Distance: 22 (Epilogue)

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Blaine and Kurt lived a great year after that. Blaine moved in with Kurt and Ariel, and got himself a promotion at his school he taught at called, Wicked. He put on a bunch of plays at the school with directing, choreography and singing lessons, that eventually a talent agent from the broadway universe offered him a job on directing a broadway musical. His career rose from then on. Within 6 years both Blaine and Kurt had good set offs for their careers and Ariel.

Blaine got set up with broadway, whereas Kurt got set up and promoted with Vogue and ended up being a co worker with Isabelle, his now former boss. He began a clothing line for men like his now husband of 4 years, Blaine. He had called it Pavorotti, and the name had stuck, although Kurt had decided to stay anonymous, after not wanting to be famous. Ariel was going into kindergarten this year, after going into playschool for two years.

Blaine rubbed a tired hand over his eyes slapping a hand on the alarm clock currently yelling in his ear. He grinned when he heard the familiar sound in the kitchen, before hearing footsteps stomping towards the bedroom door. "Daddy!! Daddy!! Wake up!!" Ariel giggled jumping onto the bed and pressing her hands on each cheek and pushing.

"I'm up, i'm up, sweetie." Blaine chuckled sitting up leaning on his elbows. "You head back into the kitchen, okay? I'm going to get dressed. " Blaine announced breathing out a deep heavy breath. "Remember, you don't start school until lunch time."

Ariel nodded in understanding hopping off of the bed, her long straight hair falling down her back, as her blue eyes bore into Blaine's hazel. "Oh and Toby, is awake. Papa said your have to give him the milk." Blaine nodded, smiling when she closed the door.

Blaine pulled on some black jeans, a nice fitted t shirt that accentuated his muscles in his hair and stomach, and then tamed his curls a little, before he reappeared into the kitchen. He kissed Ariel and Toby's heads before he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist from behind kissing his sensitive neck. Toby whined pouting, making grabby hands for some food.

Blaine and Kurt had adopted Toby only 7 months ago, as soon as he was born. He grinned as he pulled away from his husband's addictive neck and throat turning to Toby. "Alright, let's get some milk in you." Blaine picked him up craddling him while he went to the couch, resting him in his lap. After a year of the couple thinking about adopting together they finally agreed and had begun the adoption proccess. Ariel had been so excited for a baby brother.

A few minutes later Kurt returned with a bottle of warm milk for Toby, handing it to him before he left back into the kitchen, making himself and Blaine a coffee while keeping an eye on Ariel eating his cereal.

"Are you excited for kindergarten today?" Kurt asked, preparing their coffees into to go mugs, he helped Ariel off her chair once she was finished her breakfast. He cleared her plate into the sink. Ariel nodded smiling a bit. "Let's get you dressed." Ariel agreed following her Papa behind him, Kurt stopped handing Blaine his coffee before continuing onto her now own bedroom.

After Ariel turned 3 years old, Kurt and Blaine both agreed it would be easier for them all if they moved into there own town house, considering they could both surely pay for it with the salaries they both got. Kurt lifted Ariel onto her bed. "Do you want to wear a dress today?" Kurt asked.

Ariel giggled nodding excitedly. "Yes please!! Sparkly too." Ariel exclaimed pursing her lips together to keep from squealing infront of her father from all the excitement bubbling inside her stomach. "I'm nervous papa."

"I know honey, everybody is nervous when new things happen to them." Kurt replied helping her into a sparkly pink dress, he than pulled her hair back into a bun on the top of her head. "Daddy, is taking you to school okay?"

Ariel nodded. "Okay, but why can't you come too?" Ariel questioned.

"I have to stay home and get some things done.
I also have to stay with Toby." Kurt explained, rubbing her back once she was finished, he set her back down on the floor. "Go show daddy your dress."

Ariel grinned hurrying out into the living room, Kurt grinned when he heard Blaine's praising of her dress. Kurt finally came back out picking up Toby from Blaine's arms. "Go brush your teeth, babe. I want a kiss before you leave."

Blaine nodded stretching arms and legs out before heading into his shared bathroom to do as Kurt had asked him too. He came back out carrying Ariel's backpack, he smiled when he noticed Kurt helping Ariel put her shoes and coat on. "Let's get going, sweetheart." Blaine smiled grabbing onto her hand, he then turned to Kurt giving him a long kiss, only making him want more. "I'll see you guys later...." Blaine blew them both one final kiss before he left with Ariel towards her new school.

Kurt smiled closing the door, he turned back to Toby who was playing quietly in his crib, in the living room. Kurt sighed. He couldn't believe this was his life. And he couldn't wait until Blaine came home tonight, Santana and Quinn were visiting tonight for two days, Kurt had made sure Blaine had tomorrow off to visit and catch up with them. An hour later Kurt greeted Quinn with a hug and a smile with Santana.

"Oh my god Quinn." Kurt gasped putting a hand onto Quinn's growing baby bump. "How far along are you?"

"Four months." Quinn said excitedly.

"Blaine is going to be so excited Quinn. You don't even know." Kurt smiled kissing her cheek. "Let's go into the living room, you guys than can finally meet your nephew Toby." Santana and Quinn both followed closely settling themselves on his couch. "Girls, meet Toby, the newest addition to the Anderson family."



Was that an alright ending to this story?? I hope it was. :)) I'm going to be publishing a sequel to Famous For Fashion sometime within the next two weeks maybe? And I'm sorry that I didn't post this for like two weeks or so! And if you liked reading Brokenly Tragic, you can find it on Archieveofourown. :)

- Alysha

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