Ch 10 'Dead'

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I hold her in my arms, as tight as I possibly can. There's nothing else to do. She lost her best friend, she watched her suffer till the last breath.

I don't even know what the next step should be. What I should even do next. Harry and Lou are gone I have no fucking clue where they are and Mali Hasent sent any more letters. Everything feels bad it feels like even though you think nothing can get worse it feels like it will. I feels like everything will come crashing down more than it already has. I just want to be back at Ara's house cuddled in her bed as we watch sappy romantic movies that make me laugh but Ara loves them and that all that matters. I want to be able to hold her face and kiss her for hours, but I can't not now we can't let our guards down.

I result for just a small peck witch seams to give a small smile across her face.

Should we move try to hide, but I know there is no hiding we tried and everyone died. Were the only two left.

"I love you im so sorry I ruined your life. You should have left me the second I went in here. You should have gave up on me and took luke and abbey with you. I'm the reason your life is so messed up. Gosh I'm such a fuck up I should have just killed my self last time I was in here and I wouldn't have ruined the only persons life that I actually care about."

"Cal, babe please never fucking say that ever again. I wouldn't leave you even if you begged me. Good damit I love you so fucking much and your all that matters to me, your all that i ever loved. All I need it you babe, we can get through this hell togther okay we're gonna get out and then we're gonna go back home and we're gonna just cuddle and watch movies and eat popcorn and have hot cocoa okay."

"Okay. I love you" this time I don't care about time I push my lips desperately against her lips are they move together in deep and needy kiss.

"RUN NOW" is all I hear when we break the kiss.

It came from a group of very familiar voices that I love and are happy to here, but I can't forget what they said so I grab Ara's hand and we run.

But we run to late.

We ran to slow.

An arrow.

Ended everything. Ended my whole life. Ended what gave my life meaning.

An arrow was sent through Arabella. Having her gasp for air and clinging to my body, my arms grab her and I try to pull the arrow out but I can't, it's too late anyways. I cry out and I love you and place a kiss on her forehead and she breaths out an I love you and then falls to the ground. Dead.

My heart breaks. My life means nothing anymore.

I sit next to her on the ground and stroke her hair. I grab her hand, Place a kiss to her still warm lips. Then With out a second thought I pull the gun out of my back pocket and out a bullet through my head. Killing me on the spot.

A/N Hey do you hate me well I love you.

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