New Pets*

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Leo hadn't been able to have pets growing up.

While he lived with his mother, the two of them barely got by on her mechanic salary alone. She'd always been loving and had gotten him most anything he could ever need or want, but that didn't stretch to animals. A pet would have just been another mouth to feed, and it wasn't financially possible.

Not to mention the fact that Leo had never stayed in one foster home long enough to warrant adopting a pet. Who would take care of it whe he inevitably jumped ship and once again ended up on the streets?

So you can bet your bottom drachma that once Leo had the chance, he got himself a pet. The perfect animal companion came to him on a sunny beach somewhere in Europe. It was during his quest with the other six demigods of the prophecy, or as Leo liked to call them, his Homies.

They'd parked the Argo II a few meters above the beach to make some much needed repairs. He'd also figured the other members of his crew could use a break from traveling; Percy had become unreasonably antsy, and was trying to spar with just about everyone on the ship. Jason was exhausted from defending the ship from any aerial threats for the last several days. Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Annabeth hadn't done any verbal complaining, but he knew they'd appreciate some rest as well. Coach Hedge was unbearably energetic, as always.

Leo hung out by a large patch of barnacle-crusted rocks while everyone else moved about and did their own thing. Most of the girls were laying on the sand in their bathing suits, trying to soak up as much sun as possible. Jason and Percy had swum out into the water as far as Jason was willing, and Percy was controlling the waves so the two of them could surf without actual surfboards. It was interesting to watch; Jason continuously slid and fell off of the flattened patch of water Percy had created for him. Percy himself simply stood atop the water like some sort of sick imitation of Jesus and just laughed at his friend as he struggled.

Coach Hedge stood off to the side, hooves in the water, yelling at the waves as they lapped against the shore "No! That wasn't hard enough! More splashing!"

Frank, however, was currently walking in Leo's direction. Frank didn't seem like much of a beach-lovin' guy, if his cargo pants and t-shirt were any indication. He obviously had no intention of joining any of the festivities.

"My dearest Frank," Leo said as Frank took a seat on a nearby boulder, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Not a huge beach guy," he said simply. "Salt water tastes bad, and the sand is hot."

Leo shrugged. "Fair enough."

"What about you?" Frank asked. "Why aren't you out there with them?"

"The reason we stopped in the first place was to make repairs. I just came down to check on everyone. I'm heading back up to the ship in a minute to start working."

Frank nodded. "Makes sense." He paused for a moment, evidently pondering his next words carefully. "Let me know if you need any help."

The offer surprised Leo enough that he almost didn't feel the tickling sensation run across the top of his hand.

"Thanks, man, I appreciate- gah! What in Hades?" Leo picked his hand up just in time for a small, green iguana to scuttle off of it and onto his leg.

Frank huffed a laugh. "Looks like you have a little friend."

If Leo was being honest, the Iguana really was quite cute. It was small and scaly, its big beady eyes looking directly at Leo. A long pink tongue shot out of its mouth, then quickly curled back in on itself.

This is my chance at a pet, Leo thought. The thing literally crawled into my lap.

"I'm keeping him," Leo said firmly. "He's mine. We're homies, now. Right, little man?"

The iguana just stuck its tongue out again.

"You got a name for it?" Frank asked.

Leo eyed Frank, his bow and quiver that he carried everywhere, his centurion badge pinned to the collar of his t-shirt. He thought back to Atlanta, when Frank had brought back a pair of Chinese handcuffs from an aquarium and couldn't find out how to escape them, so he simply changed himself into an iguana to escape. In fact, he'd changed himself into an iguana that looked rather similar to the one on Leo's leg...

"Frank," Leo stated simply. "I'm naming him Frank. You guys have a few things in common."

Frank frowned. "Do not."

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