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Chiron's grief was overwhelming. The faces of those he lost flashed across his vision. He couldn't sleep. He couldn't eat. He could only remember the look on each of their faces as they passed onto the next world, as the light of life left their eyes.

"Why are you helping me?" Chiron asked no one in particular. Each of the Seven was standing around him fighting off attacker after attacker.

"They know what you do for people like us," Percy had said in the heat of the battle. He motioned to the other six demigods surrounding him. "They know how you train us. How you teach us how to survive. You save lives, Chiron."

"We're just some random kids, Chiron," Annabeth had said.

"Not to me," He'd replied quickly. "You're my kids. All of you. You can't do this."

Annabeth smiled. "We're just some heroes passing through, like all of the others. We're part of a system, Chiron. We all move on at some point. Our time is now."

Chiron shook his head. He tried to move, but his injuries kept him grounded. "Not now. You have more life to live. It's not your time."

Suddenly Leo was there, grinning goofily. "How in Hades could you know when our time has come, old man?"

It was Piper's turn now. "Chiron, let us do this. We want to do this. You need to b here to watch over the other campers, present and future. They need you."

The Romans Chiron had only been introduced to briefly, Hazel, Frank and Jason, all turned around. Hazel was the first to speak. "Percy told us what you did for him. For the heroes before him."

"The Gods placed you in this cap for a reason, Sir," Frank added.

"We intend to keep you here,"Jason finally added.

The enemy forces were becoming too strong. The seven wouldn't be able to hold them off much longer unless they did something drastic.

Jason turned to Percy. "One last hurrah?"

Percy grinned the same grin Chiron had seem him wear since he came to camp when he was 11. "One last hurrah."

The boys joined hands. Jason looked to the heavens while Percy looked to the lake several hundred yards to his left. The remaining demigods joined hands with the boys, creating a defensive ring around the centaur.

"No, Percy! Jason! Stop! You're already severely injured, summoning that much power will surely kill you!"

The boys didn't listen. Storm clouds appeared and lightning flashed. The lake had risen higher than the Big House, and seemed to be making its way across the land to where the demigods stood.

"Please," Chiron pleaded. His voice came out a whisper. "Please, no."

"Thank you, Chiron," He heard Annabeth mumble. Then all Hades broke loose.

The water from the lake fell onto the approaching enemies, fully submerging them. They screamed and thrashed as they were thrown about by the water's current. Before any of them could escape, jagged bolts of electricity cut through the water, electrocuting anyone who hadn't already drowned.

Just as quickly as the water and weather appeared, the enemy was defeated. The skies cleared and the water fell back into the lake.

Chiron looked at the demigods surrounding him. All were flat on their backs. None were breathing. Percy's eyes were still open, glossed over and trained at the sky.

"They...They somehow gave their remaining energy to Percy and Jason," Chiron whispered to himself. "Hazel, Frank, Annabeth, Piper and Leo gave them the power to finish the fight. They all saved me. And now they're gone."

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