Chapter 3:Sonic's Wisdom And Infinite's True Identity

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"Sonic are you crazy!? You just brought a monster here in our base! He is working with Eggman for crying out loud!", Tails exclaimed as Sonic was looking out of the window.

"I suggest that we should put him behind bars", Knuckles said, knowing that Infinite wouldn't stand a chance.

"No, we can't....", Sonic answered, still not facing his friends.

Each of his friends began telling him a lot of negative stuff about Infinite. But, Sonic is still not facing them.

"Why is he not facing his friends? And why is he being so defensive on me? Didn't I tortured him for 6 months, he must have hated me.... Didn't he?", Infinite though as Shadow suddenly spoke up.

"Ugh, this is getting us nowhere. Faker, we must get rid of him. Once he  recovered, he might destroy us. Which is impossible, because he is weak. He didn't even manage to either defeat you or Classic you or Gadget. Even with that Phantom Ruby of his", Shadow said with venom in each words. Infinite felt depressed with every word Shadow said and he bet that Sonic will definitely listen to the Ultimate Lifeform.....

"THAT'S ENOUGH SHADOW!!!", Sonic yelled with pure rage, his fists were shaking due to his anger. Everyone was surprised, Sonic never yells unless you said the wrong words.

"You don't have the right to say those words, Shadow. Especially when you also in the same place as Infinite once!", Sonic said angrily.

"I don't know what your talking about", Shadow said, crossing his arms.

"You worked for Eggman before Shadow and you even tried to kill or hurt me a lot of times. But, what did I did? I. Forgave. You!!!! And fought along side with you when things starts to get out of hand! ", Sonic explained and Shadow realized that he is right and he hung his head in shame. Then, Sonic turned to Silver.

"Silver, you tried to kill me twice when Mephiles lied to you. But I also forgave you when we have to save Elise", Sonic said and Silver nodded, regretting of what he did in the past. And then he turned to Knuckles.

"Knuckles, you once tried to get rid of me and Tails when Eggman tricked you. But, what did me and Tails did when you almost fall from a cliff?", Sonic asked.

"You guys saved me.... And forgave me from all the things I did to you and Tails....", Knuckles answered.

Sonic then walked to the center of the crowd.

"See? All of us made huge mistakes and we get to learn from them and some of you used to be my enemies. But that was all in the past now and I forgave you. I'm just trying to get Infinite  be on our side because, I've seen that he have a horrible past and I'm willing to take him in and make him see that he is not weak and one the strongest rivals or even friends I've ever faced", Sonic said in a very wise voice.

Infinite suddenly felt a huge pain in his legs and they gave way as he fell with a big thud. Everyone turned and saw him, Sonic immediately run towards Infinite to help him up.

"Infinite, what are you doing? Your not even healed yet!", Sonic asked as he help him up.

"I-I heard everything...... I-I'm sorry, I was so lost of hope that I even agree to become a monster....", Infinite said as tears flowed out of his mask.

"It's okay Infinite, you just made a mistake", Sonic said as he tried to comfort him.

"Zero.....", Infinite said in a inaudible voice.

"Huh?", Sonic questioned.

"M-my real name is Zero The Jackal", Infinite/Zero explained as he removed him mask, revealing his own face.

"M-my real name is Zero The Jackal", Infinite/Zero explained as he removed him mask, revealing his own face

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"I was abused by my parents when I was young, they said that I was useless. Whenever I did a mistake, they tied me in a chair and they hit me repeatedly until I began to bleed, saying that I was just a piece of thrash who should be in a dumpster and doesn't deserved to live. I was even forced to steal in order to live, and I was also been bullied because of my heterochromic eyes and being the weakest of all in our town. I got this scar from my father when he is drunk when he tried to kill me with a broken bottle. When I turned 15, I formed a team called the 'Jackal Squad', we work together in the hardest of times. When I met and lost to Shadow, he called me weak and he remindes of the way that my parent's abuse, the bullies' abuse and rage filled me. When I fought Eggman, my sword hit the Phantom Ruby and I was amazed that what it can do.... And you know the rest....", Infinite/Zero explained as he shed in tears. Everyone felt sorry for him and Sonic tried to comfort him as Zero cried.

"It's okay Zero, it's all in the past and I forgive you. And don't dwell in it, because it will only bring you down okay?", Sonic said as Zero nodded. Sonic brought him back inside his room and let him take his rest. Zero then looked at the Phantom Ruby.

"From now on, I'll use the Phantom Ruby to protect my new friends", Zero swore as Sonic approached him at the back.

"That'll be a good start to change", Sonic said as he gave his trademark grin and thumbs up. And the Phantom Ruby shimmers as it starts to change at it's new purpose.

Friendship Is Not An Illusion (Sonic Forgives Infinite)Where stories live. Discover now