I wanna feel love: Part 7

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When John woke up the next morning, Freddie had already been up. The phone had only rung twice before John got up to answer it.

"Hullo.." a sleepy voice came out of his mouth.

"Morning!!!" Roger cheered from the other side "Why are you still sleeping? It's a wonderful day!!"

The sound of the roaring thunder bit John's reply in velocity. He yawned and imagined Roger having a smug look on his face "enjoying London's weather, aren't you?" he laughed.

"Shut uuup.." John managed through yawns "How was your night with your girl Rog?" he asked.

Roger laughed loudly at his 'girl- remark' "well..it was p-e-r-f-e-c-t if you must know, Sherlock! How was yours? How's Freddie today?"

"I haven't seen him yet..He must have gone in his room while I was still sleeping.."

"What do you mean?"

"We fell asleep on the couch" John said casually.

"TOGETHER?" Roger screamed through the phone "in each other's arms?"

"Something like that.." John smiled. His brain had started working, after Roger's yell, remembering last night with Freddie.

"Oh my God!!" Roger squealed in excitement "ok, ok you have to tell me everything!"

"Rog.. take it easy..will you?" he tried to suppress a laugh "we only talked for.. casual stuff and we happened to fall asleep on the couch.. that's all"

"Oh nooo don't 'that's all' me Deaky! You sound quite excited..tell me, what happened? Did you hug him? Did he hug you? Did you spoon him to sleep or.. did it happen the other way around? Oh oh! Did you sleep face to face? Were you on-"

"Rog stop it! Will you?" John laughed.

"Were you on your boxers Deaky?" Roger's tone sounded naughty enough to John.

"Why don't you go and bother Brian, Roggie?" he laughed again.

"Aww you're no fun!" Roger whined and John imagined him to pout his lips and cross his hands on his chest. "Ok just tell me this. Did you get a hard on?"

"Roger!" John exclaimed as if he was offended.

"You little devil!! You did get a hard on!" Roger was now screaming again...

"Bye bye Rog!" John laughed and hung up the phone.

John's cheeks were still blushing at Roger's questions. "How could he guess?" he wondered.

It was true though. John did have to rush out of the sitting room last night, to keep his arousal secret from Freddie. He had stopped paying attention to the movie when Freddie fully entangled himself around his torso and it got worse when Freddie rested his elegant hand, comfortably, on his lower stomach.

"Thank God he kept fidgeting in his seat and.. I was able to.. to pretend to straighten my t-shirt on my..hmm" he smiled.

Having a boner because of Freddie wasn't new to John. It had happened countless times to him. Most of them when they were on stage, watching Freddie perform and be so fucking sexy and hot... thankfully he was playing a bass and not a violin!

It took him a long time to learn how to hide it from others and especially from Freddie but he still had enough to learn, considering his latest one... when he had to flee out of the room to get rid of his erection. At first, he tried to forget about it.. thinking it would go away..but with Freddie so fucking close to him, touching him, feeling his hot breath on his neck.. it was impossible to forget about it.

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