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After the life we’ve been through, I know there’s no life after you

It was only two days before I was leaving to work abroad in Spain for the rest of the next month. What better way to celebrate then with my best friends? Everyone was there; Taylor and Ashley, Frankie, Stefan and Ava, even Dylan was there.

We were all sat at the table, sharing old stories, telling jokes and just reminiscing.

“Remember the water gun fight?” Frankie laughed.

Making us all laugh with him. “It was like we were invaded” Ashley laughed.

“That’s when you and Dylan got together wasn’t it?” Ava questioned looking at me.

Ava is quite new to everything still, she only recently started dating Stefan and we welcomed her with open arms, probably a bit to open.

Dylan smiled at me; I smiled back and then looked at Ava.

“Yeah it’s when we started getting close, we were never officially together” I smiled back.

“It would have been incredible to have you there” Stefan promised, trying to smooth over the sore subject.

I mouthed ‘thank you’ to Stefan when nobody was looking and he nodded once back at me.

This evening had to be imperfectly perfect, having to sit across the table from an incredible hot person that I am attracted to in so many ways sucked.

What also sucked was that every time I picked up my glass to drink wine, he did too. Plus, every time I looked at him, he would look at me too. It felt impossible to not be all over him right now.

My day dreaming was interrupted by how Taylor raised his voice to finish of his speech, that I didn’t pay attention to at all.

“We ended the first night letting out balloons in the air as lanterns and just doing what we do best” he explained to Ava

“Living in the moment” Dylan concluded for Taylor.

I smiled who responding winking her left eye at me.

“So I do have a few questions” Ava giggled with the wine glass in her hand.

I smiled, but also felt a big butterfly appear in my stomach assuming it’ll be about me and Dylan. Dylan looked at me then back at Ava, he knew. I looked at Ashley and Taylor holding hands at the table, he held her hand tighter than how he did before. Stefan smiled at me and placed his arm around Ava’s chair. Frankie, who was sat next to me, placed a hand on my leg signalling that it would be okay. I looked at him and he nodded slightly, but not enough for everyone to realise.

 “Go for it” Dylan laughed, taking a sip from his wine glass.

There was no hesitation from Ava, she could be as open as she liked with us and she knew it.

“Neavie and Dylan aren’t together at all” she stated

Everyone at the table nodded, including me. “No we aren’t” Dylan reassured her.

“But you both totally are hot for each other” she grinned.

“I think that’s enough alcohol” Stefan laughed, taking the glass from her hand and placing it onto the table.

“No it’s true” Ashley encouraged Ava.

Frankie was holding my hand under the table as a form of support; he kept squeezing it tighter and tighter.

“They do, well they are hot for each other Ava” Taylor agreed, supporting his girlfriend.

“Its jut not as easy as it seems because they both are going through separate paths at the moment” Frankie said, squeezing my hand a little more tightly.

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