Chapter 12- Dread

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Their teacher entered the classroom, her heels clicking against the concrete tiles. She greeted the class with her usual bright and cheery smile. 'Ohayo!' she sang-song, her mood good as ever.

Their class leader motioned for the class to rise. 

'Ohayo gozaimasu, Eiri-sensei!' they greeted in unison, their tone matching up to that of hers, camouflaging the tense and awkward atmosphere that had been weighing on them. Eiri-sensei motioned for them to sit, turning her back to the class as she scribbled the topic-of-the-day on the blackboard. It read 'Groupwork-Debate'. 

Dread filled Mitsue. It had been so long since such activities ever instilled nervousness and anxiety within her. She never imagined this day would come again. But here it was, the scrawled words staring back at her, taunting her, as if to say 'I'm back'. The class buzzed with excitement. Groupwork! Which means hands-on and not having to absorb knowledge passively! Their favourite! Her teacher clapped twice to get their attention.

'Now now, class. So you will be working in groups of 4 to come up with arguments for or against a topic, which I will be handing down right now. I will allocate half the class to one stand and the other half to the opposite stand. Later on, we will come back together to hold a mini debate session where you can all input your insights and thoughts.' 

A stack of paper was being passed down the row. Normally, this would have excited her. But no more, not anymore. Her classmate slammed the stack of paper on her desk, ignoring her outstretched hand to receive it. Hurt pricked her heart. Just yesterday, everything was fine. She couldn't have been happier. But Mitsue refused to give up. Maybe if she continued smiling and treating them as she had everyday, they might warm up to her again.

'Quickly gather in your groups. Just form them according to your seating arrangements!'

'Hai, sensei!' the class responded, shifting and dragging their chairs around. A few seconds was all it took for the room to be filled with a rising crescendo of murmurs as the students worked on their parts with fervour. Their teacher smiled, amazed at their enthusiasm and high spirits. Despite topping their cohort and being hailed as the 'cream of the crop', they were still so humble and eager to learn. She walked around the room, listening in to their discussion.

'So... okay, we are supposed to argue that the government is not giving equal value to the Arts.' a girl from Mitsue's group started.

'That's what we were allocated? Perfect! I have so many things to say.' another cheered. 'First point.' she continued.' They are certainly not funding the Arts. You see them funding research, medicine and even space tourism, but you don't see them funding Art schools, starting musicians, writers or the like.'

'That calls for some research. We'll have to produce the stats to back up our arguments. I'll work on it.'their third member offered, whipping out his phone.

Mitsue opened her mouth to speak. ' I can also help-'

'Yes I agree! Those poor musicians and artists, they're struggling so hard to make a living! It's tough for them to get their work out into the public because they do not have the proper platform to do so.'

Mitsue's words hung in the air. She wasn't sure if Hima had deliberately cut her off or that she had unintentionally done so out of her eagerness to share her view.

'Second point. The government is working on Science education, but cutting down on Arts education, don't you think so?'

That was something Mitsue agreed on. What Chii said so far were all true.

'Yes, Chii! Especially-' she started.

'I know right?! ' Hima burst, interrupting her again. 'First off, our curriculum is too tilted towards math and science. There is little balance between Arts and Science. Look at our timetables! Only one hour each of music, art and drama per week? That is so unfair!'

'And they are implying the lack of use and need for Arts graduates through their relatively higher unemployment rate in the labour market, because they are deemed as irrelevant to development. It's a vicious cycle.' Chii continued.

Mitsue cleared her throat. 'So, do you want to write them-'

'Hey guys! I found the figures. I need a pen...'

Mitsue was quick to offer him hers. Yet he simply looked past it, as if she was transparent. 'Self-service~' he sang, reaching out for Hima's pencil which laid just right beside her.

Mitsue slid her pen back into her pencil case. She decided to try again. ' I think we can also talk about-'

'Hm... what other points can we bring up?' Chii pondered out loud, tapping her chin with her finger.

'Scholarships!' The boy exclaimed.

'What about them? And geez Sato, you don't have to shout suddenly.' Hima said, clasping her ear.

'The government has almost stopped handing out scholarships to Arts and Humanities students.' he explained.

'THAT is even unfair.' Chii threw up her hands and rolled her eyes. 'Where did you get them from?'

Mitsue sank into her chair. It was no use. She knew they were doing it deliberately. They were ignoring her, refusing to acknowledge her existence. No... she fought hard to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. She looked down, blinking away her tears furiously. Don't cry... Don't cry... Be brave...

'So how's your discussion going?' their teacher had reached their group.

'It's going well! I can't wait to hear what the opposite stand has to say.' Chii declared.

Their teacher glanced at the figures that Sato had scribbled. 'Oh? Seems like your opponents are going to have a hard time later!' she commented.

'Yes, with our awesome arguments and teamwork, they'll surrender in no time.' Hima assured, placing emphasis on the word 'teamwork'. 'Ne, mina-san?'

'Hai!' the other two cheered. Mitsue felt their eyes on her as they waited for her to do the same in the presence of Eiri-sensei. Chii tilted her head, her face in fake curiosity and concern. An expression that would read 'What's wrong? Are you okay?' to a casual observer.

'Hai.' Mitsue said finally, smiling back sweetly at her teacher.

'What a bonded team we have here!' their teacher remarked before proceeding to the next group. Hima rolled her eyes.

Mitsue knew for sure that this time, her nightmare had officially begun. Today, it would start all over again.

From across the room, Madara looked on, fully aware of what was actually going on.

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