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     "What are you doing?" I asked Ashton as he paced back and forth.
"Trying to hype myself up." He muttered, not looking at me. I raised my eyebrow, sitting my notebook down and pulling my leg onto his couch.
"For what?" I questioned.
"I gotta read and grade 32- 3,000 word essays on Historical Events important to the students."  He shot a smile my way before plopping down next to me, placing his laptop on the arm on the couch. We had decided that we were gonna spend a lazy day together to get some work done between the two of us. He had a lot of things to grade and I had two essays to write. 

"I don't mind grading the tests or packets they get but I absolutely hate the essays." He complained as he stared at the screen.
"Oh hush, it's not a big deal." I told him, going back to writing.
"How'd you get a Saturday night off at work?" He asked after a few moments.
"Tuesday you asked me if I would be busy today and I said no and took it off." I replied nonchalantly .
"You took off to work just to spend time with me?" He asked with a smile.
"Yep." I smiled back.


         "What's a synonym for interesting?" Noelle bit the end of her pen and glanced up at me, waiting for an answer.
"Captivating." I answered, stretching my legs out on the couch.
"Get your feet off of me." She nudged my foot with hers and I pulled it away some, giving her a playful death glare. I was so in love with her. My eyes trailed over her face. The way her gorgeous eyes stared at the paper with so much focus. How her lips were parted slightly as she chewed the cap of her pen. How loose strands of hair fell onto her face from her ponytail. The way she had her glasses perched on her nose and how she would use her whole hand to push them up onto her face dramatically.
"Are my glasses dirty again?" She questioned, snapping me out of my trance. She pulled her glasses off of her face and observed them.
"What were you staring at?" She placed them back on and stared at me in confusion when she noticed they weren't dirty.

"Uh nothing I just got lost in space, ya know?" I cleared my throat and turned back to my laptop. I felt her gaze on me and raised my eyebrow.
"Yea?" I mumbled, glancing over at her.
"Somethings up with you." She stated making me shake my head no. "Oh yea, there's definitely something wrong with you." She teased, sitting her notebook down and pulling her feet under her so she was sitting on her knees. She tilted her head and continued to stare at me, making me grow more nervous every second.
"Nothing's wrong Noelle." I chuckled, trying to change the topic.

"You're a terrible liar." She laughed sweetly before making her way over to me.
"What?" I asked softly, inches away from her face now.
"What's wrong?" She more so whispered.
"Nothing" she inched closer "is" again she moved closer "wrong." I could feel her breath hitting my face and it felt like I was growing intoxicated by the second. 
"God damn it Ashton Fletcher Irwin if you do not tell me what is wrong this instant I am going to explode." She yelled, pulling back some and tilting her head. I let out a breath I hadn't realized I had been holding and wiped my now sweaty palms on my pants. "I have never had a man make me so frustrated. Why wont you just tell me what's wrong?" She whined.

"It's just that." I paused and sighed, which seemed to catch her attention. "You look so ugly with those glasses on. I cant take you seriously." I said with a shrug. She gasped and smacked my shoulder.
"You are the rudest person I have ever met." She pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. She leaned back and glared at me.
"Awe come on darlin' I'm just kidding." I laughed, moving closer to her. It was my turn to tease her. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over me, her legs on either side of me. She wrapped her arms lazily around my neck and pressed her forehead to mine.
"So you're really not gonna tell me what's wrong?" She asked, her eyes never leaving mine. I gave her a small smile.
"I promise nothings wrong." I assured her. She leaned in closer before her phone began ringing from her pocket. She sighed and pulled it out to answer.

"Hey Luke." I kept my hands rested on her hips and ran my eyes over her body. "Yea, I'll be home soon." She mumbled before hanging up and frowning at me. "I gotta go." She sighed, making me roll my eyes at her.
"Just stay here with me." I pleaded as I ran the pad of my thumb over her exposed skin. She stared down at me before she let out a heavy sigh.
"I can't. Luke is home from work and is at the house waiting for me to make dinner." She didn't move from my lap as I shifted under her.
"He moved back in?" I grew angrier by the second. I had no reason too, it was her house and her life but it just rushed over me. My entire body was filled with rage and my skin grew hot.
"He needed somewhere to stay and since we're back together I figured" She stopped talking when I removed myself from under her. "Ash." She pleaded for me to look at her but I just stared in the opposite direction. "I'll see ya later." She mumbled before getting her things and leaving. She paused as she closed the door, like she was gonna say something before huffing and shutting it completely.

two doors down: a.f.iWhere stories live. Discover now