Chapter 12

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*zoella's POV*

     I hear my door open, but I don't look over or even open my eyes I was way too tired. I feel a presents next to me and I'm lightly shaken. I groan rolling over putting my back to them. 

"Honey, I'm heading to work in a little bit do you wanna come with me?" Nathen asks.

I shake my head no shooing him away with my hand and he chuckles at me. 

"Alright, I'll come by to check on you during my lunch brake." He says then leaves.

Getting comfortable I go back to sleep.

     I wake up again to a quiet house. I check my phone to see it's only 10 am I also had a few missed calls. one from Sarah and a few from Nathen probably checking in on me. Getting up I go over to my closet pulling out some jean shorts and a shirt with cat on it that said 'I'm not lazy I just enjoy doing nothing' after getting dressed I brush out my hair and put on some socks and head down to the kitchen going threw the cabinets. I find the pantry my eyes skimming the shelves. It seemed like he had spoken to Sarah quite a bit about what I liked cause he had a lot of things here that I liked. I pull out a box of lucky charms and go over to the cabinet I found the bowls in and poor some cereal in my bowl then go put the box up and get out the milk poring some in then put it away grab a spoon and head over to the table setting down and eating. Half way threw my bowl I hear my phone begin to ring and I drop my spoon and scramble up the stares diving onto my bed just in time to answer my phone.

"Hello." I answer trying to hide my hard breathing.

"Hey." Nathen says coolly "You weren't running on them stairs again were you?" He asks making me stiffen slightly.

"N-no." I lie.

"Zoella." He warns.

"Okay, yeah I was, but I left my phone upstairs and I didn't wanna miss your call." I explain quickly.

"Alright, well I called to ask if you wanted to come in with me after lunch?"  

I smile "I would love to, I'd get to hang out with Paisley."

"Yeah, she was asking about you after she woke up from her morning nap." He tells me. "Shes actually in the playroom between mine and Roberts office right now." 

I set up so quickly my head almost spins "There's a playroom at the office?!"

"Its a office that's smaller then mine and Roberts that we converted into a playroom. there's a door that leads to mine and Robert's office for easy entry and the main door stays locked at all times. There's foam matting on all of the floor , toys, a TV and a DVD player, but if you wanna watch a movie you have to pack a small bag cause we don't keep any here cause last time one of Paisley's movies got stolen hence why the main door to the room always stays locked." 

"Okay." I say as I walk back down stairs.

"When did you get up?" He asks.

"A little bit ago I got dressed and make me some cereal." I answer.

"Alright well I have to get to a meeting, I'll be over to pick you up around 12 and we'll stop for lunch before coming here." 

"Okay, bye." I chirp.

"Bye baby." He coos then hangs up.

Setting down I finish my cereal then clean my dishes before going into the living room and turning on a random show and set down watching, but get bored within minutes. I check my phone finding it was only 11:05. I had an hour to kill and I had no idea what to do. Then I remember the pool in the back yard and I quickly run upstairs and grab a bathing one of my bathing suits and changing garbing a towel and my phone before I head out back. Setting my towel and phone on the picnic table I go over to the water dipping my hand in to feel the temp. It was a little cold, but I didn't care I took a few steps back before jumping in making a splash. coming up for air I wipe the water off my face smiling. It had been a while since I went swimming. 

     I'm deep in mermaid land when my phone goes off and I get out drying off as I look to see a text from Nathen saying he was about to leave the office and that he would be on his way shortly. I dry off the best I can then wrap my towel around me heading up to my room to change back into my clothes. I blow dry my hair brushing it back out and putting it up in a ponytail and spray on some perfume so I don't smell too much like pool water. slipping on some shoes I grab my pink backpack and put a few toys in it that I could keep there and a DVD or two then my phone charger and put my phone in my pocket. Heading down the stair I set down and watch TV till Nathen gets home. After a while the door opens and I turn in my seat smiling ready to see Nathen come in, but instead its Robert and my smile instantly drops. 

"Sorry Zoella, Nathen got pulled into a short meeting last minute and asked me to come get you and also pick up lunch. He says you can pick where we pick up food to make up for not being the one to pick you up." 

"I guess that's okay." I mumble getting up and grabbing my bag. 

"Paisley is in the car." He informs.

I perk up a bit picking up the pace out to the car. Robert open my door and I hope in next to Paisley.

"Hello!" She sings.

"Hi hi." I say giving her a side hug. "brought some dolls and two movies." I say holding up my bag.

"Awesome." She says clapping her hands together.

Robert gets in starting the car. "So where to girls."

Paisley looks at me for an answer and I shrug "MacDonald's?" I ask. 

"Sounds good to me." 

     We go threw drive threw and both me and Paisley get nuggets and yogurt while the guys got burgers and fries. When we get to the office we take the elevator to the top floor and go into Nathen's office. He looks up from his desk and smiles when he sees me standing up. I run up giving him a hug while Robert passes out every ones food and we eat in silence.

"So what did you do before Robert picked you up?" Nathen asks.

I shrug "I watched TV mostly." 

"You like the pool?" He asks.

I look at him blushing as I slowly eat a nugget. 

"You smell like pool water and flowers baby girl." He teases.

"Hush." Whine. "I did like the pool by the way." I say pointing at him making him chuckle.

After we all finished eating Robert and Nathen had a meeting so me and Paisley went to the playroom and watched Cartoons and played with my dolls I brought. Then around 7 or 8 it was times to head home. So I packed up my movies and said goodbye to paisley and we headed home.

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