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     "What are you doing tonight?" Luke's voice rang through as I answered my phone.
"Uh, I have class tonight. It's Thursday, why what's up?" I asked as I pulled on some pants.
"Let's go out to dinner afterwards." He more so stated, rather than asking.
"Dinner? Uh, I dunno I think I made plans with Ashton. I'll get back to you after I call him." I said as I grabbed my car keys and bookbag.
"Oh alright. Yea for sure, just let me know." I hung up the phone and headed out the door.

"Hey Ash." I called down as I walked to my car. He smiled and waved at me from the porch.
"Did we make plans for tonight? I cant remember." I laughed.
"I don't think so, did you wanna go do something?" He asked, standing up and making his way down to me.
"No, I had gotten asked on a date and I didn't know if we made plans so I haven't responded yet." I smiled.
"I see, I see. Who's the lucky guy?" He joked, nudging my shoulder.
"An old friend." I smiled lightly, not wanting to tell him about Luke yet until I was sure it would go somewhere. "I gotta get to class, I'll let you know how it goes." I called as I climbed into the car.

I messaged Luke, letting him know we were on for tonight and he messaged back with a 'I'll pick you up at yours.' Class flew by tonight and I was super nervous about going out with Luke. Not like a first date nervous, but more like skeptical of what's gonna happen. I picked out a nice outfit, nothing to flashy, just a plain short black dress and heels. I ran some hairspray and gel through my hair, scrunching it up before I heard a honk out front. I grabbed my purse and made my way out.

Luke was standing outside of the car with my door open for me. I smiled as I climbed in and he shut the door.
"You look nice." He complimented as he got in, leaning over and kissing my cheek.
"You're being nice." I joked, earning a smile from him. We drove for about twenty minutes before reaching a small café. He got out rushing to open my door, taking my hand as I climbed out. We walked inside together and he asked for outside seating. The place wasn't super fancy or crowded with people, which I liked a lot. It was very different from the usual scenery I was used to with Luke.

"Okay, don't look yet." He giggled as he turned me to face the other way. "Okay, turn around." He beamed. I turned around as he stood there with a rose in his mouth, winking at me.
"What are you doing." I smiled softly, walking to him and taking the rose from his mouth. He looked down at me with a warm-hearted smile before kissing me gently.  He pulled my chair out for me, even let me start the conversation. He was being so gentleman like, which was extremely weird for him.
"Is this one of the perks of you not drinking anymore?" I questioned as I looked over the menu, eyeing him up every so often.
"I've realized a lot of things I did wrong with you. I figured I could attempt to fix them." He commented.

"You didn't get any wine? They have your favorite." Luke asked confused. "It's one of the reasons I brought you here because most places don't have it." He confessed. I shook my head no and took a sip of my water.
"I don't want to drink in front of you. You're sober now." I crossed my hands in front of me, looking at him admiringly. 
"I'm not drinking that doesn't mean you cant." He called our waiter over, ordering me a glass. I felt happy all over again with him. Like I was falling in love with him once again.

Dinner had went by great, better than anything I have ever expected from him. 
"Are you getting chilly?" He asked as I took another bite of my food. I nodded and looked up at him. He stood up, shrugging his jacket off and helped me put it on. "There ya go." He blushed, sitting back down.
"I had a really nice time tonight." I confessed as we got ready to leave.
"I'm glad. I'm really trying to make it up to you. I miss you." Again, he opened and shut my door for me. We talked and laughed the whole way back to my house. He leaned over kissing me, letting it linger before I got out of the car.
"Maybe I'll take you out next time." I smiled before shutting the door. I waved as he pulled off and turned to head inside.

"Oi!" Ashton yelled for me. I made my way down there and took a seat on his steps.
"Was that Luke?" He asked, pointing towards my house.
"Yea, he asked me to dinner. I figured why not." I shrugged, running my hand through my hair. He looked at me, waiting for me to explain.
"I went over to his house to help him out with a business class he started taking a few days ago. He said he had stopped drinking and said he wanted to try things over with me." I explained bashfully to him. He sighed and shook his head disapprovingly.
"Is it turning into something more? Like are you two getting back together?" He asked quietly. I shrugged, not giving a direct answer. It was quiet between us before he spoke up. "I just don't wanna see you hurt again Noelle. I care about you, you're my best friend." He stood up and started walking to his door.
"I'll talk to you later, Noelle." He said before going inside. I sat on his porch for a few minutes by myself, rethinking my choices for the night. 

A text came through from Luke and I looked at it before locking my phone again and pushing myself up to go home. I felt like anything I did in this situation was gonna end badly. Like I would lose Ashton as my best friend if I got back with Luke. Then on the other hand if I didn't get back with him, I would still have Ashton but I would have to be by myself while Ashton moved on with the girl he was in love with. I went inside and went straight up to my bedroom, stripping from my clothes and climbing into bed. Luna crawled into bed next to me and I laid there, petting her head.

Another text came in from Luke and I looked at it once more, putting my phone down on the bed and ignoring it. There was a knock on the front door and I huffed, getting out of bed, throwing on a sweatshirt and shorts, then proceeded to go answer the door.
"Who is it?" I called, pressing my body against the door, waiting for an answer.
"It's Ash." I sighed softly to myself and opened up the door for him.
"You still mad at me?" I asked, leaning against the door as I closed it.
"No." He muttered, not looking at me.

"Can I stay?" He asked nervously.
"Of course." I walked to him, taking his hand and heading back upstairs. We laid in bed, side by side, just looking up at my ceiling. He wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him, leaning his head on the top of mine.
"We should run away together." He whispered.
"I cant just run away Ashton." I mumbled back, both of us still staring up.
"Let's go when you graduate this year. I don't care where, lets just go." I sighed and traced circles on his skin with my finger. It grew quiet again and I pulled myself even closer to him, not wanting to let go. 

Another text came through on my phone and Ashton looked over at it, picking it up from the nightstand.
"It's Luke." He whispered, handing me my phone.
"Yea, he's been texting me since I got home. I haven't replied so he's most likely worried." I unlocked the phone and nodded, being right about the messages. I didn't reply once again and a few moments later a call came through. I answered it and looked up at Ashton with a sympathetic smile.
"Hey, you haven't responded, are you okay? Do you need me to come over?" He asked frantically.
"No I'm okay. You don't have to come over." I mumbled quietly. 
"Are you sure?" He hesitated.
"Yea, I promise. I just got a little sad but I'm fine. Ashton came over to make sure I was okay." I sniffled.
"Okay, as long as someone's there. I'll call to check on you in the morning, okay babes?" His voice cracked slightly, breaking my heart.
"Okay. Goodnight Luke, love you." I whispered before hanging up.

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