Ch 8 'Goodbye'

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One is gone and it's all my fault. Michael was there for me, he helped me, he tried to protect me many times and now he is gone, dead, hung over.

All I can think is who is next who will go next. I can't save everyone. I know that now. Who will be next will it Ash, Luke, Abbey, or will it Ara the love of my life. If she goes I will go. I know I won't survive with out her. There won't be a Calum Hood without Arabella Martin.

I need to think of something, we need to do something now, we need to leave we need to get away from Michaels body before it rips me and Ashton apart and before Ara and Abbey break down.

But I can't move. I'm frozen, with my arms wrapped around Ara while she is shaking and crying as no one can take their eyes off of the dead boy hanging from the ceiling and the bloody message on his chest. I don't know how we can go on. I Really thought that I would be able to keep them all safe, that we would all come out together even Michael and Ash somehow I just thought that we would get them out of the asylum and everything would be okay.

What the fuck was I thinking. Nothing is fucking perfect. Life isn't perfect, not even close. Truth is we're not all gonna make it out of here, none of us may. This might be the last day for all of us.

I won't die alone or I won't die sad I have Ara and she is the only person that I love or need. To an outsider it would seem like my life sucks and I live a horrible life, but I don't yeah I might not have any real family but I have Ara and Luke and Abbey and they are like family to me. I can't lose them. I can't.

The hallway still smells like blood but now there is something else. Something lingering below the surface of the oder of the blood. Something more fresh. Something that smelled like spring. I couldn't place my finger on it. It was a soft smell but getting more and more prevalent by the second. It began to compleatly mask the smell of the blood almost as of there wasn't a dead bloody body hanging right by us, but what is it. Then it hit me it's the scent my sister used to wear everyday it's jasmine. Then it hit me even harder why it was there. Abbey and Luke are deathly allergic to jasmine. Luke never was even able to around my sister when she wore it or his throat would close up and when he met Abbey they thought it was fate because they were both so allergic.

I turn around quickly as Ara's head picks up from being butties in my shirt. I took to long to tell what the scent was it was too long. They were silently choking. They were looking in each others eyes with passion they both knew what was happing. Not a tear was coming from their eyes. They were going together, they were going in love. Then I heard a soft choke come from Luke.

"Goodbye mate I love you."

That's the last words I heard from my best friend. The last time I would here is voice. No word came from Abbey. They died in each others arm. Two more dead and it's all my fault. I feel the water coming out of my eyes heavier then I thought was even possible. I lost my three of my best friends in less than an hour. They were gone and gone forever. All I can do is hold Ara she has lost the only friend that she has ever had, the only one that had stuck by her side when she stuck by my side. She is just crying harder then I have ever seen her cry. Even if we make it out of her our lives will never be the same there will be missing pieces in our hearts. I'm crying and she's crying. Part of us wished that we would have just died with them. We wouldn't have to put up with the jackasses at school, it doesn't hurt me but I can tell that it hurts Ara and that's what hurts me.

We lost three people and I know the list is just gonna grown.

There all gone. They all breathed their last breath. They won't walk out of the asylum.

Then I heard it I heard the voice no one wants to know.


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