Chapter 4

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*Zoella's POV*

     After a somewhat smooth day at work we close up shop and clean up the place and put up the materials and everything I go over to where what's his name was and my heart sinks a bit when I don't find him there. I pout slightly, but quickly brush it off cause honestly I hardly knew the guy. Sarah comes from the bathroom dressed in her regular clothes with her work uniform in her arm. 

"You need a ride home?" She asks grabbing her bag.

"I walked." I say not even answering her question.

She pulls her keys from her bag glancing at me as she shoves her uniform in the bag "So do you need a ride then?" 

I shrug my shoulders "I guess so." I say following her outside. 

As we walk outside what's his name walks up to us as Sarah unlocks her car. 

"Sorry, I left to go do a few things as was gonna come back, but I lost track of time." He explains.

"It's okay." I say brushing it off.

"Okay cool, I'm Nathen by the way." He says finally introducing himself.

"I'm Zoella and this is my friend Sarah." 

"Are you a Dom?" Sarah asks abruptly making me blush a bit. 

He chuckles with a small nod "Yeah, are you her Mommy?" He asks.

"Oh no I'm sort of her caregiver, but we don't live together or anything like that. I just make sure she's taken care of and stuff like that." 

"That's sweet of you." 

I start to slip into little space due to tiredness and I really just wanted to go home. I pull on Sarah's shirt grabbing her attention and she looks at me.

"Tired." I mumble.

"Well tell Nathen bye and I'll drive you home." She says gesturing to Nathen.

"Bye Nathen." I say giving a small wave.

He smiles back waving and I get all shy and make a beeline for the passenger seat. I turn and look out the back window to see Sarah exchange numbers with him and then she came to get in the car and I quickly turned around in my seat buckling my seat belt just as she gets into the car.

"Nathen thinks your pretty cute." She informs me as she starts the car.

I blush hiding my face not really sure what to say to that.

"Maybe I could talk to him about coming with us on a little weekend trip?" She asks as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"where we gonna go?" I ask peeking at her.

"We could go to the zoo, how's that sound?" 

I perk up at the mention of the heavenly place called the zoo and instantly nodding my head making Sarah chuckle. "I'll talk to him about it and make the plans then."

"Okay." I chirp happily. 

     After a long and dragged out week it was finally the weekend I was super excited to go to the zoo. Sarah came over a little after breakfast to help me get ready and also had me pack a little bag for the car ride which included. A stuffie, blanket, sippy cup with juice, a pacie, small snacks like trail mix and animal crackers, and also a portable coloring station that was pretty much a plastic clip bored that opened up and held a one coloring book and a small box of crayons.  

After everything was ready to go Sarah and I sat on the couch watch TV till Nathen arrived

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After everything was ready to go Sarah and I sat on the couch watch TV till Nathen arrived. Sarah explained that we would be taking his car since she really didn't feel like driving since the trip would take at least an hour. Suddenly there's a knock at the door which makes me jump slightly and Sarah goes and answers it. I was a little nervous not gonna lie, but also really excited. Sarah opens the door to reveal Nathen standing there with his hands in his pockets and as soon as he sees me I see him faintly smile.

"Good morning girls, you guys ready to hit the road?" He asks.

I hop up off the couch "Yes!" I chirp.

Sarah turns off the TV and I grab my backpack and we head out to Nathen's car a black Honda SUV. Sarah gets into the passenger seat and I get in behind the driver seat putting my back on the seat next to me for easy access. I buckle up as Nathen gets into the driver seat starting the car. I see him glance back at me from the rearview mirror before pulling out of the driveway and I playfully stick my tongue out at him earning a chuckle.

     So we've been in the car for almost an hour now and Sarah and Nathen keep saying we're almost there, but I wanted to be there now. I was bored, I drank all my juice, my phone was dead, and I was just not having it. Also I didn't wanna say it cause Nathen was in the car, but I really had to pee and I was holding it bouncing in my seat. Sarah glances back at me and gives me a odd look and I whimpered kicking my feet almost kicking the back of Nathen's seat.

"Zoella you wanna tell me why you're bouncing in your seat like a crazy person?" Sarah asks. 

I bite my lip glancing at Nathen and blush whimpering louder. 

"Zoella can you tell us what's wrong please."

I cross my legs looking at Sarah with a pleading look and she finally understands the problem.  

"We got to pull over at the next stop like now she's about to burst." 

Nathen doesn't question her and within a few minutes were in a gas station parking lot. Quickly I hop out and speed walk in and go straight to the bathroom making it just in time and I sigh with relief. When I get back out to the car Sarah is leaning agents the car and Nathen is pumping gas. 

"You wanna tell me how long you were holding it?" She asks in a hushed tone.

"About fifteen to twenty minutes." I mumble and Sarah groans face palming which causes Nathen to look over at us.

"Everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." She glares at me making me hang my head in shame. "If you have to go you tell me don't worry about Nathen okay it's a bodily function and there is no need to be all secretive about it okay." 

I nod "Okay." I say softly.

Nathen comes over and I blush slightly feeling my self slip into little space due to the slight humiliation. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink you girls want anything?" 

"Juice please." I say softly playing with my fingers.

"I'll take a coke." 

With a nod he heads into the gas station coming out with a bag of stuff and with that we were back on the road.

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