Chapter 9

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*Zoella's POV*

     The loud ringing of my phone wakes me from my sleep, but I'm too tired to look at it so I ignore it and I roll over and try to go back to sleep, but right as I get comfortable it goes off again. I groan setting up slightly and angerly smacking it off my dresser which seems to shut it up, but as I lay my head down on my pillow it goes off again. Flinging back the covers I grumble profanities as I get out of bed and pick the stupid ringing device off the floor. The caller ID says Sarah and a picture of her smiling wide is on my screen. I instantly wanna punch her, but instead I'll yell at her so I press the answer button putting the phone to my ear ready to chew her out, but she beats me to it.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" She yells making my flinch away from the phone.

"Home, you woke me what." I snap.

"Oh don't you dare snap at me." She snares. "You forget you were suppose to come in this morning?! ITS ALMOST NOON!" She screams.

My whole body goes cold as my eyes widen. "Shit."

"Yeah, shit! Andy isn't working today, Dona is and shes is pissed and if you don't get here soon you're fired." 

"I'll try to be there as soon as I can." I say then hang up.

I toss my phone on my bed and get out a backpack from my closet and shove my work uniform and works shoes in it along with my wallet keys and phone then quickly pull on some shorts and a t-shirt and a random pair of sneakers. Brushing my hair out with my fingers I pull it up into a pony tail and run out the house locking it. I go to get on my bike and just my luck the damn back tier is flat and I don't have a spare or a pump. I groan checking the time then just book it running to the coffee shop. I can't loose my job, I'll loose my house and have to move back in with Sarah. As much as I love my best friend I was not back tracking. Pushing myself the last block I finally make it to the coffee shop bursting into the place panting, my lungs felt like they we're on fire. I look up to see Sarah behind the counter, but she doesn't look happy. I give her a pleading look as to say I'm sorry when suddenly Dona swings the office door open so fast it bangs against the wall making me and a few people in the shop jump.

"Zoella, my office now." She growls.

I swallow hard and reluctantly walk into her office setting down in one of the chairs in front of her desk. She shuts the door coming over to her chair and setting down. She crosses her arms giving me a disapproving look. 

"You realize you're almost 6 hours late." 

I node still catching my breath. "I forgot I had work and I also had to run here cause my bike had a flat tire." 

She rolls her eyes. "I don't want to hear excuses I want you to be here on time."

"Yes ma'am." I say softly.

I go to change into my uniform, but she stops me.

"I'm not done." She says scooting closer to her computer.

I bite my lip as she types some things then she looks back at me. "As I can see this is obviously not you're first time being late."

"But this is the first time I've been hours late." I say defending myself.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is the fact you've been late a lot more times then you should have been. Our minimum of how many times you are warned about being late is three and you have definitely exceeded the limit. I'm sorry, but you're fired." 

I go to say something, anything to keep my job, but I can't think of anything. I stand up and walk out and go over to my usual table I eat my lunch at and slump down in the chair laying my head face down in my arms. I lost my job. What was even worse my rent would be due in a few days and I wasn't even sure if I had it all. I wanted to cry, but I was in public and that wouldn't be a pretty sight. someone taps my shoulder and I set up coming face to face with Sarah and I almost want to groan.

"Don't worry I'm not here to lecture you." She assures me.

"I lost my job." I mumble.

"I know, I could help you find a new one and you could move back in with me till you get back on your feet." She offers. 

"I don't wanna have that small room." I grumble. 

"You could talk to Nathen." She says softly.

I look at her like shes grown a second head which makes her put her hands up in surrender. 

"It was just a thought." She says.

"I've only been with him a week. I don't even really call him 'that' yet." I say referring to the Daddy title.

She rolls her eyes "I know hush, I'm sure he wouldn't mind though he likes you quite a lot." 

"I don't wanna take things too fast." 

"I get it, but if it comes down to it please do ask Nathen okay."

"Ask me what?" 

I yelp turning to look up at Nathen holding my chest taking a breath. "Could you not do shit like that." 

He gives me a stern warning look "Could you not curse." His voice making me want to shiver.

"I'm sorry." I say bowing my head slightly. "You scared me." 

"I'm sorry doll." He says sweetly lifting my head so I look at him. "Now what is it that you were gonna ask?" 

I bite my lip looking at Sarah only to find she had went back to work her break over. I look back at Nathen knowing lying wouldn't end well nor could I lie to him in the first place, he would see right through it. 

"I got fired and I might loose my place." I sigh "Sarah thought I should ask you for help. I didn't really want to cause I don't wanna move to fast."

"I have a spare room you could use till we get further into our relationship and it could be all little if you want even so you could still use it for playing in and nap time if you take naps."  

"That doesn't sound too bad." I say kinda liking the idea now.

"I'd love to have you around." He says taking my hand in his as he sets with me. "You wouldn't have to get a new job if you don't want to either I could take you to work with me, Robert takes Paisley all the time." 

I was starting to like the idea a lot more the more he talked about it and eventually I gave in and said yes.

"So can I paint my room right?" I ask.

"Any color you want as long as it's not too dark." he answers.

"Awesome." I say with a wide smile. 

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