Chapter 6- Sorry

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'N-Nani?' Madara stepped back in surprise.

'Please accept my feelings, Madara-kun!' Ceuil repeated.

'B-But huh? Why? Why me?' he was too shocked to respond, leaving Ceuil still bowing down and holding out her gift. A sudden gust of wind blew. It must have been a while before Madara took the box and card, quite unsure of what he should do next. An awkward silence ensued. Ceuil heaved a sigh of relief as she stood upright, clutching the sides of her skirt. She looked down in embarrassment, her cheeks already red.

'E-Er...' Madara started. 'Thank you for your affections but I...I can't.. accept it...'

'Why?' Ceuil looked up, hurt.

'Erm... because... because...'

'Why? Why not? When I've loved you all this time.' she held her breath.

Madara was flustered. He certainly didn't deserve this. He didn't know what to do. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but he really couldn't give her what she wanted.

'Ceuil, you're pretty and capable.. You're too good for me. I am not worthy of your feel-'

'No! Why is everyone saying the same things! I decide who I love!'

'Listen to me.' Madara said softly, seriousness in his tone. 'I don't know what you saw in me, but it must have disillusioned you. You deserve better, much better. I can never match up to you. Why don't you take a good look around you? At the ones that would really treasure and shower you with the love and attention you deserve.'

'No... Why won't you love me back?' Ceuil asked, her eyes starting to shine with tears.

Madara remained silent. 'It won't last.' he finally said. 'I don't want to hurt you later on.'

'I'll make it last! I've loved you for so long. Baka! Why can't you see it?' she wiped her tears with the back of her hand, despair creeping in her voice. Why couldn't Madara understand? Again, silence filled the air as Madara looked on sadly at the girl before him. Any other guy would have claimed her for himself immediately. He wanted to reach out to her, but held back, knowing it would only make her feel worse if she understood that she would never receive the same care he had shown in future.

'It's Mitsue isn't it?' she burst, her voice ever so bitter.


'There's no use denying it. It's her. I know it's her. Ever since she came, you have been by her side everyday, constantly watching over and looking out for her.'

'That's what friends do for one ano-'

'Why her? What does she have that I don't?' Ceuil asked in between sobs.

Madara stared at her, worried about how things were turning out. He had made a girl cry. He hadn't expected her to get so emotional over it. It was not like their perfect council president to show weakness.

'Ceuil...' he opened his mouth to speak.

'It's okay. I get it. I'm sorry I even set my eyes upon you. I'm sorry I refused to acknowledge that you have already given your heart to another.' With that, she turned and ran away, never once looking back.

'Ceuil!' Madara called as the door banged shut behind her.

So yeah... told you I have absolutely NO experience in this kind of thingy XD. It was the best my imagination could come up with. Feel free to add any ideas in the comments on how to make it more elaborate or emotional hahaha IDK and I may just edit them in:) This is the part where I need helpppp

Love, Sphinx XD

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