Part Seven

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  My alarm rings out waking me up with a start. I realise Finn's head is resting on my bra and he hasn't woke up yet. I can't remember anything from last night, why are we topless. I press stop on my alarm and nudge Finn awake, he lifts his head and looks around.
"What time is it?" He asks, his voice croaky from sleeping so hard.
"Half six." I reply.
"That was such a comfortable sleep."
"Because you slept right here." I point to my chest.
"Oh god, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologises. "Why are we topless?" He asks looking down at himself.
"I don't know, don't think we did anything." I explain. "Come on, I have to get up." I push his head off of me. I stand up and go to my wardrobe, I get out my cropped white jumper and show him.
"This or..." I also grab my blue Hollister top and show it him. "...or this one?" I ask.
"The blue one." He replies.
"Skinny jeans or leggings?" I ask putting the top on.
"Any, you'll look good in anything."
"Aw, thanks." I take off my shorts and slide my black leggings on.
"Pretty." He says, looking at me.
"Are you sneaking into school so you're not bored or are you going to stay at home?" I ask him.
"I'll sneak in." He replies. "Oh crap, all my clothes are at my house." He groans.
"Wear the same as yesterday." I reply.
"Where's my top though?" He laughs. I walk out of my room and downstairs, Finn follows me as I check the living room and find his top on the sofa bed.
"Found it." I say and throw it to him. He puts it on. "Cereal or toast?" I ask him.
"None, I'm not that hungry."
"Yeah, me neither." I walk to the bottom of the stairs and slip my white trainers on. I hear Finn walk into hallway, he sits next to me on the stairs. He puts his shoes from yesterday on.
   "I'm going to need to get some clothes from my house if I stay here." He tells me as I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulders.
"We'll do that after school." I tell him.
    I unlock the front door and lead Finn out. I feel like it's all been a dream and I've just imagined Finn was there but Finn grabs my hand, I walk down the path way.

      We arrive at my school but stay away from it.
"There's a side building there, it has a door in it and it leads into a hallway but an unused classroom is on your right, don't ask why it's unused, no one knows, go straight in there and I'll go at break and lunch to talk and give you food. Have you got your phone?" I ask him, pointing out the side building as well.
"Okay. Yeah, I have my phone and it's charged fully." He answers smiling at me.
"Why are you smiling?"
"Because you're telling me to do it like it's a mission." He chuckles.
"It is." I laugh. "Right let's go." I say. We walk over to the fence and climb up it, we gracefully land on the other side. I open the door and push Finn in, he opens the door directly next to him and walks in.
  "Will anyone find me in here?" He asks, looking around.
"No." I answer, I've never properly looked in this classroom, just a peak with Billie. I realise bookcases stand in the corner and sofas sat next to it, I properly walk inside and look around. Not much else is in the room except a coffee table and a kettle plugged into the wall.
    "Looks like an old meeting room or something." He says, I go and sit next to him.
"I've got time to sit with you." I tell him.
"Can I go live?" He asks as if he's just thought of it.
"Sure but don't show my face." I agree, he nods. He gets up his instagram and goes live, within minutes hundreds of thousands of people are on there. He looks at the comments and reads one out loud.
   "Finn, are you okay? The news say you've left home.' Yeah, I'm okay." He says, he looks at me and laughs. I see one and point it out.
"Where are you'?" I read.
"Somewhere." He replies, I laugh. Hundreds of comments come through so quick we can barely make them out, most of the, ask who's sat next to him.
"Who's next to you?' Someone." He smiles at me again. I look at the time and see I have to go.
"I have to go." I say, he turns the phone away and kisses me quickly. "I'll be here in about two hours."
"Okay." He replies. I stand up and walk to the door and see him smiling at the comments. "Aw, I love you too stranger mills." He replies to someone. I walk out and down the corridors, the chatter of school echoing off the lockers. I head to first period.

