Chapter 4 'Trapped'

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Today is the day the day that I have been dreading. The day that I step back into the institution that I was forced into for three fucking years. The place where terrifying things happen all I can hope for is that were out of there before night fall or were all in for a scare and I'm not prepared for another night in that horror place.

Now days you would think that a mental hospital would be celeb and shinny but now it's creepy as fuck everything is run down and light flicker everyone awhile and just in general it's a very dreary place. The second you step foot in the doors your surrounded by a bad smell almost a smell of death a smell that I never wanted to smell again but here I am. Not just the smell but you can feel a sense of darkness I case you and there's no escaping it. I felt it here for three years and I can feel it again. I quickly pull Ara to my side grabbing her hand with all my might I don't plan on letting her go.

"Calum it will be alright. I'm right here for okay." She says placing a kiss on my cheek.

I just nod my head in response.

Little did she know that I wasn't the one that needed the comfort of holding her hand. I grabbed her hand so that she would always be next to me so that I would know where she was at all times so I could protect her. I was put in here three years ago for a reason and I would do the act again if it meant saving Ara. I never told her what truly went down behind these walls all the screams of pain all the blood that was shed and the amount of bodies that piled up every morning from the night before. You may think this place is creepy in the day but just wait till night and you might just lose your mind.

Every night was a battle for three years you fought and I won and I got out but now I'm back, but it's not just me the three other most important people in my life are here with me and there's a chance if then getting hurt. Especially Ara.

I don't know why or how she can love me in the first place, but she does. She took the time to know the real me to find the truth to know what really happened and why everything really happened. She had my heart and she always will. If she feels pain I feel pain. If she is gone I am gone with her. I wouldn't want to live on this earth without her I couldn't. If it wasn't for her I would have let the darkness take me a while ago.

The Nurse begins to talk to us and show us around each step that we get further in the faster my heart beats. I remember these floors and these walls like I was just in here yesterday when in reality it was over a year ago. As we walk by patients and nurses some stare as they recognise me some if the patients with a look of desperation and a little jealousy that I'm out that I don't have to deal with anymore what happens when all the lights go out.

Were taken into a small room which I know from experience is the rec room a few patients are in here still ether playing some sort or card or board game or some of the more with it patients having conversations some just sitting there doing nothing.

A bush or lilac hair grabs my attention and the light brown curly haired boy sitting next to him. As I look at them their eyes lock with mine and they take a second before

"CALUM." The two boys yell in unison and dash over to me in casing me in a hug between the two.

Almost as soon as the two connect to me they are being pulled of by two guards.

I wanted to hug them longer. I'm just glad to know that the pair is okay that they are still wining the fight.

"Are you okay sir." The guard asks. It's pretty obvious that the guard is new and doesn't know who I am.

Still holding back both Michael and Ashton the guard looks to me for my answer because he's afraid that these "crazy" boys hurt me in some kind of way. I know why their here I know what they did but I'm not afraid of them. Other than Ara Luke and Abbey they are my best friends they were the only ones that I had when I was in here. For what my crime was I wasn't allowed any visitors.

"I'm fine there not going to hurt me." I say sarcastically back as the guard.

"You don't understand sir these boys are in here because they brutally beat a kid to where he almost does they have many mental issues."

"Yes I know and a little over a year ago I spent time in here because I killed my mother and sister I only got out because of good behaviour and a very large check." I snapped back harshly.

I feel a squeeze on my hand by Ara signalling to calm down and I just looked down at her and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

The guard backed away and released Michael and Ashton.

"Hey Mikey hey Ash." I say fining then a hug back where the dick head guard does not stop us this time.

"This must be Arabella." Ashton says.

"That would be me." Ara says with her cute little smile.

Ash and Ara talk for a few min while Michael pulls me over to the side I leave go of Ara only because I know Ash won't let anything happen to her because he knows how much she means to me.

"Calum why are you back, he's still here and he's even worse then he was when you were here. It's been a living hell for me and Ash. I don't want to see anything happen to you or Arabella and I bet that that blonde boy over there is Luke right."

"I know Michael we had no choice it was a school field trip a pretty fucked up one I would say so my self but we had to come there was no choice and I will protect Ara with my life."

"I know just please be careful Cal this place has gotten a lot darker since you left."

"I know. I have dreams about this place every night. I wake up screaming. The only time I don't is when I have Ara with me wrapped in my arms. I wouldent be alive if it wasn't for her. I would have let him kill me the first try but I stayed fighting for her and I will continue till the end if time."

"I know you will just please make it out if here before the lights go out."

"We will be what field trip makes you stay in a mental hospital over night."

"Well your schools not such a good school they kinda just left you four like 40 min ago."


I look around to see the rest if the class no where in sight. Wow. They really could care less what happens to us and it's all my fault.

Soon me and Michael rejoin the group that consisted of Luke Abbey Ara Ash then me and Mikey. This place and our school is pretty fucked up they left a group of students all alone with two mental patients. Not so smart but I guess they figure I am a psycho too and Ara Luke and Abbey already hang out with me alone what's the difference with two more psychos right.

The lights flicker like they always do and I can tell that it is starting to freak Ara out because she is snuggle closer into me so I wrap my arms around her as she stands I front of me. I look over and Luke and Abbey are in a similar position. I know that this doesn't freak Luke out but I can tell that the place is starting to get to Abbey too. I kiss Ara and whisper that everything will be okay I'm right here and that nothing is going to happen. But I spoke too soon

The doors slam shut with a loud bang and the light go from flickering to compleat darkness. I tighten my grip on Ara and I can feel her begin to shake.

I hear a set of feet running from where were standing to the door it had to be ether Michael or Ashton. Then I hear a pushing if the door and a loud yell.

"It's locked."

Cold chills are sent trough my body. I know what's next and I don't like it.



Xx. Tiffany

Trapped In A Nightmare - A Calum Hood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now