Chapter 28 - Part 1

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Chapter 28 - Part 1

The plan had been effectively ruined.

I was looking at my phone, staring at the photo of naked Liza. She looked so unlike the person I remember that I had to do a double-take. I was the one to take the photo, but even still, I couldn't believe what was right in front of my eyes.

The numbness was coming back. I had thought I would be able to enjoy at least a week of feeling. My mind and body were working against me. My body couldn't touch a thing without feeling like it needed to throw up. My head ached whenever I thought about taking a step forward in the future. The plan had been to get pictures of coach doing wrong. It would be all that we needed to turn over to the police and start an investigation.

It had been Lianna's plan. She knew where and when coach would visit the girls currently 'employed' in this ring. She hadn't said it like that. The words and terms she used were too vulgar for me to think about in my current state. I really didn't want to puke in the cafeteria where anyone passing by could see me.

That wasn't how I wanted to think of them. Zoey was a bitch, but she didn't deserve what Lianna did to her. And she didn't deserve what coach was doing to her.

My eyes filled with tears. I had to bite my lip to keep the sob in. It had been a mistake to look at it here. Out in the open. Again where anyone could see if they passed by. But I had this sudden urge that I couldn't fight off. It was calling to me to make sure that what I thought I saw was actually there. This could be all a nightmare I had dreamed up.

But it was there.

Liza had been roped in this.

My head was swimming as I thought back to when she had been talking to Zoey. There would have been no way that I would have been able to make the connection.

Yet, the small angry voice that I had been trying so desperately to get rid of kept reminding me that I had done nothing. I had left Liza there where coach had abused her.

Even if she thought she knew what she was doing—what she'd thought she wanted to do—she had no idea how wrong it was. She might think that she was an adult who could make her own choice. That wasn't true either.

She was a child. She had just been chasing after boys a month ago.

She once had Jack. She still had him if she wanted.

I shook my head.

I didn't understand what she was thinking. I didn't know how she could go through with this.

The bell rang.

Kids jumped from the tables and headed to class.

I sat there and decided what I was going to do now that I couldn't release these pictures.

But nothing came to me. All I could think was about that room.


So, that was where I regrouped.

The gym was dark and eerie, as it always was when there was no one there.

When I came to the gym doors, I froze up. It was like I had struck cement. The more I tried to force my legs forward the harder it was to move them. They doubled down as if they were saying that they weren't going to be the cause for me to ruin the new-found happiness I had with Lianna. It felt like my subconscious already knew how this was going to end and it wanted to save me from the impending failure.

The fading sunlight fell upon the doors. It was a golden glow that showed my shadow upon the walls and floor. The window on the gym doors was covered in a dark blanket. I couldn't see in, but if there was anyone looking back at me, they would no doubt be able to see my horror-stricken face.

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