•Part 30•

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Riley's pov•
It was 4:10 and I was starting to think James wasn't coming. I paced my my quiet lounge, just listening to my boots tap along the wooden floor, before being halted by a horn honking outside.

"Bye!" I yelled, before realising how pointless it was. I was home alone and thankfully would be for the next week or so.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to turn up" I say while shutting the car door and fastening my seatbelt. After pulling out my driveway and onto the pretty calm roads, James replied.

"Me stand someone up? Pff never, not you anyway."

I smiled to myself while gazing off out the window..

"So what have you been doing lately?" He questioned, probably feeling uncomfortable in the silence just as I was.

"Not a lot, just homework and squeezing in netflix here and there" I smiled while thinking back to how busy school was getting now it was almost exam season. only 8 months to go. "How about you?"

"Well studying defiantly isn't something I do" he chuckled, even though I already knew that.

"You know, studying would probably benefit you" i told him causing him to roll his eyes.

"We only got out of school like 30 minutes ago, please let's not lecture me on how badly I'm failing. I already hear it enough" he half heartedly smiled.

"So what do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"I dunno uhh are you enjoying being home alone? I overheard you telling West that your parents were on a cruise or something?"

"That's not what I meant" i said slowly.

"What, are they on a fishing trip or something? I didn't imagine your pare-"

"No James, earlier you said that we needed to talk. That's why you forced me here remember?" I said pointing to Dairy Queen which was just coming into sight.

"Oh, right yeah..we will talk once we're inside and eating okay?"


We were silent up until he killed the engine.

"Oh and James?"

"What?" He asked nervously while glancing at me. I grinned at him cheekily.

"You owe me an extra scoop of ice cream for being late."

"So, can we talk now?" I asked James while shoving some more of the cool Oreo flavoured ice cream into my mouth.

"Yeah, and first of all I just wanted to apologise...you know, for losing my temper and everything."

"So you should" I said emptying my mouth. My walls were most defiantly In defese mode right now.

He looked puzzled at what to say next, so I spoke up again.

"Why didn't you want me at the party?"

James shrugged. "It's just weird...like I'm the the typical party kind of guy and well...you're not. I just got worried that you'd get hurt or freak out or something."

"I'm not a baby anymore. Besides I'm past all that" I said referring to my anxiety and panic attacks, which most defiantly was still a thing for me.

"Okay...well again I didn't mean to yell and I'm sorry I made you leave."

"It's okay, I forgive you" i said scooping more ice cream into my mouth. "So, did you mean it when you called me hot?"

"What when?" James furrowed his brow. "I called you hot at the party?"

"Hey hottie" I said quoting his drunk mumble. James looked embarrassed.

"I do not remember that" he chuckled.

"To be fair we didn't even know it was each other till you made me look at you" i somewhat giggled.

"Oh" James laughed as he scraped the remaining ice cream from his tub. "Well even if I don't remember much from last night, I'm sure you were still hot in your 'geek' glasses and leggings.

"For your information I don't even own a pair of glasses!" I protested while laughing. "In fact I actually wore nude heels and a pretty short dress."

"Wait did you have your hair curled?" James asked as though something was coming back to him. I nodded.

"Shit" he mumbled.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Oh uh nothing" he smiled.

•James pov•
No wonder the girl I slept with smacked me along the cheek. I fucking groaned to Riley's name.

The Player And The Nerd •Jiley•Where stories live. Discover now