Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My head's spinning as I place my textbook into the back of my bag. The aching pressure in the front of my stomach tells me to run. I can't. Five minutes crawl by and there is still another ten until the bells ring. Every minute my crotch throbs with a familiar pain. It has been two months since its unpleasant visit. I'd hoped it was gone for good by some miracle. It's back. Just like it never left.

Liza turns around in her seat and places a piece of gum on my desk. I unwrap it, pop it into my mouth, and chew. She watches me for a second before her eyes avert to someone behind me. She smiles, blushing up to her ears. The corners of her lips twitch and I stare without an excuse.

The person of her affections, Jack Nicolson, walks by my desk. Her eyes follow him and I look in his direction. I don't see what she does. He's tall, athletic build, and has nice hair, but there's nothing striking about him. I guess he's funny. At least, he makes the other kids in class laugh at his snide remarks.

"Don't stare!" She hisses as she grabs my arm to somehow avert my gaze.

I blink, flexing my hand as her hold grows tighter. The gum in my mouth melts and I roll it to the side of my cheek. I hold it there until I can't stop my teeth from crushing into it no longer. The snap of the gum echoes in my head like someone had snapped their fingers by my ear.

"You like him?" The gum catches the front of my teeth. I hold it back with my tongue.

It takes everything in me to not roll my eyes. The only thing that holds me back is the look on Liza's face. I'd seen it many times, but this time it sends a chill down my spine.

She's had crushes before. They last a few weeks and then she's onto the next one. I don't know what it is this time that makes me feel sick to my stomach. It might be the look in her eyes, the look that says she's not going to give up on this one.

I shouldn't want to know what she's feeling. I shouldn't care if this is serious.

I shouldn't be jealous if it turns out they both like each other.

She lowers her gaze. Her cheeks are bright pink. The wisps of her dark lashes flutter against her skin, grazing and hypnotizing. My lips part. I hold my next breath, thinking what it might feel like to press my lips against the lids of her eyes. The moment hangs in the air and all thoughts of logic out the door.

It ends when she snaps her fingers under my nose.

"Hey, are you awake in there?" Her breathy laugh is sweeter than honey.

I cough, moving away to pretend nothing had happened. It makes no difference. Her eyes are burning into me. I fidget in my seat and try to find the strength to look at her again. She's my friend for Christ's sake. Why is it so hard to look her in the face?

"Yeah..." I look away before she can look at me. "Sorry."

I'm looking at the scratches and pen marks on my desk, wishing I could melt into the floor. She sighs. The soft swoosh of air is like a blaring alarm in my ear. I close my eyes. It's there, repeating in my mind, a song stuck on repeat. The inhale leads to exhale, fading into one that catches my full attention. The seconds after the ending melody has died away stretch to minutes in my head. I repeat the motion, mimicking her rhythm. She doesn't know I am hooked on her every move. While she's mesmerized by Jack, I give her the love she is looking for.

I notice what I've done the second it's too late. The disgusting feeling in my stomach isn't just from the cramps. The way I've become fully absorbed in Liza isn't right, isn't normal. But when she licks her lips, leans over the back of her chair and unintentionally pushes her breasts up, I can't get the images out of my head. When I look at her now, I see an angel amidst humans.

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