apartment. Kurt hadn't been expecting them and despite being excited to see them he wasn't sure what he should do. Angie Rockler has came back to Kurt's house the next day and gave him her contact information, which Kurt had taken only slightly hesitant. Then he had talked to Blaine to see what he thought he should do, but Blaine had told him that it was entirely his choice.

So Kurt had called her up two weeks later to tell her that she could meet Ariel in a week's time. So today Angie was coming to visit, to meet her, and now that Rachel and Finn arrived at his house he wasn't sure what he should do? He was utterly confused. Angie was due to arrive in 20 minutes. "Hey guys!!" Kurt said enthusiastically. "I actually have somebody coming over to meet Ariel soon, so you'll just have to figure out something to do for like an hour or so."

Rachel rolled her eyes. "That was a horrible way to say hello." Rachel threw her arms around her brother in law's neck. "I missed you so much."

Kurt grinned hugging her back just as tight as he pulled her closer. "I missed you too." He then pulled away hugging his step-brother.

"Hey dude- I mean Kurt." Finn grinned sheepishly, causing him to pull back. "I want to meet my niece and your boyfriend."

Kurt gasped shocked. "How do you know I have a boyfriend??" Kurt said narrowing his eyes.

"Burt told us." Finn siad cheerfully. "So when can I meet them?"

Kurt sighed rolling his eyes. Of course his dad would tell everybody. "Well you can meet Ariel now, she's in the living room. Just follow me." Kurt said motioning the couple to follow. "And Blaine is actually suppose to be arriving in a few minutes."

Rachel nodded excitedly clapping her hands. "Alright. Now where is that sunshine." Rachel cooed kneeling down beside Ariel. "Hi Ariel, I'm aunty Rachel and this is uncle Finn."

Ariel slightly confused giggled looking up and over to Kurt eyes wide. Kurt nodded at her reassuringly. Ariel held her arms out snuggling into Rachel's embrace automatically.

"Kurt? I'm here. Where are you?" Blaine called throughout the house as he closed the front door behind him.

"Living room."

Blaine walked into the living room confused and surprised to see other people their. "Blaine, this is my step brother, Finn, and his wife Rachel." Kurt introduced, smiling happily when Blaine shook hands with Finn and hugged Rachel briefly.

"Nice to meet you." Blaine smiled turning to Kurt, he kissed his cheek, gave him a side squeeze on the waist before he headed into the kitchen. "Angie is arriving soon."

Speaking of Angie. The doorbell went off, and Blaine pulled the door open inviting her inside. "The meeting is just right through their." Blaine pointed in direction where Kurt was, while he went and got himself a glass of water with ice.

"Angie." Kurt nodded at her. "I'd like you too meet Ariel. My daughter."

Angie stepped forward smiling slightly at the little girl. "I'm Angie. Your biological mother."

Ariel frowned turning her face away from the women deciding that she didn't like her. She reached her arms towards Blaine who was closest to her. Mouthing as if she wanted to talk to her. Blaine easily craddled her in his arm. Kurt spoke up first. "I think it's best if you leave Angie."

"No." Angie said annoyed. "I want to take her back with me. Your not even married anymore."

"I don't care. Your not getting my daughter, Angie." Kurt scowled. "She obviously doesn't like you- no actually I'm pretty sure she hates you."

Angie glared. "Well I don't give a fuck." Angie huffed. "This isn't the last of me, I assure you."

Kurt was about to scream at her but a reassuring hand on his arm stopped him abrutely, as he turned to face his boyfriend, daughter, and Finn and Rachel. He grinned slighlty. "Let's go out for supper! My treat."

(Angie Rockler looks like)

(Ariel Hummel looks like)

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(Ariel Hummel looks like)

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"Hey Blaine? Before you leave can I talk to you?" Santana asked, crossing her legs while sitting at the breakfast bar. Blaine stopped mid step out of the apartment. He didn't want to be late to Kurt's considering he knew he was a nervous wreck.

"Of course, what's up?" Blaine asked moving to sit down beside her, taking a sip of water from her glass on the table.

"Well, Brittany and I are beginning to become pretty serious, since we've been dating since we've been dating for eight months, so I we we are thinking that maybe we should take the next step?" Santana suggested.

Blaine's eyebrows rose. "I'm not ready to be an uncle, Santana." Blaine exclaimed nervously.

"No!! Not kids, at least not yet." Santana said chuckling. "I mean, I think i'm going to move out and in with Brittany." She hurried to finish, looking down at her hands.

Blaine smiled chuckling lightly. "Really? When?" Blaine asked, his eyes lighting up with joy. Santana looked at him surprised. "Are you planning on taking any furniture?"

Santana rolled her eyes, punching his shoulder. "We can talk more later, your going to be late meeting Kurt." Santana said wiggling her eyebrows. "Good luck!!"

Two days after the encounter with Angie, Rachel and Finn had left the previous day, and Blaine was currently babysitting Ariel, having decided that Kurt needed a day off with Quinn. "So what's new?" Kurt asked.

Quinn shrugged. "Ryan was offered a job in California." Quinn answered biting his lip. "And then he offered me to come move with him."

Kurt gasped eyes widening. "Oh my god!! That's amazing Quinn, i'm so proud of you." Kurt hugged her tightly. Quinn blushed looking down as they pulled away. "Ariel will be fine, she's already in daycare. Have you said yes yet?"

Quinn bit her lip nervously. "Quinn!! You better say yes, or else i'm saying yes for you." Kurt threatened jokingly but only kind of. Quinn rolled her eyes.

"I know, I will." Quinn responded.



Happy, Happy, days!! What's up?? How are you liking this story so far? Because i'm really liking writing it, make sure you comment feedback!! My birthday is on Monday :)) and happy valentines day, and this book is nearing the end...

- Alysha

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