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I pull away and stare at the floor. "You really mean that?" He turns to me wide eyed, "Of course I do."

He sighs and chuckles lightly, "Gosh, you're perfect." I furrow my eyebrows, "Brandon you-"

He cuts me off, "No Savannah really. You're so beautiful. You know I've had the biggest crush on you. I just could never tell you due to our social boundaries."

I remain silent. He glances at me, "You're so beautiful on the inside and the outside."

I sigh, "Brandon, you're amazing don't get me wrong. But I'm not ready to be in a relationship. I-"

He cuts me off, "No. I understand. That wasn't where I was going with this. I just thought I'd let you know."

I smile, "I appreciate your concern." He nods, "I need to go. It's getting late and I need to prepare for tomorrow."

I nod, "Yeah, same here." He smiles before leaving. I decide to freshen up as I need to run some errands.

I check the time it's 4pm. I decide to head to the grocery.

I'm not exactly sure where exactly it is but a drive around the area wouldn't hurt.

I eventually find a grocery store that looks awfully famialir.

As I walk inside I try and remember where I've seen this place.

Then it hits me as soon as my eyes land on Sabrina.

I immediately want to turn around and but her voice stops me.

"Savannah? Is that you?" I turn around and stare at her.

She's gotten old. Her skin is all wrinkled and her once blue icy eyes are now dull and lifeless.

"Yes, good to see you Sabrina." She nods, "How you coping dear?"

I narrow my eyes at her, "Don't dear me. You ruined my parent's marriage." She rolled her eyes. "You really don't need to be that dramatic love. Your father had a choice."

I almost choke on the air, "Oh really? He had a choice clearly your input didn't help the matter."

She smiled, "Savannah. Your mother could've spoken up for herself, but she didn't. If you think about it, I'm the only one you have left."

I fold my arms, "Since when were you considered family?" She smirked, "Since you have nothing left. I mean, tell me, both your parents were only children, they had no siblings and your grandparents died years ago. Do you really have anyone else left?"

I avoid her gaze, "So did you move on to husband number four or are you still in the affair business?"

She laughed, "My goodness Savannah, listen to you! I'm to old to be galavanting around dear. I actually got married."

I shake my head, "How much did he pay you?" She chuckles, "I love him." I nod, "Isn't that what you say about all of them?"

She folds her arms, "What made you think I always meant it?" I roll my eyes, "I have better things to do with my life than waste it taking to you."

She nods, "Very well then Savannah. Until..next time?" I nod before walking away.


"Dad, why exactly are we here?" He chuckled, "Grandma said that this store sells the most amazing fresh baked bread."

I furrow my eyebrows as I take in my surroundings, "Okay?" He takes my hand as we walk into the grocery.

A lady with crystal blue eyes made her way to us. Her and my father looked very famialir with each other and it made me wonder if my mother knew.

What seemed extremely odd to me was that wherever my father was this lady was too.

I later discovered that her name was Sabrina. My father always said that she was a good High School friend.


I make my way back home. I unpack all of my groceries and then make my way to the shower.

After freshening up I jump into bed. My eyes don't last to long as they squeeze shut effortlessly.


My phone rings and I immediately pick it up. I am unfamiliar with this number but I pick up anyway.

It's Sabrina.

She's sobbing, "Come to the  hospital immediately." No further questions asked as I hop into my car and make my way to the hospital.

I push open the doors and run. Anxiety rushes through me as I am uncertain of what to expect.

I meet Sabrina who is pacing. She sees me, "It's your parents. They were in a severe car accident and are both in a coma"

I stare at her and shake my head as the tears well up in my eyes. I sit on the chair and collapse into a fit of tears.


I wake up gasping for breath. My body breaks out into a shiver as I begin to sob in remberance of my parents.

So much for their two week trip...

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