chapter ten

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we are going to look
at potential families.
mom didn't want to.

there is no other way.
i am not ready.
i can't do this.

the closer i get,
the more i sink
and feel the pain.

29 weeks today.
almost 11 weeks left.
time is running out.

the waiting room.
four white walls.
large open windows.

it's scary being the
only pregnant one here.
longing eyes gaze upon me.

my tummy the target.
this baby girl already
wanted by everyone.

many don't have a choice.
this places allow them that
second chance for hope.

it's sad to see couples.
eager to start a family.
wanting the life of parenthood.

i feel guilty.
i got pregnant
when i didn't want to.

it was given to me.
an unwanted burden
that others find a gift.

people run out of time.
eventually lose the spark.
stop and move on.

but i didn't run out
of time or the spark.
i was unlucky.

we get called in.
go over the basics.
start looking at profiles.

one stuck out.
like a flame,
burning so bright.

there's one couple.
they're young but
not too young.

together for five years.
they've tried many times
but, the woman is infertile.

she remains positive.
she doesn't let
her light diminish.

he is patient and kind.
he stays with her
through it all.

two adoptions fell through.
it would seem that the
couple would just let go.

they continue searching.
trying to find the one.
trying to find their baby.

the first adoption, the girl
couldn't let her baby go
the minute it cried.

the second adoption the mom
and the baby's life was lost
at the hospital during birth.

it would seem like the
universe giving them a
sign yet i found them.

maybe this was the universe
telling me i found something
at the end of this dark tunnel.

this women
she makes me feel
strong. brave. fearless.

she's like a light.
the sun on a bright morning.
sunrays that bathe spring flowers.

i feel that i can finally
do something right.
if not for myself, for her.

i tell the them,
"i don't need to meet them."
"it's a good fit for the baby."

mom looks sad.
maybe even angry.

"we don't need to make
rushed decisions, margo."
mom begins to cry loudly.

"this is what was meant to be"
"i won't let them down."
"she belongs to them."

i choose no further involvement.
no contact information at eighteen.
no disclosure of any information.

my hand finds my tummy.
little one is dancing away.
she needs something from me.

a memory.
something to hold.
something to keep.

"i have one condition.
if they didn't mind.
let me name her, please."

she will keep that from me.
she's like a rose.

her name is rose.


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hi beautifuls!

another update. i couldn't help myself. i just love this book and there is so much more to tell for margo's story.

also, i wanted to say that I recently published a new book called "nocturne of paris". completely different style and tone from this book, but if you're interested in checking it out, please let me know what you think. first two parts are up and the first chapter will be up at the end of this week. maybe even two or three chapters... ;)

thank you for those who have continously showed support for this book. i would love to start doing dedications starting in the next chapter!

have a nice day/night!

bee :) x

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