chapter fifteen

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◇ small warning ◇

it hurts.
everything hurts.
it hurts down there.

my body aches
shivering with
sharp pain.

i push
and push
and push.

i feel nothing.
there is nothing.

rose is still in
my tummy

it gets warm.
too warm like
i could explode.

panic creeps in
an old friend.
greeting me.

i push.
and again.

i scream for rose.
trying to get her out.
trying to free her of me.

i'm dizzy.
i'm hurting.
i'm crying.

the doctor says
"stop pushing"
"she's bleeding too much."
"she's hemorrhaging."

"take her upstairs now."

"we need to
stop the bleeding."

"the umbilical cord is
wrapped around her neck."

"she's going to need
an emergency C-section."

"margo, you need to hold on."

mom cries for me.
a nurse holds her back.
she can't come with me.

i am rushed
into the elevators.
a nurse covers my
mouth with a plastic mask.

air is being pumped into
my nose and throat.
my eyes flutter open.

the room is bright.
the sound of metal
bounces off the wall.

the frantic sounds of
the nurses and doctor
lingers around the room.

the doctor says
"the bleeding stopped."
"prep her for the C-section."
"everything will be okay."

tubes are in my nose.
a needle in my arm.
a machine monitors.

i am numb.
i am tired.
i am weak.


the doctor says "i have her".
"she looks blue."
"she isn't moving."

a minute passes.
another minute passes.
one more minute passes.

tears escape my
worn eyes.
heart sinking.

a nurse rubs my shoulder.
softly caressing.
trying to soothe.

a gasp escapes the doctor.
the nurse leaves me.
shuffling of heavy feet.

finally, she cries.
she cries loud.
rose cries.


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Hello beautifuls!

I wasn't too sure how I felt about these chapters because I feel like they aren't that good. But, I hope you enjoy them!

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