Chapter 8

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A/N: Sorry I've been MIA from r so long. I've been a little busy and I had real bad writers block, but now I'm back and I hope you guys like this chapter. xx

*Zoella's POV* 

     Just as Sarah promised she came over a hour or two before Nathen was suppose to pick me and I hadn't even showered. I had good reason though, there was a My Little Pony marathon on and I was deeply engrossed in it and so when she came waltzing in to see me still in my night clothes she wasn't too happy. 

"Zoella TV off now and go shower." she order pointing to the bathroom. 

With a soft grunt I turned off the TV and trudged to the bathroom and I started the shower and while it got warm I striped and got in the shower. Once done I wrapped myself in a big fluffy towel and walked out of the steamy bathroom and went to my room to find Sarah with my dress  resting on the bed along with some garments, the lace kind. 

"What's with the lace?" I ask her.

She chuckles giving me a look wiggling her eyebrows "You know, in case things go really well on your date."  

I blush furiously "This is our first date nothing like that is gonna happen." 

"Alright Mrs. Tomato, lets get you ready." 

She leads me back to the bathroom and we start on my hair brushing and blow drying it. We decide on leaving my hair down and curling it a bit. Then it was onto make up which I wasn't a big fan of so we stuck to a simple soft look and once finished Sarah helped me into my dress. I spun in a circle giggling, I felt like a princess. 

"Alright now we just wait till Nathen gets here, lets go watch some TV."

I node in agreement really wanting to get back to watching My Little Pony, but Sarah had other plans. She wanted to watch adult TV, some doctor show she was obsessed with. Ugh.

     After a while of boring TV that I wasn't really paying attention to I look down and start to fiddle with the flowers on the bust of my dress and suddenly Sarah swats my knee making me jump and instantly stop what I'm doing. 

"Stop before one of those pretty flowers fall off." 

"I'm just so bored." I grumble.

"Nathen will be here soon." She reminds me and butterflies stir in my stomach making me smile.

Like on cue there's a knock at the door making me jump up excitedly. Sarah stands up too and turns off the TV and goes over to the door opening it to reveal a well dressed Nathen who might I say looked so handsome and the butterflies came back full force and I instantly got all shy fumbling over to the door.

"You look beautiful." he says sounding almost breathless.

"Thank you." I say blushing slightly. 

This makes him smirk. Sarah hands me my little purse that hand my phone and keys in it and we head outside Sarah goes to her car waving goodbye.

"You two don't have too much fun." she chuckles sending me a wink.

I roll my eyes at her and follow Nathen to his car and he opens my door for me as always making sure my dress is all in before shutting the door. I watch him walk around the front of the car biting my lip slightly. Seeing him in a tux he looked so dominant and that made me feel quite little. I wanted to slip, but I knew where we were going I couldn't be little there so I pushed it back just as he got into the car. As we buckled our seat belts her looks over at me giving me a smile and I can't help but smile back.

"Ready?" he asks.

I give a short nod and he starts the car beginning to drive.

     As we pulled into the parking lot I began to get nervous, I was about to meet a lot of new people and with that realization I instantly wanted to go home I look over at Nathan as he parks the car about to tell him, but he speaks first.

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