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Tears are threating to spill from my eyes. "Brandon, you don't want me. I can guarentee you that I'm not what you think."

He nods, "Agreed. You're more than my expectations can ever expect."

I remain silent. He scoops me up and places me in his arms. Much to my protests he pulls me in and refuses to let me go.

We stay in that position as silence fills the room.

I sit up and stare into his eyes. They're expressing so much more than his words ever will.

I can tell his scared, but hopeful. He is so willing to give everything up just to prove his feelings for me.

My hands betray me as they gently place themselves on either side of his face.

He shuts his eyes as this all feels to unreal for him. I study him. He's clean shaven. His long eyelashes and his crystal blue eyes that smile whenever he's happy.

He's smiling at me, those dimples kill me everytime. His sharp jaw that contracts whenever he's mad, frustrated or anxious.

My eyes dip down to his lips. I stare to long because he caught me staring.

The next thing I know, those lips are kissing mine.


I'm currently lying in his arms as he plays with my hair.

"Are you an only child." He sighs, "Uhm no, I have an older brother, who I never see." I frown, "I'm sorry." He shakes his head, "No, don't be. How about you?"

I nod, "Yup. Just me. My parents followed my grandparents trend of only having one child." He chuckles, "You don't speak about your family much."

I shrug, "There's nothing much to say." He scoffs, "There's so much to say. Giving the fact that you hardly speak about them, clearly indicates that there's so much you're not saying."

I sigh, "Well, my parents were in a car accident the day before I graduated High School." He freezes, "Savannah, I-"

I cut him off, "They were both in a coma for two weeks. I rememeber screaming at doctor Dan to save them. My father woke up but he had a severe head injury. He requested morphine and they gave it to him. He wanted to constantly increase his dosages, which caused his death. My mother on the other hand, she woke up but two days later and had a heart attack."

Brandon kissed my forehead, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know." I shake my head, "It feels really good to just talk it out."

He wipes away my tears. "You know, my parents divorced when I was really young. My parents made the agreement that I stay with my mom. Then my father went back to the UK, and took my brother."

I glance up at him, "I'm so sorry Brandon." I pull him close to me as I hug him.

He sighs, "My dad's British and my mom's from NYC. My brother and I were never close. He was the good-looking and sporty guy. I was the nerdy academic guy. Sometimes I really wish he'd reach out to me."

I ask quietly, "Why'd your parents divorce?" He sighs, "My parents had an arranged marriage."

I sit up and stare at him, "Oh my gosh, what?" He nods, "It all started with a deal. Okay so my mom's father borrowed some money from the bank, but he couldn't pay it back. So my dad's father who was his bestfriend offered to pay the loan back but he needed a favour. My mom's father was inconsiderate and agreed to force my mother to marry my father. My mother always taught me that people can change and that learning to love someone and their imperfections is a beautiful thing."

I smile at him, "Your mom sounds amazing." He smiles, "She is. Maybe you could meet her someday." I nod, "Maybe."

I stand up and he says in a whiney tone. "Come back." I stick out my tongue, "I need to pee but I'm going to freshen up too."

He smirks, "Can I help?" I roll my eyes, "You can get dinner going." He laughs, "You tried my soup, you sure you want me to cook again?"

I laugh, "Fine, I'll cook. What you in the mood for?" He shrugs, "Anything, except my food."

I laugh, "How do you cook when you're at home." He shrugs, "The microwave is your bestfriend when you live alone." I laugh.


I am currently making some stirfry. Brandon is freshening up. He uses the excuse of: Savannah, you're sick and I need to take care of you.

I put the stove off as I grab two plates. I turn around at the sound of the door opening.

I see Brandon with a towel around his waist. His hair is wet.

He smirks, "Relax Savannah, I've got boxers on. But my bag is in the car." I run my hands through my hair, "I'll go fetch it for you."

He shakes his head, "You're insane? You're not well. You've got a fever." I roll my eyes, "I'm just going to run outside to fetch something."

He shakes his head as he walks out by the door. "Brandon! You're insane come back here!"

He walks back inside with his bag and he slips into the bathroom.

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