Chapter 15 - Silently here for you

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She made her way to the school gates, past that Olympic-sized swimming pool that was situated not far away from the lockers. The clear water glittered like crystals under the August sun, its blueness so comforting and serene. Mitsue stopped in her tracks and let her thoughts drift as she gazed at the beautiful sight. Weird how she hadn't noticed it all those time. A sudden movement caught her attention.

'Mm?' she squinted to make out the silhouette at the far end of the pool- that familiar back, that long, spiky raven hair tied up high, that usual habit of stuffing his hands in his pockets.

As thought sensing someone's gaze on him, Madara half-turned, his keen eyes searching for the source of that uncomfortable feeling he was getting. He sighted Mitsue in the distance and widened his eyes in surprise.

'Mitsue?' he shouted from across the pool, bringing his hand up for a slight wave. Mitsue cocked her head to one side. What was he doing there? She looked around hastily, making sure they were alone before going towards him.

'Madara, what are you-' her words hung in the air as she gaped at the sight before her. She quickly averted her gaze from her soaked friend, his drenched uniform already turning translucent as it clung tightly to his muscular body. She blushed and searched frantically for an object of focus, her sight landing on a familiar blue shoe he held, still dripping with water. That one moment of awkwardness was lost under the realization of what it meant.

'Oh.' Mitsue looked down as she pulled her bag strap tighter.

'Er...' Madara started, rubbing the back of his head, not quite sure of how he should put things properly. He didn't want to tell her that her sneaker was drifting in the middle of the pool, not to mention the huge note at the benches daring her to retrieve it. Madara knew she couldn't swim. He only needed one look at the floating shoe and note to make the connection. But he didn't want to tell her just yet. He didn't want to see that hurt expression on her face, not when he could still cover up and salvage the situation for her. He understood that a white lie was still a lie, and that he would still be essentially deceiving her. But at least it was a lie she could find comfort in.

'Er... Oh damn! Now you know I lost my footing and fell into the pool! How embarrassing can that be?' Madara smiled sheepishly, trying his best to appear normal.

'With my sneaker?' she asked quietly. 'I didn't know you were such a poor liar.'

'E-Er.. Yah? I mean, I found it under the bench so I guess you must have forgotten to take it after P.E. I was intending to hand it back to you tomorrow.' he added quickly, nodding his head as if in satisfaction of his apparent ability to think on his feet. Hm-mh.

Mitsue gave him a sad smile. 'It's okay, Madara. I know.' She wanted to laugh at his innocence, but it was understandable considering that he didn't know of her locker. How was he to lie convincingly if he hadn't even grasped the full picture? But... good try.

'Know what?' he feigned ignorance. 'Oh, you mean knowing that you left your shoe here? No wonder you came-'

'Mada, it's okay.' she repeated, touching his arm gently. 'Thank you.'

Madara opened his mouth to argue but decided against it when he saw the look on Mitsue's face. That knowing look, that look of resignation. Nevertheless, he would make her feel better. If anything, he would always be there for her.

'So... I guess we'll just dry your shoes under the sun?' he offered. 'Such hot weather, it will dry in no time.'

Tears came to Mitsue's eyes. The things he had done for her, the kind thoughts he had sparred for her, the way he considered her feelings. Even when she had been outcasted by the people she previously held dear, he had always been silently by her side. It touched her so much. She never dreamt that such friends existed. Madara noticed the tiny tear that escaped her eyes.

'Mitsue?' Madara whispered softly, abandoning his cheery facade. 'Do know that I'll always be here for you.'

Mitsue wanted to cry. Be strong, be strong, be strong for the people who believe in you. If I can't even be strong for myself, who would?

She forced a smile. 'Arigatou, Mada.'

Author's Note

Hahs! I do realize that my chapters are getting longer and I'm spending much more time on this supposedly short story than I planned to. But oh sorry guys... I'm a virgo. i just need everything to be perfect, especially if it involves Mada-sama. And im really the type that won't sleep properly unless I know I have given my all for a piece of work. It is actually quite a bad habit. But but but.... I hope you are enjoying the story so far >.< This chapter took me so long to write I'm freaking tired now hehs...

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