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I groaned as my alarm went off and I pulled myself from Luke's arms. After I got home from class last night, Luke and I got the rest of his stuff unpacked and stayed up until almost four in the morning. Knowing I had class this morning, I should have waited until tonight to do the unpacking but all the boxes cause clutter and were annoying me.

I grabbed a clean outfit and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower before I started stripping from my clothes. I got in and closed my eyes momentarily, letting the water run on me while I tried figuring out my morning.
Okay so its about eight o'clock, I have to take Luna for her walk at nine, so I'll shower a little longer today and double check to make sure I have all of my assignments. Take Luna for her walk, possibly talk to Ashton, then bring her home. Class is at ten so by the time I get Luna home it'll be about 9:15 or 9:20. I'll leave, stop and get coffee and breakfast from Susie's cafe and then head to class.

My mornings always had to be planned out or I would be a chaotic mess. I finished my shower and got dressed, blow drying my hair. It was starting to get chilly out so I didn't want to leave the house with wet hair. I walked downstairs and checked my bag to make sure I had my laptop and my essay that was due.
"Good morning cutie" Luke smiled, his voice husky from sleep.
"Hey, did I wake you? I'm so sorry" I said as he kissed my forehead.
"You didnt wake me, I wanted to go with you on Luna's walk, so I could get to know the route. So when I take her for her walks." I smiled but I was internally screaming. Luke would flip if he saw me talking to Ashton. He was always over protective and while sometimes I loved it, I also couldn't have many friends that were guys.

"Alright, I'm gonna start taking her on night walks too. I just haven't gotten to it yet." I smiled as I grabbed her leash and she came running down the stairs.
"Hey pretty girl" I squealed as I kneeled down, petting her and attaching the leash. I nodded towards the door and we were on our way.

As we approached Ashton's house I saw him standing on his porch and smiled to myself. I couldn't not stop, that would be rude and I was not a rude person.
"We're gonna make a stop up here. This is Ashton's house, he gives Luna treats every morning." I muttered to Luke as we stopped at Ashton's front lawn.
"Good morning Ashton." I smiled as he gave Luna her treat.
"Hey Noelle." He turned his attention to Luke and stuck out his hand.
"You must be the boyfriend who moved in." He smiled with a small laugh, making my heart melt. Luke chuckled and shook his hand.
"Yea, I'm Luke. How do you two know each other." he asked, narrowing his eyes at Ashton.

"Luke, he's lived here longer than I have." I scolded, nudging Luke.
"She goes to the school where I'm a teaching assistant. I knew her from campus. Then she moved in and Luna tried coming up on my porch or would try to come up to me while i was getting in my car every morning." Ashton explained causing Luke to nod and let out a small 'I see'

I looked at my phone for the time and I mumbled to myself.
"Well it was great seeing you this morning Ashton but I am now running late on my schedule. We'll see ya later" I smiled causing him to smile back.
"Alright. See you guys around" he said as he waved goodbye to Luke.

"So you see him every morning?" Luke asked as we got away from his house.
"Luke he's my neighbor." I said, rolling my eyes.
"He has a thing for you." Luke snapped at me.
"He does not have a thing for me. He is my neighbor. He knows I have a boyfriend." I said as I picked up my pace trying to finish Luna's walk a little faster.
"Oh did he ask you on a date and you had to tell him you had a boyfriend. Is that how he knows." he said, causing me to stop dead in my tracks and causing Luke to bump into me.

"Are you dumb? Mentally insane? He just met you, He helped me move your stuff in. He's never asked me on a date. What the fuck is wrong with you?" I slightly yelled, shaking my head and finish Luna's walk in silence. We made it home about 9:30, so I had some time to get breakfast still but I would be cutting it close.

"I'm leaving for class, I'll see you when I get home." I told Luke before leaving quickly. He's only been there two days and he's already ruining my mornings. I knew it wasn't a good idea for him to move in.

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