Back in Business

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          Angel can in the next morning with a smile on her face. She was acting differently than she did the day before. She must have made her decision. I was thinking about it all night last night. I’d made my own decision as well. She was going to be very important to me. Once this was done, I wouldn’t be able to turn back from it. I was ready for it, but a part of me was going to change. I was going to be different. Finally, I had a second chance to change. Or become a bigger part of what I once was. I was going to make decisions for my own self.

          Angel approached me, kissing me quickly. I kissed back, running a hand through her long hair. She grabbed my hand, letting out a soft chuckle. Her lips twisted into a think smile that I knew all too well. She was definitely in the best mood possible. How could she not be? I had given her all that she wanted. Which was me. Now she was happier than anyone could be. She’d gotten what she wanted. She’d gotten the whole world on her shoulders, and her smile showed it.

          "Are you ready?"

          Angel raised an eyebrow, her fangs protruding from her lips. I nodded slowly, reaching down to take her opposite hand. She squeezed it, smiling gently. Her eyes pierced through me, making me smirk. "I love you, Booker," She breathed. I nodded, leaning close and pressing my lips to hers. She could tell me she loved me. She could tell me every day.

          "I love you too."

          The redness to her cheeks made me chuckle. That was the first time I'd seen her blush in weeks. It was a nice change. It was also the first time I’d told her that. It felt like I meant it. Sighing again, I watched as she fingered my neck for a specific spot. I watched her, shuddering from her cold touch. She was always scary when her fangs came and she fed. I'd only seen it once. Today, I didn't want to see a second of it. She looked up at me, nodding her head.

          "Are you sure?" She asked again. I nodded once more, turning my head a bit for her to get a better reach. This position felt awkward, but in a few short minutes it would be over. This would be pain that I'd never felt before. I could take it. I've taken so much worse. In the end, the pain would be worth it. This pain would be different, and I knew that. But thinking I could handle it... was the best I could do.

          Angel's lips pressed against my neck, and I could feel her sharp fangs poking the skin. She breathed a sigh, her eyes looking to me once more. The woman I felt something for now was a vampire. I didn't believe in these things at first, but now... they were a part of me. At least now I'd have somewhere I belonged to. A place that I wasn’t blamed for being myself, or given an option to choose between two worlds that weren’t no different a similar than the others. I’d have a real part of myself that I could be proud of.

          When she bit down, it was a shock of pain. The sound of her feeding was a fast, quick inhale of liquid. Looking away, I ignored the pain that edged at me. There wasn't anything I couldn't handle now. I was numb once again. Angel finished, lifting her head, and pressing her lips. "It'll take a second for it to take effect," She said, "And you'll probably lose consciousness for a few minutes." I nodded, feeling something running through my veins. It was hot and burning through the skin. She suppressed a smile, her eyes returning to their normal blue.

          "It'll be amazing... once it's over."

          "Yeah, I bet."

          She chuckled, shaking her head. "You're still a smart ass, even when you're about to die," She said. I nodded, smirking a bit. When the pain hit, it was a fast rush. I winced, feeling the hot blood starting to burn my skin. Angel gasped, holding my head as I flattered. I tried to stay strong through it. The pain was quick, but it left me breathless. I did move in and out of consciousness, but only for a moment. My new self came quickly. The change was hard, but I was ready for it. Each part of me was becoming a different being. When the fangs started to grow through my gums, I groaned and rubbed the spot they came from. Angel watched with a small smile, squeezing my hand through it all.

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