Chapter 3- Light

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'MITSUE!!!' Yumi chirped as she banged into her friend, colling her from behind. Mitsue dropped her books from the impact and the two broke out in laughter.

'I heard there's a new cafe in the mall! You like patisseries, don't you? Let's check it out after school!'

'Sorry...' Mitsue replied, regret in her voice. 'But I have some revision to catch up on. I didn't really catch the part about epigenetics.'

'Huhh... But it wouldn't be the same without you... we always do things together...'

Mitsue turned to see the rest of her clique as they strolled over.

'Studies can wait! Friends first, studies second. Join us, Mitsue!'


'Okay. Come with us today and we'll help you with epigenetics tomorrow, or even tonight if you wish to. Deal?' Tatsuya offered. The rest nodded, eagerness in their eyes.

'Come on... Aren't we friendsss...'

'Erm...' Mitsue didn't know how to get pass them. They were so difficult to refuse.

'I think we shouldn't force her if she doesn't want to...' Madara said softly, sparring a kind thought for her concerns as he helped to pick up the books that lay quite forgotten.

Mitsue threw up her hands in defeat. 'Alright alright! Geez, you guys are so good at emotional blackmail!'

'Are you sure-' Madara started.

'Yay!!! And then let's catch a movie after that, while we're at it!' Aiko suggested.

'Kay!' the group latched on her idea enthusiastically. Mitsue shook her head and gave a small laugh. School hasn't even started and they were already making plans for the afternoon. As they made their way to the classroom, with Madara and Yumi chattering at her sides, and Aiko and Tatsuya engaged in their usual bicker behind, Mitsue thought she couldn't be happier. To find friends at last! To be able to come to school without the fear of being picked on, the dread of isolation and solitude, the sadness of not having anyone to turn to for solace and comfort.

She remembered how Taya had shunned and refused to talk to her. 'Please don't associate with me anymore. This way you won't get bullied by them. I'm their target, not you.' She had said and walked off, tears in her eyes.

Mitsue regretted not reaching out to her, not calling her back and proving to her that their friendship was stronger than that, and above all, to tell her that it wasn't her fault. They had both been unwilling victims. It certainly wasn't her fault. Isn't it only right for friends to stand up for each other? Mitsue couldn't comprehend why Taya had pushed her away when they needed each other most. If only she had called out to her. They could have given each other the strength to pull through it together. If only...

But it was too late. In the end, her friend had lost her will to live, her suicide dropping like a heartless bomb that severed what was left of Mitsue.

'Mitsue?' Madara tapped her elbows, his brows knitted in concern.


'Is anything the matter? You were spacing out and you look kind of...sad?' he continued.

'Eh? No, no! I'm fine!' Mitsue forced him a bright, assuring smile, trying her best to hide the sorrows that had inadvertently resurfaced. Smiling. Something that she never dreamt she could do again.

She looked around her, at the happy, laughing faces of her classmates as they ran around, teased and gossiped in their little groups, their energy and warmth spreading throughout the room. Mitsue thought she felt it wrapping around her like a blanket.

She treasured it. She treasured the friendship and love her new classmates rained on her. How they taught her how to smile again. How they had salvaged the remnants of her broken soul and made her whole once more. They were the light at the end of that cold, lonely tunnel she had been running through, the light that had embraced her, disintegrating the wall she had built around her bruised heart. One she had been seeking for so so long.

It brought tears to her eyes just thinking about it. It felt wonderful to be surrounded by people who cared, to have her existence accepted. It felt wonderful just to be included, be it in idle chats or a game during P.E. She knew she was always made the laughing stock, when she had thrown the ball into the opponent's net absent-mindedly or when she answered something ridiculous in class. But even when they laughed, they did it genuinely, not the type that carried sarcasm or spite, and Mitsue would laugh along, slightly embarrassed at her own silly mistakes.

'Mitsue, is this yours?' I found it at the corridor.' her classmate handed her an essay.

'Yes, thank you so much!' Mitsue took it from her hands, surprised that her classmate actually recognized her work based on her handwriting. It must have slipped out when Yumi rammed into her.

'No prob!' her classmate swatted casually as she took her seat.

Mitsue smiled. Taya, can you see it? If only you were here to experience it with me...But I'll never forget you. I live for you, and I hope whatever happiness I feel will reach you too. Keep watching over me, Taya. You'll see. You'll see your blessings for me come true.

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