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We sit down on my couch in a house that's almost packed away.

Brandon hands me a box of Chinese food and a set of chopsticks.

I glance up at him, "Thank you." He glances up at me, "Oh it's all good." I shake my head, "For everything."

He meets my eyes and smiles. "Our first stop will be after you've settled into your new apartment."

I groan, "Okay, I'm really nervous." He shakes his head, "You shouldn't be." I sigh, "Brandon, why are you being so kind to me? I honestly don't understand."

He smiles and shakes his head, "Just because of what you've done in the past doesn't mean you're still that person. People can change."

I remain silent.

To my suprise he places his hand on mine, "You've changed Savannah. I mean, the girl you were in High School wouldn't talk or say a single word to me."

I sigh, "But look at you now, what if I am still who I was back then?" He shakes his head, "Impossible."

I remain silent. He removes his hand from mine and the sudden brush of coldness fills the emptiness.

I chuckle, "Your girlfriend must adore you." He looks up at me and shrugs, "I don't have one."

My eyes widen, "No! Lies!" He laughs, "I'm to career-driven to settle." I nod, "Oh." He nods, "What did you want to become?"

I blush, "A fashion designer." He nods, "Wow. What stopped you from achieving your goal?"

I sigh, "Life." He takes a moment, "Well, one of these stops might come in handy then."

I furrow my eyebrows, "What?" He shrugs, "Nothing." I laugh, "Oh okay, I see what you're doing. Fine then."

He runs a hand through his hair, "Do you still keep in contact with anyone from High School?"

I shake my head, "Nope. You?" He shrugs, "Yeah, with some of them." I nod.

I furrow my eyebrows, "What exactly is your occupation? I know you're a businessman." He smirks, "I'm an investor." I nod, "Oh okay, wow." He nods.

I stand up and gather our empty boxes and dump them in the trash.

Brandon stretched, "How much more do you still need to pack?"

I shrug, "Uhm, I've still got quite a bit to do." He nods, "I can help you." I smile, "Thank you."

We ended up packing some more boxes. The only huge things left are my bed, couches, microwave, kettle and toaster.

I check the time, "Brandon it's 3am." He laughs, "No way." I nod, "Yup. Here look at my phone."

He frowns, "You're wrong." I frown, "What? I can tell time." He turns my phone around, "It's 03:02." I roll my eyes, "Wow."

He shakes his head, "I know, you really can't tell time." I slap him gently. He chuckles.

I stretch, "I'm going to freshen up." He nods, "Alright, I'll be here." I nod and I blush, "You can freshen up too. I just don't know what you'll wear."

He laughs, "You want me to freshen up with you?" A shade of crimson forms on my face as I realised what I've said.

"No, no. After me, or you could go now and I'd wait I really didnt-" His hysterical laughter cut me off.

He plopped on the couch as he wiped the tears from his eyes. I roll my eyes and cracked a smile.

I took this as my moment to freshen up. After I've freshened up and walked out I see him still laughing on the couch.

I throw him a fresh towel, "All yours." He sits up and smiles at me, "Thanks." I stop him, "Where's your clothing?" He smirks, "I've got a small bag in my car."

I smirk, "So you planned to freshen up at my house?" He laughs, "Nah. I just always carry an emergency bag." I smile.

After he freshens up, he's blushing. I fold my arms, "What?" He smiles, "Mind if I crash here tonight?"

I roll my eyes, "No duh. Sure you can." He nods. We unpack some blankets out of the boxes and some pillows.

He smiles, "Thank you." I nod, "Well, I'm going to sleep on my own bed." He nods, "Night. Sleep tight." I chuckle, "Nighty, night."

I settle on my bed as today's events flood through my mind.

My eyes become heavy and I drift off into a deep sleep.

Today is my six month anniversary with Thomas. Our relationship hasn't been the greatest but it's been one that makes me happy.

We are currently cuddling and watching some romantic movie.

He smiles at me, "You know what would top this all off?" I smile and sit up, "What would top it off?"

He smirked as he leaned in to kiss me. His hands trail down my arms and I realise where his going with this.

I sigh and pull away, "Thomas. I'm not-you know, ready." He sighs, "Savannah. Come on, it's only me."

I run my hand through my hair, "You're right, sorry." We proceeded but I pulled away.

This frustrated him, "Dammit Savannah! I love you!" I started tearing up, "I'm so-sorry."

He leans closer which shocked me. He kissed me one last time before pulling away. "This is goodbye, Savannah."

I stood up, "What? No. Wait, please Thomas." He shakes his head and walked out the door.

I broke down in tears as I stare at my couch. Damn Savannah, you had to mess up the one good thing you had in your life.


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