Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I sit outside at the school corner with my bag in my lap. I play with the fraying fabric, digging my nails into the rips on the bottom. I stare out into the almost empty parking lot, thinking back to Lianna and the conversation we had at lunch. I believe her about the English assignment, but I'm suspicious. She's too coy, too stuck up her own ass to simply want to work with me. There must be something she wants.

I sigh and lean my head on the top of my bag. The edge of my books dig into my chin, but I try my best to ignore the pain.

The last of the cars pull out. It seems like I'm the last one here. These were the times I wish we had the money to buy another car. Mom can barely afford the gas driving to and from school since she had to go out of her way to get to work. Dad walked to work. He was lucky enough to live only a few blocks away.

I need a job. Fear might be holding me back, but if I want to change anything I have to do this. I'm still stuck in my old ways. I still can't believe I'm no longer a kid. Those days were far behind me and to leave every memory behind is too painful. It's terrifying.

My thoughts are interrupted by a harsh cough. A shadow falls over me and I look up. Liza stands next to the bench I sit on. She crosses her arms once I meet her eyes. She glares down at me, her lips twisting to the side.

"How do you know her?"

I blink. "Lianna?"

She rolls her eyes. "Duh."

The sunlight shines in my eyes. I take a shaky breath. The way she looks at me—it's pure hate, anger, and disgust. I don't quite understand, but I have just the inkling as to why she's so angry. Lianna is the worst person to be around in the entire school. I'd gone and broke the one rule this town swore by.

"Well?" She shifts her feet and leans on her hip.

"I..." I swallow and try to find the words to explain the situation. "She wanted to be partners."

She raises a brow. "For the English paper."

"...yeah," I say. My answer isn't as firm as it was in my head.

She doesn't look like the friend I use to have. She is withering away. The closer we come to graduation the further from out old lives we get. Lianna still holds an ounce of her personality. She's the only one not changing. Somewhere along the way, I feel like I'm losing myself in the current. Liza is starting to look more like Lianna than Lianna herself.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

Liza sighs and sits beside me. I watch her set her bag on the ground. Her hair is pulled to the side. It isn't exactly her style. I've seen Riley do the same before and I wonder if that is where she's picked it up from.

I look away and bite the inside of my cheek. Neither of us say a thing for the next few minutes. Instead, we are swarmed with the sound of traffic and the loud yells of kids practicing in the gym next door. I open my mouth, but I can't think of anything that won't piss her off.

Before things went to shit, I wouldn't hesitate to confide in Liza. I would have told every aching detail of what happened in the gym yesterday to Liza. I would have flat out told her my darkest secrets.

We are no long friends. Not the same friends we were before. I can see it now. When it comes to sharing secrets, it simply isn't doable anymore.

"Look," she says and turns to me, "I know you might be doing the right thing by being nice to her, but you're wrong."

I furrow my brows. "Does it look like I'm being nice to her?"

"Yes. You are." She shakes her head, aspirated. "She's not good to be around. She's bad news and I thought you were the smart one out of the two of us."

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