Chapter 3

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*Zoella's POV*

     The lights in my room are flicked on and I pull the blankets over my head groaning. I was still tired and would rather stay home then go out at this point. I feel the covers start being pulled off of me making me tuck them under me slightly so they weren't as easy to pull off.

"Zoella come on, we're going out remember." Sarah says with a small grunt.

I set up holding the covers close at I squint and glare at her. "Sarah I'm too tired." I grumble.

"Fine I'll just take your dress and wear it myself." She says heading to my bathroom.

"No it's mine." I whine scrambling out of bed.

I stop in my tracks in the doorway and Sarah holds out my dress to me smirking. "Get changed so I can do your hair." She orders.

Once I have my dress on I slip on my flats clasping the buckle around my ankle then go into the bathroom where Sarah waits with my brush in hand. 

"I'm not little I can do it myself." I say taking the brush from her.

"There is a hair style I wanna try though so I'll need that back once you brush your hair out." She informs me. 

Once my hair is brushed she takes the brush back and pulls the top layer of my hair up somehow putting it into a bow and curls the rest that falls over my shoulders. I put a little bit of makeup on to finish off the look putting my glasses back on and then out the door we go.

     As Sarah parks the car I look out the window at the club we have pulled up to. The place doesn't look too crowded, but there was a small buzz of people which was I was actually okay with. Getting out of the car I wait for Sarah and we head inside. The faint smell of smoke made me crinkle my nose and I look at Sarah about to complain when she gets in her small purse and sprays so sweet smelling perfume on the both of us helping with the smell a little bit. Following her to the bar she orders us two fruity drinks and we set down on the stools sipping our drinks.

"I'm a little hungry." I say playing with the little straw in my drink.

"They have chips and dip, wanna get a plate to share?" 

I node and she grabs the bartender's attention and orders us some chips and dip.

After finishing our plate of chips and dip and a few more drinks I'm feeling a little buzzed and really in the mood to dance. I look over at Sarah and she's talking to some guy who she seems to be kind of interested in I think so I decide to adventure onto the dance floor alone. Moving my hips to the beat I'm getting real into it. I feel a presence come up behind me and take hold of my waist pulling me into them dancing with me.

"Hello doll." He says close to my ear.

I shiver slightly and turn in his hold looking up at him instantly blushing at his handsomeness and I step out of his hold looking over to where Sarah is and she's not there and I start to panic a little bit. 

"Who are you looking for, did you come with someone?" He asks.

I bite my lip and node "My friend brought me." 

"Wanna keep dancing or go find her?" He asks.

Part of me wanted to keep dancing, but I didn't feel too safe not knowing where Sarah was. I look at the man before me and then down at my feet. "I'm gonna go find my friend." I say then head to the bar looking around for Sarah. Then I see her coming out of the bathroom and I make my way over to her.

"You ready to go home?" She asks.

"Yes please." I answer immediately.

     Monday morning rolls around and I end up coming into work a bit late and I get a warning from the boss and also I stern talking to from Sarah. If it wasn't already established Sarah was kind of my caregiver in a way even though she wasn't really into the lifestyle. She had me clean the tables and sweep the floor and then take the trash out. By the time that I was done with all of that I was a bit tired. Now Sarah has me making the coffees while she gives them their food and stuff. So after a while I'm starting to get the hang of it making them and calling the name of the person who ordered it. Then I get to on of my last orders. I go to the pick up counter and look at the cup ready to call the name when my heart drops to the pit of my stomach. I look over at Sarah and she give me a stern look totally oblivious to what was going on.

Taking a deep breath I look around thankful not many people are here and I call out the name "Black coffee two sugars for Daddy." I say blushing furiously.

Sarah looks over at me shocked and I hand the cup to the guy almost dropping it. Its the guy from the other night and I'm literally lost for words.

"Thanks doll." He says giving me a wink.

I blush a even deeper red if that's even possible making him chuckle. "You're welcome." I say softly.

"I didn't think I would see you again after you ran off to find your friend." 

"Me either." I say truthfully 

"What time do you get off?" He asks. 

"I'm not sure." I shrug.

"You want me to wait till you get off I'm not really doing anything today?" He asks.

I bite my lip feeling myself slip into little space slightly which results in me getting all shy.

"If you wanna." I answer.

He give me a small smile "I'll be setting at one of the tables in the back." he informs and walks off.

Sarah swiftly comes over to me pulling me to the storage room shutting the door. "What was that?" She asks.

I chuckle nervously. "I met him when we went to the club, but when I couldn't find you I kind of ditched him to go look for you and that's when you came out of the bathroom and we left."

"He's cute did his cup really say Daddy?" 

I node and she holds back a snicker. "I guess we were working so smoothly I didn't register when I was writing it on the cup."

"You have to go out with him at least for one date." She says almost begging.

"I'll think about it I hardly know the guy."

With that we head back out getting back to work.

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