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I climb underneath the fort that we made. He smirked, "You can cook very well. Why'd you make me cook?"

I chuckle, "I never made you. I simply gave you something to do." He laughs.

He pulls me close to him. He kisses my forehead, "Sweet dreams, love."

Sarah is currently helping Emma try and look pretty for the dance tonight.

I laugh, "Oh Em, I'd advise you to stay home. There's no place for  freaks like you to show up tonight."

Emma walked up to me, "I hate you." I wink, "But I hate you more." She stormed off.

Sarah ran after her trying to tell her that she's beautiful.

Justine shook his head, "That was low, even for you Savannah." I shrug, "Honesty is the best policy."


I wake up. No hyperventilating. No tears. Just feeling all the guilt.

Brandon is fast asleep beside me. I glance up at the ceiling.

If everyone were honest about how they felt about me would I have changed? Perhaps have been a better person?

I sigh. Since when did I have the right to mock people and tell them how they were supposed to live  their life, when mine was far from perfect?


Hold on, this is a clear indicator, that I was the hurt one all along...

"You're not wearing that tonight right?" I turn around when I hear Gwen's laughter.

I mean, I wanted to. But I guess I won't. "Here love, wear this one." I nod, "Thanks."

I hate it. It's so exposing and really short.

She claps her hands, "Love this one!" I smile, "Same here!"

She suddenly looks uncomfortable. "What?" She sighed, "I saw your dad with Sabrina the witch today. They were at a café. S, you sure that there's nothing going on between them two?"

I nod, "Colleagues." She scoffs, "Looked like more than that."


I sigh. I check my phone and see that it's 4am. I force my eyes shut and I allow myself to drift off into a deep sleep.


I smell pancakes. I wake up and see Brandon spreading Nutella over the base of the pancakes while topping it off with strawberries.

I smile, "Look who's in the kitchen!" He turns around and smiles. "It's me!" I chuckle as he brings me a plate of pancakes with some of my medication.

He is fully dressed, I furrow my eyebrows, "Heading to work this morning?" He nods, "Yes, but then I'm coming back here and then we need to go to our second destination."

I nod. He glances up at me, "Are you sure that you'll be alright on our own?" I chuckle, "I'm twenty Brandon, not two. But yes, I'll be fine. Thank you for all your help and effort."

He kisses my cheek before finishing up and leaving for work.


I am currently straightening my hair, I slip into a black dress and my denim jacket. I pair it with my white converse.

My phone vibrates, Brandon's here.

I rush outside and I lock the door. I climb in as he smiles at me. "Looking good."

I blush, "Thank you." He shuts his eyes and stares down. I furrow my eyebrows, "What's wrong, you okay?"

He hands me the blindfold, "I need you to wear this." I groan and glare at him. Before taking the blindfold and slipping it on.

"What if something happens to you and then I'm supposed to find my way back home? I've been blindfolded and couldn't see anything."

He chuckles, "Then I give you my full permission to smack me against the head." I laugh, "Fine, deal."

He laughs and starts the engine. We talk about random things, books, movies, cars and celebrities.

I have now discovered that Brandon has a massive crush on Ruelle. Crazy, right? I know.

I told him about how I particularly fancy romantic comedies or drama. Suddenly I have a huge sci-fi addiction.

Soon enough, the car comes to a hault, and I didn't even notice.

I shift in my seat, "How long do we still need to go before we arrive?" He chuckles, "We've been here for a while."

I remove my blindfold, "Why didn't you tell me?" He shrugs, "We were having such a great conversation. Besides, it's only been like a half an hour. No biggie."

I shake my head as he cracks a smile, "In my defence, I couldn't see." He nods mockingly, "Yeah, that's a valid excuse."

I fold my arms and follow him, "Hey! You should be the last one to mock." He sticks out his tongue and I crack a smile.

"You're such a kid." He laughs, "I know, I know." He opens the door, "After you, my lady." I smirk, "Why thank you kind sir."

Only then do I realize, once we've both stepped inside, that this is a little boutique with designer clothing.

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