Chapter 10- Again

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2nd August 2018

I can't take it anymore. The fact that I have to associate myself with the whimps of this school. To share their space and breathe the same air. To smile and nod when all I want to do is to slam their faces against the desk. It is unbelievable how a school can turn out as a gather-place for such revolting creatures. At no cost would I wish myself to be tainted by their stupidity and incapabilties. The talent show that day was a joke. How was the unfeeling delivery of Chopin's piece or the awkward, robot-like choreography of Unravel a display of talent? And what about the magic show? They could might as well tell us that unicorns exist! But the worst, the worst, was that 'bands' cover of Sign. Seriously? I had to restrain myself from puking. And there, I see people slapping and screaming with joy and basically having the time of their lives! What?

Yumi told me she had a crush on Kei. How I wished I could tell her to stop that wishful thinking and wake up her idea. Kei? The star player of our basketball team? Come on. He would never look at her. She is but a plain girl who look horrible if not for the bangs that covered her large forehead, and the contact lenses that enlarged her mousey eyes. As usual, Aiko and Tatsuya are just as annoying as ever. Always chattering around me. Non-stop. I just want to tell them to shut-up and give me some peace. My ears are bleeding! And Madara. I hate it when he gets over-protective around me. It's not like I'm his girlfriend. So he should at least respect my privacy and give me some space for god's sake. Recently, I have also realized that I'm starting to dislike Ceuil. I know she's sweet and nice to everyone and all, but somehow I find her perfection rather fake. I can say that I'm actually a little jealous of her good looks, to be honest.

But whatever, graduation is in a year's time. I pray to kami-sama to help me survive senior year without actually killing someone.

P.S I really hate my life.

Mitsue's hand shook uncontrollably. The specific mention of her closest frineds had made it obvious that the entry was referencing after her. But no! She didn't...not in a million years...

The school bell rang, signaling the start of their first lesson. Around her, students hastily continued their way to class, streaming past and leaving an invisible circle around her. A boy ran past in his hurry to reach class in time for attendance, knocking against her shoulders with a force that sent her books strewing across the floor. Mitsue lost her balance and fell herself. The boy looked back and was about to express his apology when he realized who she was.

'Gomenasai! I hope I hadn't polluted you!' he shouted sarcastically. The remaining students snorted and scoffed.

No...It wasn't me... I didn't write that! It's not mine! Mitsue wanted to scream. Tears welled up in her eyes. Lie!!! she broke down and sobbed hysterically, oblivious to her surroundings. Lie!!! It was happening again! Why? Why? Who had she offended this time? Why her? Why always her? She burried her face in her hands. Taya... help me... Her legs grew numb. She didn't have the strength to stand. She didn't have the courage and willpower to face her nightmares once more, to overcome her worst fears.

No more...Not again...Please, Kami-sama.

She clung desperately, refusing to let go of her world even as it fell apart and came crashing down on her helpless soul.

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