    I leave fourth period and see Billie coming out the door opposite me, Did she switch lessons?
"Don't suppose you know where he went?" She asks, spotting me.
"Oh my god. Leave me alone."
"No, why should I?" Ugh, her voice goes through me.
"Why have you turned into a brat over a boy?" I ask her quietly.
"Yeah, the boy."
"Face it, he doesn't like you at all, remember how he forgot your name?" I roll my eyes.
"Be prepared to be exposed." She growls.
"You won't expose me, I've been your best friend for 7 years, you won't just turn on me like that." She's silent. "I have some where to go." I say and walk away.
"Like where?" She shouts.
"To eat, you dumb fuck."

   I walk back down the empty hallways with the burger and fries in my bag. I hurry down the hallways and reach the classroom, I swing open the door and close it quickly. I see Finn lying down on the sofa with a book held aloft above his head.
"Hey?" I say.
"Mhm." He replies.
"What you reading?" I ask putting my bag down and getting the food out.
"Dispersion of Light by Prisms." He tells me. "Well that's the bit I'm on, just read about the Chaos Theory. Didn't really understand that but I understand this."
"Cool, you hungry?" I ask, offering the boxes. I take my bag closer to the table and sofa and place them on the table. I grab my food out my bag too. Finn sits up and lays the book down, he opens the boxes and starts eating the fries.
"Sorry for not staying long at break." I apologise.
"It's fine, I know you have to learn. How's Billie?" He asks.
"She tried to start on me again but I just walked away." I tell him, I get my phone out and look through my Instagram stories. I come to Finn's story and it's just a bunch of pictures of him pulling stupid faces, I laugh and show him the phone.
"Were you bored?" I ask.
"Yeah, you take some it's actually quite fun." He suggests. I shake my head and laugh a little. "Or we can do a photo shoot?" He smiles at me.
"Oh, that sounds fun." I say, I stand up and take Finn's hand, I pull him up too and make him stand in front of the bookshelves.
  "What do you want me to do?" He asks, a tinge of pink starting to rise in his cheeks.
"Whatever feels comfortable." I tell him. He puts an arm behind his head and one in his pocket and looks down. I take the picture. "You are such a fucking model, Wolfhard." I laugh.
"Not really." He smiles. "Right, your turn." He says and gets his phone out, he pushes me where he was and squats down. "Do whatever feels comfortable." He repeats. I roll my eyes and smile, I pull my sleeve down over my hand and put it over my mouth. He takes the picture,
   "Wanna do another?" He asks.
"Sure. Was that pose alright?" I ask, self conscious.
"Yeah, it was beautiful but do a different one." He tells me. I rub my eye and tilt my head because my eye itches but he takes the photo.
"Wait, I wasn't doing anything." I say confused.
"It looked cute so I took it. It looks natural." He smiles and shows me it. My brown hair falling in a sort of waterfall as I tilt my head, it does look natural.
"I guess I like it." I mutter.
"Who's account we posting it to?"
"Mine so people don't find out."
"Okay." He sends me the photo and I save it, I post it with a black and white filter on it. He posts his picture too and puts a black and white filter on it also.
"I wanna do one together." He mumbles.
"Okay." I agree.
"Oh, ok. Thought you'd say no." He beams, he sets up his phone on the bookshelf, sets the timer, we run and pose, I look up and he looks down at me, our noses touching, I close my eyes. I feel his soft breath on my lip, I feel his hands on my hips, I hold my arms against his chest, I hear the photo be taken. We stay there for a second longer, Finn breaks away and looks at the picture.
    "Oh my god, that's so cute!" I squeal.
"I'll send it to you. Oh and while I'm at it, lemme have your number." He says in a weird tone, I laugh and get my number up, I give him my phone.
"You're such a dork." I chuckle. I see he saves my name as 'Bae♥️✨♥️'.
"I'll text you so you have my number." I see a text come through.
Unknown: xxx
    I save the number as 'Baby Boy❤️😂😍'. We sit back down on the sofa, I see another message come through and it's the picture of us two.
"Ugh, it's so cute." I repeat. He smiles at me,
"So are you."

End of chapter

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