There's Always More

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          I woke up to a knock at the door. It was loud and coarse, rumbling through my senses. I muttered cure words under my breath, feeling the pounding headache. It was right on schedule. I stumbled towards the door, opening it slightly. I raised an eyebrow, seeing Travis standing in the doorway. He held a large box in his hands, and a stale look on his face. He sighed, leaning against the doorframe.

          “Good morning. My boss told me to drop this off on my way out.”


          He nodded, handing the box to me. It was heavier than I expected, but also lighter. There felt like less weapons than I was told that would be coming. Travis saw my confusion, and he shrugged his shoulders. “We’re having some… problems. This is all we could get in such a short notice,” He said with a sigh. I nodded, watching him fold his arms and look away. When he didn’t leave, I suspected he was here for something else as well.

          “Anything else?” I asked. Travis shook his head, slowly. I nodded again. Why are you standing there like an idiot, then? I sighed, deciding to give him no other options. “Well, I have work to do. Appreciate it,” I mumbled, shutting the door. He stuck his foot in right before I shut it, staring up at me with cold, dark eyes. He pushed on the door, shaking his head.

          “Can I help you?”

          “I don’t trust you.”

          I raised an eyebrow, chuckling. Well, that was obvious. Travis’ hand pushed against the door, both our strengths equaling. I shook my head, dropping my hand. “Did Roy say somethin’ to you?” He shook his head. What the hell did you do now? Did you kill his mother? I chuckled again. They must hire people on a strict, who hates me, policy. Either that, or they have a fan club.

          I’d love to see those meetings.

          I laughed again to myself. Travis sneered, stepping further through the door, in case I tried to shut it on him. “No, Roy didn’t say anything. He has his own reasons for hating you. I don’t know you, but I don’t trust you. Whatever you’re up to, I’m one step ahead.” I snorted, smirking humorously. Travis continued to snarl at me, his anger rising every time I laughed. It was impossible not to find what he said funny. The fact that all of these men had beef with me, and I had no idea about it, was funny.

          They were all equal to me in size. I know that I had more experience fighting then they did. Roy had something on me that I didn’t notice. Travis was just bothered by my presence. More reason to believe that they were up to something more than killing vampires.

          And I coulda told you that, buddy.

          I rolled my eyes, looking back at Travis. He wormed his way over the threshold, but still had one foot out the door. He was ready to bolt if anything went wrong. The way he stood suggested that he wasn’t looking for a fight. But if he tried anything, I would be one step of him. Whatever he thought he had on me was nonexistent. “I don’t know what I did to make you get the wrong idea about me,” I mumbled. Travis shook his head.

          What is this kid up to?

          I shrugged, continue to stare down at him. Travis’ brown eyes stared, narrowed as he snarled. He would be an attractive man, if it weren’t for his bored expressions. His hand tightened into a fist down by his sides, while the other pushed on the door. Even when he slouched, he was still not tall enough to look directly into my eyes. His muscles were visible through his shirt, but he still wasn’t as big as I first suspected. The way he carried himself made it seem like he was bigger than he really was.

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